Even if you don’t do this, Sakura will marry Sasuke and have a daughter in the end, but it’s really worth it to make Ino give up on herself and confess to Hinata by the way to clarify all misunderstandings.

Naruto's abacus is very loud, as long as he agrees on what he can't do in advance, and negotiates well, there will be no regrets for Hinata, perfect.

"What's going on?" Sakura took a long time to understand this matter.

She only has a lot of questions now, what's going on?Why would Naruto agree to such a thing?What did Ino and Naruto say?Is there any secret between these two people that she doesn't know?

"What's going on, it's very simple." Ino smiled and said, "Naruto said he wanted to pretend to be your boyfriend to help you increase your experience in love. Although there will be many restrictions, in name, you are male and female." girlfriend."

Naruto really wanted to give Ino a thumbs up at this time to express his admiration, but he couldn't, lest Ino would be more fond of him, he wanted to prohibit all words and deeds that might increase his favorability.

From Ino's point of view, my favorite Sakura and my favorite Naruto pretend to be a pair, and she will act as a third party when it's over, and she will accompany you all the way. What kind of torture is this?

Just thinking about it made Naruto's scalp tingle.

And this, again, was Ino's active choice, and the proposed path was just for Sakura, so that Sakura would increase her chances of chasing Sasuke.

If Ino knew that the future Sakura would marry Sasuke, what would he think?

In Naruto's view, Ino's move was the most painful and the most unnecessary move.

Poor?It is indeed very pitiful, but Naruto will not stop it. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. It is a road that must be passed to make Ino give up on him.

As for the relationship with Sakura, as long as her heart is not broken, Ino is still Sakura's closest sister.

In the end, what was really achieved was that Ino gave up on him and confessed to Hinata, these two things.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Naruto, can you release this chakra?" Sakura said,

Naruto looked along and said Nine-Tails Chakra, what's wrong with that?Suddenly, the Nine-Tails Chakra worn on Ino disappeared.

Without the support of this chakra, Ino, who was already exhausted, wobbled and almost fell down. Sakura who was next to her supported her, and walked towards the jungle ahead. Naruto and Ino had just come out The place.

"Naruto, if you're sleepy, go to sleep, don't wait for us, if you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Far away, Sakura dropped this sentence.

Naruto blinked, why does the atmosphere feel a bit wrong?Sakura is angry?

Realizing what he was going to talk about, Naruto pondered, returned to his tent, and activated the crystal ball.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is very important. To prevent Ino and Sakura from colluding in any schemes, you must design him in this incident, and you must predict the content of the conversation in advance, so that it is safer.

Naruto, who was staring at the crystal ball, didn't know, but Sato, who was halfway through the tent, saw his every move.

He took a deep look at Naruto, resisted the thought of going up to take a bite, returned to his body, and told Sakura what he saw.

Knowing that Naruto was peeping, Sakura didn't seem to be surprised at all, and continued to support Ino to move forward, as if she felt that the speed was too slow, so she simply picked up Ino and ran into the jungle.

Under the natural environment of night, Ino's blush was well concealed.

Finding a suitable place, spraying insecticide to drive away the mosquitoes around, Xiao Sakura left her body to Li Sakura, and she went out of her body and entered Ino's spirit.

"It was quite inexplicable just now, that Naruto guy suddenly came to chat with me, talking about some hobbies, do you know what he said?"

Li Ying opened his mouth to speak, and what he said was beyond Naruto's expectations. According to his assumption, shouldn't it be about pretending to be a boyfriend and girlfriend?

At the same time, in Ino's spirit, Sakura is here and has a real conversation with Ino.

"What's going on? I want to be honest." Sakura said.

Ino shook her head, she didn't find a reason to deceive Sakura, Sakura was very smart, she couldn't fool her with an excuse that came up on the spur of the moment, but to tell the truth directly, she couldn't do it.

Give up chasing Sakura, give up chasing Naruto, at least, she still wants to keep this pure sisterhood.

"You treat me like a child who can't grow up, don't you?" Sakura said, "I have grown up, and I can live well without your protection. I don't need you to pave the way for me. it is good."

If you don’t know that Ino likes Naruto, then that’s fine. Sakura can accept Ino’s help as her older sister, because as a younger sister, she will also do her best to help Ino. As long as Ino needs it, she is willing to do anything.

But the reality is that there are no assumptions. The fact is that Ino also likes Naruto. Under such circumstances, Ino sent an assist. Compared with happiness and joy, Sakura is more angry, uncomfortable, and distressed.

Instead of this, she hoped that Ino would be a little bit worse, that she could be like a rival in love, entrap her behind her back, design her, and then snatch Naruto away.

Now, because of a debt in her heart, she can't accept this assist at all.

"You did it on purpose. You knew I would do this, you knew I wouldn't accept it, and it made me feel grateful to you. I hate you." Sakura said.

"No, I really want you to be with Naruto, if you are happy, I can do whatever I want." Ino said.

"This is the most annoying thing!" Sakura couldn't bear it any longer and rushed towards Ino, and slapped Ino across the face; "Snatch it! You snatch it from me! Why did you let me? Am I so pitiful? You see Come on, I don't need you to let me, I have a little chance of winning, and the chance of success is gone? You bastard!"

"Naruto, it's not as important as you." Ino said.

"Stupid, it's impossible for me to be with you forever. We are all going to get married in the future. What should we do if we lose the one we like?" Sakura said, choking up; "Don't do this, don't do this again."

Similar conversations have been said in the hospital before, but compared to then, the feeling now is undoubtedly more profound.

Because what you say is what you say, in the end it is just talking, and it has a completely different meaning when you actually do it.

Didn't hear the emotion behind Ino's words, Sakura just thinks that Ino is still the same as before, her sister let her sister, but she doesn't know, this feeling has long since changed.

"Ah, I made Sakura cry again." Thinking so, Ino reached out to wipe Sakura's tears, but was slapped away by Sakura.

"I have no choice but to rely on you to sacrifice your own happiness and the opportunity you created to chase Naruto." Sakura wiped away her tears, looked at Ino with red eyes, and said stubbornly: "If you really want to help me, then Just grab it from me openly, and whoever grabs it will be counted."

Ending with this sentence, Sakura leaves Ino's spirit.

She didn't come to negotiate with Ino, arguing with each other with their own views, she came to announce the result, to announce her own decision.

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