Seeing Sakura looking at him stubbornly with a serious face, Ino sighed helplessly and had no choice but to nod.

Seeing this, Sakura smiled and slapped Ino's cheek, leaving Ino with a flushed face and a beating heart, turned around and slipped to the closet, and began to prepare the things needed for going out.

After a long time, Ino let out a sigh, watching Sakura preparing for the trip with full of expectation, and said in his heart: "I really fell in love with two people, the ones I shouldn't like the most, huh."

into the night.

On the table.

Naruto confessed to Hinata who was sitting next to him about his upcoming trip, and said that the matter was related to Ino, and that as long as it happened, Ino would give up on him.

Hinata nodded slightly and said nothing.

She has decided to give Naruto enough trust. While working hard to improve herself, she will take care of Naruto, let Naruto eat and dress well, and put her heart in her stomach for the rest.

Sometimes, not fighting is fighting.

Hinata doesn't trust Sakura and Ino, two vixens who like Naruto.

She believed in Naruto, as long as Naruto was not tempted, no matter how many girls came, it would be useless.

the next day.

Naruto got up early, and he didn't dream of Sakura last night. Sure enough, it was a Feng Shui problem.

Living in Sasuke's house, he encountered strange things frequently, and living back to his original home, he slept soundly this time.

Carp straightened up and jumped up from the bed.

Sasuke stopped sleeping on the floor and slept in the closet, which started the day before yesterday.

Yawning and stretching, Naruto looked for the movement and walked to the kitchen. He was surprised to see Sasuke wearing an apron, making breakfast in front of the stove.

He has been doing it for the past few days, and Sasuke didn't say a word, why today?

"Uh, Sasuke, you got up so early." Naruto said.

Sasuke, who turned his back on Naruto, was expressionless, just doing his own thing.

After Naruto went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and washed his face, a sumptuous breakfast was set on the dining table, with a combination of meat and vegetables, a generous sandwich, and an indescribable cow's milk extract that was highly nutritious.

This breakfast looks simple, but it is very reasonable, nutritious, delicious, full, and taken care of.

"I'm starting." Naruto said, picked up the sandwich and opened his mouth for a third, and said vaguely: "Sasuke, let me come to breakfast, you usually practice so hard, you still need to rest more. Make up for it."

"You don't know why I sleep in the closet?" Sasuke said with a cold face, "Hmph, the difference in sleep is like that. If I can sleep well, it's the real weird thing."

"No way, I don't sleep well? Why don't I know?" Naruto was surprised.

"You're already asleep, so of course you won't know." Sasuke said angrily.

Dare to love because he made Sasuke sleep badly, Naruto was a little embarrassed.

He wanted to help Ino chase Sakura, pry away Sasuke's wife, and wanted to take over Sasuke's breakfast as compensation, but unexpectedly, he was the one who took care of him.

After half a minute of silence, Naruto mentioned that in the next few days, he would go out of the village to perform a mission, together with Sakura and Ino, he was going to help, and he would be back soon.

Sasuke's cold face from beginning to end was indifferent.

After Naruto finished his breakfast, tidied up and left, Sasuke changed a bit, he sat at the dining table in a daze.

It's true that Naruto was annoying to live here, but they were different, but they had similar painful experiences, so Sasuke couldn't hate Naruto at all.

And there is also a faint expectation that Naruto will come, and there is such a person who understands each other's pain whispering in his ear, so that he will not be so lonely.

"Heh, this kind of friendship is just a drag on me. My goal is revenge." Sasuke shook his head, regaining his indifference.

He took out the garbage that had accumulated for a day and threw it away. When he came back, he subconsciously glanced at the calendar and his eyes shifted sideways.

Naruto said he was going to leave for a few days, but when will he come back?

The mountain behind the leaves.

Naruto didn't keep Naruto waiting for a long time, and Sakura and Ino came together early in the morning around [-]:[-] or [-]:[-].

"Agreed?" Naruto said.

"En." Sakura nodded; "I seldom go out of the village, and I've wanted to go outside for a long time."

Naruto nodded secretly. It seems that Ino is not completely useless, but he still has the ability to persuade people, which can make Xiao Sakura, a cultivator, temporarily put down his cultivation and instead perform a useless collection task with little commission.

"Before we set off, I have to make sure, Sakura, your Flying Thunder God, can you take someone with you, the key point is whether you can take me." Naruto said.

The incident in the cafeteria just happened a few days ago, which made Naruto somewhat embarrassed towards Kami Sakura, but seeing Sakura's usual expression, it seemed that she didn't take the matter of her first kiss to heart, and Naruto couldn't help but think deeply.

Is it because Sakura's masculinity is too high, she doesn't care about the details, and doesn't care about the first kiss?

Or was this first kiss already given to Sasuke at some point?

Or, as a medical ninja, he is already mentally prepared to perform artificial respiration to save lives if necessary?

The specific reason is unknown, after all, Naruto can't read minds.

"It's possible." When talking about business, Sakura is very serious; "I don't have a deep grasp of Flying Thunder God, and I can't apply it to actual combat. It's just a piece of cake to take people across and hurry."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

seeing is believing.

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