Ino was stunned for a moment, smiled softly, smoothed his hair with a comb, and stroked Sakura's cheek.

"I know, it doesn't matter if you are angry with me. I am willing to be your punching bag. If it is Sakura, no matter what I do, I will not be angry."

After leaving these words, Ino got up and got out of the tent, put on his shoes, and ran straight to where Naruto was.

Unaware that his secret had been known by the two girls, Naruto saw Ino running towards this side through the crystal ball, quickly closed the crystal ball, put it away, and squatted in the grass again, pretending to be convenient.

"Don't get close, it's convenient for me." Naruto said.

Ino sensed it and made sure that Sakura's spirit body did not follow, she approached slowly; "What's the matter? I don't dislike you."

Knowing that Naruto was pretending, Ino was right.

Now, it's Naruto's turn to be overwhelmed, so he can't deal with this kind of very active girl, how can he be careless when a boy is convenient, and don't care about approaching.

Fortunately, Ino didn't really walk into the grass, she stopped outside the grass, with one hand on her hip.

"Naruto, I've thought about it. It's up to me to approach Sakura unilaterally. No matter how intimate my behavior is, they are just normal sisters and best friends. There are some things that I can't say to Sakura because we are too familiar. You can." Ino said with a smile: "After you finish, can I ask you to talk to Sakura? Don't talk about Sasuke, don't talk about me, just talk about her, maybe, when you know Sakura enough, What better way can you think of?"

"Not talking about Sasuke, not talking about you, what are we talking about?" Naruto said: "Besides, I'm not good at chatting with girls, I feel like I have nothing to say."

"Idiot, I didn't ask you to say it. As an audience, just listen to Sakura's words with your heart." Ino said.

"Oh, that's fine." Naruto thought for a while, listening to Sakura's words, it's not difficult, and he really needs to know Sakura better, so that he can better promote Ino and Sakura.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ino turned around and left, looking at the back very briskly, how complicated her mood was, maybe even Ino herself couldn't tell clearly.

As for Naruto, after Ino left, he waited a little longer before setting off to return.

Seeing that Ino came back, he knew that he specially took the opportunity to chat with Sakura.

Thinking that there are many shadow clones patrolling around here, and the chakra perception is continuously activated throughout the day, and the possibility of encountering danger is very small, Naruto didn't think much, and went directly to the tent where Sakura was.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

in the tent.

"What am I doing? Ino, she has been helping me, and she wants to help me all the time, how can I face her with a cold face." Xiao Ying lay on her stomach, her face buried in the pillow, regretting her behavior just now.

Although she has apologized, she is still in a bad mood.

Apart from her parents, the best person in the world to her is Ino, but because of jealousy and discomfort, she doesn't care about Ino's mood, and gives Ino a cold face.

Even when Ino was about to wipe her hair, he said: "I want to be alone, don't talk to me." Such words.

Maybe it's okay to say such things in normal times, or to insignificant people, but it is undoubtedly very hurtful to say it to someone who cares about you.

She has always been a younger sister with peace of mind, accepting Ino's unilateral care and accommodating, but still like this, Sakura, hates herself.

"Sakura, are you asleep?" Naruto asked, his voice very soft.

Sakura, who was thinking about how to apologize to Ino and said sorry, heard Naruto's voice, bounced up, and subconsciously touched the hair rope next to the pillow, and tied her pink hair skillfully and swiftly. Single ponytail.

He lowered his head to check what he was wearing, it was ok, there was no problem, then he unzipped the tent and poked his head out; "No, what's the matter?"

"If you're not sleepy, come chat?" Naruto invited.

Sakura's eyes widened slightly, and she froze for almost four seconds, almost five seconds.

"Wait, wait a minute."

After the words fell, he retracted his head again and zipped the tent again.

After a while of rustling, it took about two minutes for Sakura to change into a tracksuit with the same style as Naruto, only different in color. This is a light pink tracksuit, which matches her pink hair very well.

After coming out, he pinned the bangs in front of his forehead with a hairpin and rubbed his face.

Ever since she fell in love with Naruto, Sakura has never used anything with a strong fragrance, including shampoo, soap, toothpaste, and perfume.

I don't know why Naruto is allergic to perfume, Sakura will try her best to avoid stepping on Naruto's minefield, she will try her best to do what she likes, and stay away from what she hates.

"Let's go." Sakura smiled.

Naruto nodded, and walked in front first, after a few steps, he suddenly felt his clothes being pulled, looking back, it was Sakura's right hand, grabbing the corner of his clothes.

"I'm a bit night-blind, and I can't see clearly at night." Facing Naruto's suspicious eyes, Sakura lied.

"What? Night blindness?" Naruto was taken aback.

"Well, sometimes it's serious, and sometimes it's better. It's random." Sakura said.

Sakura has night blindness, how can this be fixed?Naruto looked at the corner of the clothes that was being held by Sakura, he didn't make any physical contact, didn't say anything, and continued to walk forward, and Sakura followed behind.

It is very likely that the grasping hand will be rejected, like holding arms in a test of courage, that is even more impossible, and like this, just grabbing the corner of the clothes, plus the reason for night blindness, Sakura guessed it right, Naruto No rejection.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what your hobbies are?" Naruto said.

"Are you a hobby?" Sakura said, "Train yourself."

Quiet for a while.

"What else? That's it?" Naruto was stunned.

Sakura nodded.

"I thought" just as I was about to mention Sasuke, I suddenly thought of what Ino said. Without talking about Sasuke, Naruto changed the subject; "I thought your hobby was love, but I didn't expect it."

"That's right." Xiaoying said, "Love is the source of my spirit that allows me to exercise hard, not to be afraid of suffering, not to be afraid of being tired, and for the person I like, no matter how hard I work."

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