"Who told you that Sakura is a medical ninja?" Ino said: "Sakura never said that she wanted to become a medical ninja, she practiced Bamen Dunjia hard, exercised desperately, practiced the art of flying thunder, and the art of spiritualization. Technique, all of this is to enhance strength and combat power, she wants to be an indispensable and inseparable existence beside the person she likes."

"Sasuke? Then your hope is even more slim?" Naruto said.

"I'm not in a hurry. Although I like Sakura very much, I want Sakura's wish to come true more than myself." Ino said, "Naruto, can the agreement between us be better?" Okay? Sakura doesn’t know how to get close to Sasuke, catch up with Sasuke, these are all problems caused by inexperience, you, pretend to be her boyfriend, let her experience it, this way”

"You want me to play Sasuke? No, no, no, I can't play it, and Sakura doesn't like me, so how can I get involved." Naruto shook his head repeatedly.

Before Jiraiya and Jiraiya set out to find Tsunade, Sakura vaguely mentioned this point. He refused at that time, so how can it be done now.

"Compared to letting me catch up with Sakura, it's obviously easier to just let you pretend to be her boyfriend, isn't it? You have the self-knowledge that Sakura doesn't like you, and your heart is still for Hinata, no Shaken, then" Ino said, "pretend, what's the point? Do you think that a fake show can come true? Do you think that Sakura will like you?"

Naruto was silent.

Ino continued to strike while the iron was hot; "I promise you, this matter is completed, I took the initiative to go to Hinata to clarify the misunderstanding, the cafeteria incident, everything is because of me, I caused it all by myself."

"That's not what you said." Naruto shook his head and said, "Sakura is a girl after all. If I pretend to be a boyfriend, if some behaviors, actions, or getting too close, I am fine. The one who is really uncomfortable is Hinata, Sakura It will also be a loss."

"What do you take Sakura for?"


"Brothers" Ino was speechless, and the corners of his mouth twitched; "Okay, just treat it as brothers, when Hinata is present, or when there are outsiders, you will still be the same as before, and when you are alone, make sure that Hinata will not know, misunderstanding ,Again"

"I can't be alone with Sakura."

Seeing that Naruto was still thinking about this kind of problem, Ino wanted to growl wildly, and she did growl; "Am I not human? I will be the third party who is there and will not betray you!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

To tell the truth, Naruto was moved.

First of all, Sakura only likes Sasuke, not him, this is the first point.

Secondly, he will not have delusions about Sakura, and because of the relationship between the decompression workshop and the magazine, he has a high resistance to beautiful women.

Two people who don't like each other pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend. This is the safest and least accidental combination.

In the end, the change of agreed conditions that Ino gave was also in his interest.

Helping Ino chase Sakura, this matter is difficult to say, but it is even more difficult to do it in practice. Conversely, pretending to be Sakura's boyfriend is much simpler and can be done easily.

Then, as agreed, after the matter was completed, Ino went to clarify with Hinata.

Naruto didn't want Hinata to have any grudges against him, even if the grudges were slight.

To be a man, you must keep your promises. This is his principle. He will not take the initiative to break the agreement with Ino, and if Ino confesses to Hinata himself, it has nothing to do with the issue of integrity.

"Well, it's not impossible to pretend." Naruto thought for a while and said: "There are some things and conditions that need to be discussed first, such as the degree of intimacy, behavior, what is not allowed, what is allowed, address issues, and confidentiality issues. "

"Those can be discussed in detail, as long as a consensus is reached, any conditions can be negotiated." Ino smiled.

Seeing that she was smiling reluctantly, Naruto said: "Is it okay? If you like it, you have to fight for it. Before you completely lose hope, don't you feel regretful about giving up?"

"Who do you think I am?" Ino said: "If you like her, you must make her happy. With me, she may not be happy, but with the person she likes, you will definitely be happy. I, no way no way"

I couldn't continue talking about the following words, Ino waved his hand, indicating that Naruto should go back.

"If this matter is done well, I will give up on you, and I will help you clarify to Hinata." Ino, who was walking in front, said, "I have paid so much, and I have given up on you and Sakura, so don't Drop the chain for me, put your heart and soul into this matter, make sure Sakura can feel the feeling of being in love, if you can't do it, I will keep pestering you until you die."

Originally, I wanted to say kill you, but later I found that this threat was not particularly effective against Naruto, so I changed it to something useful for Naruto.

"I know." Naruto nodded.

The two of them returned to the place where the tent was set up one after the other. At a glance, they saw Sakura who was sitting by the lake, holding her knees with one hand and throwing stones with the other, and then she was not far away from Sakura. , a terribly dead crocodile.

Naruto was still guessing what happened, but Ino already knew it.

Stupid, since you are not willing to push Naruto out, don't push, just hold on firmly?

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Sakura recovered from her distracted state, turned her head to look over, and saw Ino and Naruto.

Ino's body was covered with a chakra coat, while Naruto's clothes were disheveled, and the tracksuit had obvious signs of being torn. If nothing happened, ghosts would not believe it.

"That, that..." Xiaoying said with a dry smile, "You guys, why have you been here for so long? I'm so tired of waiting, um, go back to sleep, and I have to get up early tomorrow."

Feeling uncomfortable, thinking about it, walking felt weak legs and feet, no strength, almost tripped by the uneven gravel road, Sakura bowed her head and walked towards the tent.

"Wait." Ino grabbed Sakura who passed by; "Naruto and I have something to tell you."

Have something to say?What words?Why and Naruto?Sakura didn't want to think about it, but it's not up to her to think about it.

Ino already took down Naruto?Ino chased Naruto?Any major progress in the relationship between the two needs to be specially announced to her.

"I, can you not listen?" Sakura whispered, "I'm really sleepy, dizzy, and my ears are buzzing."

He tried hard, trying to shake off the hand that Ino was holding on to, but he didn't.

Sensing that Sakura's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he is about to lose his grip, Ino immediately said: "Naruto said that he can pretend to be your boyfriend, until you get familiar with it, get used to it, and have some experience, you can successfully chase after Sasuke." until."

In an instant, Sakura, who was still struggling, was stunned, her reddish eye sockets were somewhat moist, like eyes dripped with eye drops, and her eyes widened.

"Naruto, tell me." Ino said, grabbing Sakura, with his back to Naruto, to prevent Naruto from seeing Sakura's expression at this time and suspecting something.

He took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped the corners of Sakura's eyes lightly, and blew two more breaths, pretending that there was sand in Sakura's eye sockets, and finally, gently fixed Sakura's frame, softening her stiff expression.

From the beginning to the end, Ino had a calm smile on his face.

"Hey, she's right." Naruto said, "If you don't mind, we can pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend until you and Sasuke are together."

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