The nine-tailed chakra broke out, killing the last few electric eels, leaving dozens of electric eel corpses at the bottom of the lake, and Naruto went upstream.

He hugged the unconscious Ino with one hand, and put on a chakra coat for her to avoid severe drowning.

Then, rush out of the water with all your strength.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The water exploded.

Sakura who was absent-mindedly cooking, her eyes blurred, and she felt a slight tremor on the ground.

Looking intently, I saw Naruto whose whole body was covered with golden flame-like chakra, shining golden light, even more handsome than she had dreamed of in her dream.

Then there was Ino, eyes closed, hair wet, unconscious, lying on a mat laid on the ground.

Sakura was stunned for about two seconds, and immediately dropped the spatula and pan in her hand, and ran over.

"There are electric eels in the lake, and Ino was affected by the electric current." Before Sakura could ask what happened, Naruto took the initiative.

Animals in the ninja world are generally very large, and there is a feeling of mutation. The smallest of these electric eels are five meters long, and the largest, according to Naruto's visual inspection, is about ten meters long. The voltage they can release is also unexpected. big.

Naruto's defense is exaggerated, these electric currents have no effect on him, they can't even make him feel numb.

For other people, this voltage is not so simple, and ordinary people will die if they touch it.

Ino is a ninja, and his physique is far superior to that of ordinary people. In addition, when he was swept by the electric shock, his body reflexively refined chakra to help buffer it. If not, Ino's fate would be even worse.

After hearing Naruto's explanation, knowing what caused it, Sakura slapped herself hard on the face to calm herself down, and then immediately started first aid.

"Naruto, help me get the medicine in my backpack, the red bottle and the pink bottle." Sakura said.

Naruto immediately went to get it, and at the same time, Sakura performed artificial respiration on Ino and pressed her heart and lungs, silently counting the times in her heart, keeping in mind what was written in the book.

After Naruto brought the two bottles, Sakura took it and was about to take off Ino's swimsuit when she suddenly thought of something and looked at Naruto, "Turn around, don't peek."

Not knowing what Sakura was going to do, but guessing that it was inconvenient for him to see the scene, Naruto nodded, turned his back, and asked, "Do you need Chakra? I'll give you Nine-Tails' Chakra."

"I don't know if that kind of chakra can be used in medical ninjutsu, forget it." Sakura was a little moved, but shook her head and refused: "My chakra is barely enough, let's talk about not enough."

So far, no more words, Naruto waited quietly.

I could hear the sound of the swimsuit being unbuttoned, and the sound of the knife cutting the skin. This time felt extremely long.

I don't know how long it has passed, but suddenly, Ino called out loudly, and when she woke up, she kept coughing, and then quickly realized what she looked like, including Naruto who was standing not far away, with his back to her.

His face flushed instantly.

"This! What's going on! Me!"

"I didn't see it, don't worry." Naruto said.

Ino looked at Sakura, who nodded.

Even so, Ino couldn't help being shy. She was already embarrassed in front of boys in a swimsuit, but now she doesn't even have a swimsuit.

Then, there was a faint dissatisfaction, the attitude of turning a blind eye to Naruto, the performance, dissatisfaction.

Isn't she beautiful?Not pretty?Not good looking?Why not take a peek?Just because of aesthetic fatigue?For the first time, Ino felt resentment towards the decompression workshop, photo studio, and magazine office that caused Naruto to be like this.

Eh, that's not right, Sakura said she didn't watch it, did she really not watch it?It is entirely possible that Naruto secretly took a look or two when Sakura was not paying attention.

Thinking of this, Ino was happy, and then felt both shy and annoyed by his uncontrollable thoughts.

"Okay." Sakura said; "You can turn around now."

Hearing this, Naruto turned around and saw Ino sitting on the duck, looking down at his fingers.

While Sakura was relieved, she felt very tired. In order to save Ino, she consumed a considerable amount of chakra for her.

"Then, let me cook the rice, Sakura, and you accompany this pig." Naruto said, especially on the word "pig", he emphasized his tone.

Ino puffed up his face and wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute, but the truth was, because of her again, he messed up the matter.

If she doesn't go into the water, then Naruto can fish up the statue and the letter after dealing with those electric eels.

The current situation is not suitable for doing that kind of thing again. Didn't you see Xiao Ying lying beside her tiredly, looking like she wanted to sleep?

"That's great." Sakura said; "It's only been a few days, and your relationship has become so close, so close that you have such an intimate nickname."

Ino was taken aback, looked at Sakura who was holding her forehead with one hand, couldn't see her expression clearly, and had a low voice, and then glanced at Naruto who was processing ingredients and making lunch not far away.

She took out a towel from her backpack and wrapped it around her body, laying down beside Sakura, and said in a low voice, "No such thing, this is not intimacy, he thinks I'm stupid and always doing bad things."

"I also think he can give me a nickname, an intimate nickname." Sakura said: "Anyway, this is a unique proof, isn't it?"

Ino opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

The truth of the matter is not like this, the reason why Naruto and her get closer, at least on the surface, is all to facilitate her to chase Sakura.

However, in Sakura's eyes, it was Ino, a latecomer, who was the first to get treatment with Naruto that she and Hinata did not have, an exclusive nickname.

Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, this is something insignificant, isn't it just a title?But in the eyes of those who really care, this is very important and very envious.

"Ino, how did you do it? Well, yes, can you teach me? I, too, would like to," Sakura said shyly.

"Sorry, I..." Ino was silent for a while, then said with a dry smile, "I don't understand very well."

"Really? I was thinking too much." Sakura thought about it. Ino was able to get Naruto's favor. This is his ability, charm, and they are rivals in love. Why should she tell her?

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