I'm sorry, Ino, I didn't mean to bring up Sasuke, Naruto thought to himself.

He shouldn't talk about hobbies, Sakura's interests and hobbies, who else but Sasuke?

The plot has not changed for so many years. After having a daughter Sasuke, Sasuke went home and was so excited that Sakura couldn't come back. Sakura, it can be said that she is chasing Sasuke with her life.

"Besides love and practice, do you have any other hobbies? For example, books to read in your spare time, games to play, snacks to eat, cooking and so on." Naruto said.

Why ask these?Sakura felt puzzled, and quickly realized, isn't this exactly why Naruto wants to understand her, to get to know her more deeply?Good thing.

Sakura, who figured this out, was very excited, and the previous bad mood was swept away.

Immediately tell what you like, your hobbies, in detail.

There is no storytelling, because I know that Naruto doesn't love Bai~Wan Xiao! Said.

Didn't mention games either, because Naruto doesn't like playing games.

Sakura only talked about snacks and cooking.

"Hey, our hobbies are pretty similar." Naruto said in surprise.

In the plot, it is not without reason that Naruto likes Sakura, because they have many common hobbies.

Because, what you like is what I like, Sakura thought in her heart.

Gradually, Naruto found that he had nothing to say. He didn't know what to ask Sakura. To know a person is to know her hobbies. I have already understood these, so what else do I need to know?

After thinking about it nerve-wrackingly, Naruto said, "Do you have something to say, or a question, that you want to tell me? I've always been the one talking."

Sakura followed behind Naruto, following in the footsteps of Naruto, from grabbing the corner of the clothes with one hand 5200 .bqg5200.biz to grabbing a corner of the clothes with both hands.

Sakura thought about Naruto's words for a while; "Do you like girls with long hair or short hair?"

"Long hair." Naruto thought that when Hinata grew up, wouldn't she have long hair?

It's long hair!Sakura was very pleasantly surprised, she just had long hair, and this hair was not left in vain.

What's more worthy of her deep thinking is that Hinata has short hair now, so Naruto doesn't like Hinata's hairstyle very much?

As if she was Sakura who discovered the new world, her mood was agitated, and she finally had the advantage over Hinata, Flying Thunder God, Spiritualization, and now she has to add a hairstyle.

"Then..." Sakura quickened her pace, overtook Naruto, and used her free left hand to lift the hem of the tracksuit, showing her lower abdomen; "Would it be ugly for a girl to have such obvious abdominal muscles?"

This is something Sakura has been worrying about for a long time.

She doesn't care what others think, she just wants to know what Naruto thinks.

As Quan Konoha, the only girl in the world of Quan Ninja who practiced Bamen Dunjia, worked hard to train her muscles and body.

If Naruto doesn't like it, then it's really hard for her to make up her mind to practice.

Originally, she worked hard to become stronger to help Naruto, so that she could gain Naruto's favor and love, but if Naruto hated her, what reason would she have to continue?

Strength has never been what she pursues, Naruto is.

"Why do you say that? I think it's very good." Naruto looked at Sakura in surprise, not understanding why she said it, whether it would be difficult to read this sentence; "abdominal muscles, vest line, this is not very good body?"

Xiao Ying stayed in place for a while, and when she came back to her senses, seeing Naruto who was close in front of her eyes, she couldn't help hugging him, and with a sip, it landed on Naruto's face.

Ino, who was circled around and walked back slowly, saw this scene.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was too sudden, and quite caught off guard, Naruto couldn't keep up with Sakura's thinking.

Didn't you just say that your abs are good?Why are you so happy.

Seeing that Sakura was about to come again, Naruto who reacted hurriedly pressed her face with one hand; "Shut up, I get it, you are very happy, let's express our happiness in another way, don't do this."

When Sakura is happy, she will poke others, this habit makes Naruto surprised.

According to Sakura's explanation, it's fine if they have a good relationship, and they are not particularly annoying. Before, they even kissed Ino in front of him.

Although he has already accepted that Sakura has this habit, Naruto's heart can't bear it if he is treated like this again.

"I'm sorry." Seeing that there was no way to continue, Sakura secretly thought it was a pity, and then said with a smile: "You have rekindled my confidence. Just now, I will treat it as a reward for you."

"Reward, you really dare to say it." Naruto was speechless; "I think it's better to change this habit, after all, you are also a girl, and it's fine with Ino, and me"

"It's okay, it's okay." Sakura smiled and gave her thumbs up; "We are good friends, it's okay."

Things have happened, what can be done?Cut off the kissed face?Not to mention whether it hurts or not, as long as you can cut it.

And as Sakura said, good friend.

Naruto stared fixedly at Sakura, and then smiled lightly for a while.

What happened just now, if it were Naruto in the plot, he would probably be too excited to sleep for several nights, but he would not, because he has self-knowledge.

At best, Sakura only regards him as a good friend, a fatal relationship, other than that, it will not rise to the category of love.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Naruto does not reject being with Sakura.

Because, two people who don't like each other, will not confuse their feelings, and are simply good friends, no matter how close they are, they will never make mistakes.

"Don't do this kind of thing again." Naruto said, and continued to walk forward.

Xiao Sakura smiled happily, and followed behind, continuing to grab Naruto's clothes.

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