Don't sacrifice, don't give in, everyone goes all out to fight for it.

Sakura likes Naruto, but it doesn't mean that she can step on Ino's sacrifice to go to the top position. Ino doesn't like Naruto, everything is easy to say, the problem is that Ino has already liked Naruto.

"It's my fault. At that time, if I didn't use Ino as a shield, Ino wouldn't be involved." Sakura, who was back in her body, thought to herself.

But at that time, in the situation of the test of courage, she had to have a shield that could convince Naruto and make Naruto believe.

Otherwise, Naruto will know her intentions, and she will be rejected by Harvest, and from then on, Naruto, who is wary of her, will have no chance, not even the slightest.

What else can I say?Fate has arrived, and it can't be stopped.

The princess returned to the lakeside area where the tent was set up with Ino in her arms, and Sakura said to Naruto who had just left the tent and was sitting in front of the campfire, ready to cook supper: "Sorry, what Ino talked to you is invalid .”

"Ah, invalidated?" Naruto was stunned, subconsciously looking at Ino.

Facing Naruto's puzzled and questioning eyes, as well as Sakura's persistent and stubborn eyes, Ino nodded slightly.

Watching Sakura carrying Ino into the tent, and then zipping up the tent, Naruto tilted his head inexplicably.

What did these two people talk about in the spiritual connection, it was mysterious.

On the surface, Satoshi said some unnutritious gossip, Naruto looked at it with a crystal ball, and thought it was nothing serious, now that Sakura came back, he directly voided his agreement with Ino, and Ino nodded in agreement.

Naruto knew that it was not without talking, but in a more mysterious and secretive way.

"Why do you want to do this? I always feel that I am guarding against others' eavesdropping?" Naruto secretly said, "Is it guarding against me? Or is it guarding against other people who may exist? No, knowing that I use a crystal ball to peek?"

Probably not, if they really found out, with Sakura and Ino's violent temper, would they say nothing?

If it were Naruto himself, knowing that someone was peeking at him with a crystal ball, he would be so angry that he wanted to beat him to death.

Get rid of this point, then only beware of other people.

Naruto looked around suspiciously.

The two girls who practice spiritualization can sense something wrong, is it a ghost?Or a ninja?

Looking at the dead crocodile not far away, Naruto felt chills down his spine.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naruto grilled two steaks with a glass of juice, and simply settled the supper.

After that, more than a dozen shadow clones were separated, standing around the two small tents, guarding them all night.

He got into the tent, let a shadow clone into the sleeping bag, and he himself turned into a bottle, placed in the corner of the tent, very inconspicuous.

"So much insurance, should it be safe enough?" Thinking, Naruto gradually fell into a deep sleep.

In the tent next door, Sakura and Ino were lying on the sheets with their backs facing each other.

Sakura closed her eyes, wanting to sleep but unable to.

Ino opened his eyes, looking at his hands vaguely under the light of the bonfire outside.

I don't know when she started to get used to looking at her own palm prints, as if she wanted to learn about her own destiny from here.

After making a lot of determination, she was finally able to give up her two relationships. At that time, she didn't think too much about it, but just stood her ground and used what she thought was good for Sakura, and unilaterally paid for Sakura.

Sakura didn't think about it at all.

Sakura wanted to get Naruto, but the way and process of getting it did not include Ino sacrificing her own feelings.

"It's like chasing after Sasuke in the ninja school, heh." Ino thought to himself.

"Sakura, I know, just do as you said, and in the future, as an enemy, please teach me more." Ino said, his voice was very soft.

After a while, Sakura's voice sounded, it was a very low grace.

"Can I hug you to sleep?" Ino asked.

This time, she didn't wait for Sakura's answer, but was greeted directly by Sakura's action. Sakura, who didn't speak, turned over and hugged Ino from behind.

"Broad forehead, this is what you asked for, and I succeeded in the end, so don't cry." Ino said.

Xiao Ying didn't say a word, because if that kind of thing happened, she would definitely cry, and she couldn't stop crying with regret.

Ino sighed secretly, grabbed Xiao Ying's hand hanging on his waist, and slowly straightened the slightly stiff hand.

Unexpectedly, things went back to the original point, and it was even more complicated than before.

For the sake of Sakura, but also knowing that he has no chance, Ino chooses to give up.

And now, for Xiao Sakura's sake, so that Xiao Sakura doesn't feel indebted to her, she wants to join the battlefield and go all out.

This is a dead end.

Ino has no way to confess to Sakura that he likes her, and he does all this for her.

Naruto's actions and all the secrets are related to this matter.

This misunderstanding cannot be solved. In Sakura's eyes, Ino's assist means that Ino gave up his favorite Naruto for her sake.

But the truth is even crueler than this. What Ino gave up was not only Naruto, but also his feelings for Sakura that surpassed ordinary friends, ordinary sisters, and ordinary girlfriends.

Silent all night.

the next day.

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