And isn't she the one who proposes fair competition?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ying turned her back and said that I am so sleepy, I don't want to eat lunch, so don't call me, if this is the case, there will be no more movement.

"No, Sakura, you misunderstood, I, Naruto and I have nothing to do at all." These words can only be thought in the heart, Ino can't say it.

If she couldn't confess her feelings to Sakura, she couldn't explain her relationship with Naruto.

Although it is true that she has a little affection for Naruto, but what she really likes is Sakura.

After thinking about it, Ino took the initiative to lean over and hugged Sakura from behind; "I won't lie to you, I really don't understand, but I will help you."

Sakura, who hadn't slept in the first place and couldn't sleep due to complicated thoughts, trembled when she heard Ino's words.

Is this the difference between sister and sister?

Ino has always wanted to help her, but she was worried, afraid that Naruto would be snatched away by Ino and preempted by Ino.

Not far away, Naruto, who was cooking, took a look and found that Ino had already hugged Sakura, and he said in his heart, this has already started, as expected of Ino.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

into the night.

Still on the shores of this lake.

Next to the campfire, there are two small tents that have been built.

The three of them didn't leave, and the statue and letter were under the lake, which was a very important part of the plan.

It took a lot of money to prepare it, and Naruto was reluctant to throw it away, at least to let these things have their due value.

As soon as dinner was over, Naruto slipped away alone, stole the crystal ball, and ran into the woods.

Pretending to be convenient, in fact, he was hitting himself with the big jade spiral pill composed of chakra with nine-tailed chakra and wind attribute to increase the ninja value.

On the one hand, he watched Sakura and Ino through the crystal ball, and once they were about to come over, he would stop this behavior immediately.

At the same time, Sakura and Ino, who were staying in the tent and pretending to be chatting, did not pay attention to speaking. Their spirits were connected and they talked directly in spirit.

"You mean, Naruto is using that strange ball to peek at us?" Ino said.

"En." Xiao Sakura nodded; "I and Li Ying are connected, that's what she told me."

"Is that so." Ino pondered; "Then you go take a bath now and pretend you don't know he's watching."

"Wha!" Sakura was shocked, more shy, it's okay if she didn't know, knowing that Naruto was watching, how could she be embarrassed.

"Anyway, he is also a boy, and you are so beautiful, Sakura, can he resist watching?" Ino said: "As long as he reads it and is fascinated by you, isn't this a good start? Don't hesitate, think about it." Miss Hinata, this time I finally had such an opportunity, would you be willing to miss it?"

Sakura was silent for a long time, she blushed and nodded vigorously.

Separated from Ino's spiritual connection, took a change of clothes and towels, shampoo and soap, and walked to the lake.

Under the reflection of the moonlight and the lake, Sakura stood there for about five minutes. Suddenly, she clenched her fists tightly, mustered up her courage, and began to unbutton her shirt.

Ino, who was still in the tent, thought to himself; "Although it's because of the decompression workshop, photo studio, and magazines that caused aesthetic fatigue, but Sakura, who is different from ordinary girls, should be able to arouse his interest."

Thinking of this, Ino was a little curious, so he lay down, pretending to be taking a nap, then left his body mentally and went to where Naruto was.

I saw Naruto hitting himself with an oversized spiral pill, while staring at the crystal ball intently.

"Hehe, sure enough, it's a boy, how could he not care about girls." Ino thought to himself, deliberately ignoring the slight discomfort in his heart.

As for whether this discomfort is caused by Naruto looking at Sakura, or whether Sakura is being watched by Naruto, it is unknown.

Then, her eyes naturally fell on the crystal ball, and she thought to herself that it would not be a loss to appreciate Sakura's heroic appearance.

"!?" Ino asked.

No way, why didn't you look at Sakura taking a bath in the lake, instead you looked at her who was motionless.

Does Naruto like her?Thinking of this, Ino's heartbeat involuntarily accelerated.

Don't worry about this being the spiritual body, where is the heart? It's just such a throbbing feeling.

Satoshi is no longer there, and when Naruto shifted the perspective of the crystal ball to Ino, Sato left.

"It's not good, now, how should I explain to Sakura?" Ino felt his head was big for a moment, took a deep look at Naruto, and returned to the tent, into his own body.

Not long after, Sakura, who was perfunctory, got into the tent without even brushing her hair, and lay on the side without saying a word.

This incident dealt a big blow to her, and she had already mustered up the courage to go all out. Naruto chose to look at Ino and not her.

"Why? Why is it always being preempted by others? Obviously, obviously I came first, Hinata is, and Ino is too, why?" Sakura curled up, her heart clenched into a ball.

"Sakura." Ino said softly, "Lie down and sleep without drying your hair, which will increase the chance of getting gout. Get up and dry your hair before going to sleep."

Sakura didn't move.

Ino dug out his dry towel from his backpack, ready to wipe it for Sakura.

As soon as her hand touched Xiao Ying's pink hair, before she had time to wipe it, she heard Xiao Ying say sullenly: "I, I want to be alone, don't talk to me."

Ino didn't listen, he gently held Sakura's head, rested it on his lap, and carefully brushed her hair bit by bit.

"It's so beautiful. Sakura's hair has been taken care of since she was a child, and she can't give up halfway."

When her hair was about to dry, Sakura whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm not in a good mood. I'm not mad at you."

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