On the other side, after listening to Li Ying's detailed description, Xiao Ying was stunned.

"Really? Did Naruto want to touch me after I was unconscious? He stared at me in a daze many times? Is this not a mistake?"

"Touching this may be because I think too much, but staring at us in a daze, it's true, my eyes are not bad." Satoko confirmed and affirmed.

Xiao Ying held her head, her fingers penetrated into the mass of pink hair, and scratched her scalp unconsciously; "Naruto, look at me, in a daze, this, could it be that it is interesting to me?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the evening, Naruto sneaked into the bottom of the lake while Sakura and Ino were cooking, searching for the jade carving and the antique box.

After searching for a long time, he couldn't find it, but let him catch a few big fish, which can be an extra meal tonight.

After the meal, Naruto dived down again, searching for places he had never been to, and after searching, he still found nothing.

"Where did he go? Could it be that he was washed away by the undercurrent at the bottom of the lake?" Naruto thought to himself, feeling troubled.

It cost him a lot of money, and it is useless right now, so I plan to take it back, see how much money the pawn shop can exchange, stop the loss, and then reimburse part of it from Ino.

If this thing is missing, isn't there nothing to be expected?

"Naruto, what are you looking for?" Ino asked knowingly.

Naruto glanced at Sakura who was exercising, and said in a low voice, "As for the jade carving I told you about, the antique box, and the two letters in the box, I searched all over the bottom of the lake, but I couldn't find it."

"Oh, that." Ino was stunned; "If you can't find it, don't look for it, anyway, you won't need it."

"It's easy to say, money, it's my money, my hard-earned money, how can it be wasted." Naruto stared at Ino, this guy, standing up and talking without back pain, dare not spend your love money.

"Isn't it just money? How much, I'll give it to you." Ino said, his tone and demeanor were very generous.

This is not bragging, maybe there is no way to compare with a young lady like Hinata who is richer and richer, as long as it does not exceed a million, she can still take out the money.

"Three million five hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and forty." Naruto said: "I don't want the rest of the change, just give me three million five hundred and seventy thousand."

Ino froze for a moment, left a word of goodbye, turned around and ran, slipped to Sakura, and chatted with Sakura.

Having money at home does not mean she is rich, and the pocket money she can receive every month is limited.

Within one million, she gritted her teeth and just paid back the lucky money she had saved and was not willing to spend. For the three million plus, it wouldn't be worth that much if she sold her.

"Let him know that I picked up the explosive talisman and blew it up, hiss." Ino shrank his neck, making up his mind to keep this secret and never let Naruto know.

"En? Wait a minute!" Suddenly, his head turned to Ino, who had turned around, and his eyes narrowed.

Is the relationship between the party who owes money and the party who is the creditor quite close?

She was worrying about how to deepen the connection between herself and Naruto, isn't it good to owe money?

When more and more money is owed, as long as Naruto doesn't want to be taken advantage of, he will definitely chase after her to pay back the money. After making contact and meeting, are you afraid that the relationship will not be cultivated?

Naruto's house, Naruto's store that day when he entered Doujin, accidentally blew up all of them, and owed Naruto countless debts, and she would use herself to repay it, and the deadline was a lifetime.

"What am I thinking!" Realizing that his thoughts were dangerous, Ino covered his face.

This matter is not easy to handle, and if it is not handled properly, it may arouse Naruto's resentment and disgust, so we should be more cautious.

After calming down, I got used to it, or almost instinctively, and silently said in my heart that I like Uzumaki Naruto, and this does not affect Ino's chat with Sakura, so it can be said that he has two purposes at once.

Unwilling to give up, Naruto sent a large number of shadow clones to the bottom of the lake to salvage and search, almost turning the bottom of the lake upside down, but they still couldn't find it.

Naruto had to accept that those two things were taken by the undercurrent or other fish, and their lives were taken elsewhere.

"I've been delayed for three days, I can't wait any longer, I'm leaving tomorrow, is there any problem?" Naruto asked.

Sakura and Ino looked at each other and nodded yes.

We said goodnight to each other, got into the tent, and prepared to sleep.

There are a large number of shadow clones patrolling around, watching the night, using chakra perception all the time, monitoring all directions, spreading out, and the range has reached a radius of ten kilometers.

Naruto will know immediately if there is a dangerous existence approaching, and Sakura's Flying Thunder God can fly back to Konoha anytime and anywhere.

Safety is guaranteed, and this sleep can be very stable.

Tonight was the same as last night, Sakura waited for Ino to fall asleep, then sneaked out of the tent, on the other side of the fire, without reflecting the shadow on the tent, and doing silent physical exercise here.

Naruto quietly raised a point of the tent, and looked around.

Sakura, who focuses on one thing, is handsome and beautiful. Compared with appearance, what attracts Naruto more is Sakura's spirit. The spirit of being willing to sacrifice everything for the goal fascinates him.

There is a feeling of moths rushing to the fire, knowing that it is fire, so you can't touch it, but your behavior and actions are still very honest.

Naruto thought, as long as he doesn't show his intentions, doesn't let anyone know, pays close attention to Sakura silently, blesses her, cheers for her, then it will be fine, right?

Feelings have risen, it doesn't mean that it can be destroyed if it is destroyed, and it is impossible to say that it will sever ties with Sakura. After all, Sakura is Sasuke's future wife, and Sasuke is the top priority in fighting aliens.

Oh, by the way, now add Sakura, Naruto saw a glimmer of possibility from Sakura, maybe Sakura can really grow up to be able to rival the six-level combat power on her own.

the next day.

The three finished their breakfast, packed their luggage one by one, and set off for the mission location.

In Naruto's view, the starting point of this mission is to match Ino and Sakura. After giving up this matter, this mission will stop here and end.

In the eyes of Sakura and Ino, the mission has just begun.

The ninja's footsteps were very fast, and he arrived at the destination before noon, which was also a forest that could be seen everywhere in the Kingdom of Fire.

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