This forest covers an extremely wide area, and there is no end in sight at a glance. After getting in, it is easy to lose your sense of direction, because there are trees everywhere around you, and there are no landmarks for reference.

If you don't want to get lost or go around in circles, you can only leave marks along the way.

"Be careful where you step. Many poisonous snakes and poisonous things are very good at hiding. If you get bitten, you will be in trouble." Naruto walked in the front, holding a branch that he picked up anywhere, about four feet long, and used it as a road sweeper. tool.

"Uh, I think even with that kind of poison, it would be hard to hurt us." Ino said, his expression was a little speechless.

She was really speechless at Naruto's cautiousness. Both she and Sakura wore Nine-Tails Chakra coats. With such protective measures in place, what are you afraid of?

"Carelessness is the prelude to failure. Most of the stumblers will secretly say carelessness. No matter how well prepared they are, they should not be taken lightly. If the car overturns, it will be too late to regret it." Naruto said without turning his head. : "Understood, stupid pig."

Ino muttered twice as a stupid dog, but said nothing more.

Sakura looked left and right, most of her eyes were on Naruto's body, there were curiosity, concern, inquiry, and a variety of emotions in her eyes.

She still couldn't figure out what it meant that Naruto would stare at her in a daze after she was unconscious?

Are you distracted?

Wandering thinking about other things?

I still stared blankly at her,

I really care, I really want to know what Naruto is thinking.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun shines through the dense leaves and pours on the ground, showing many spots of light.

Naruto squatted on the ground, raised two fingers, and touched the ground lightly.

Chakra Sensation.

All the lives around, large and small, are all in the perception, and there is nothing to hide.

It is undoubtedly safer to drive out these hidden lives, because it is not sure which ones are poisonous and which ones are more dangerous.

"It's right here, how about it?" Naruto said.

Sakura turned her head to wait and see, as far as she could see, she could see at least three kinds of medicinal herbs recorded in the books, she nodded in agreement.

For her, it doesn't matter where she lives, as being with Naruto is the best home, even if it's only temporary.

"Hey!" Ino felt creepy when she saw the large number of reptiles, snakes, and spiders driven out by Naruto with the branches, and she felt a creepy feeling. She laughed dryly: "Well, we are going to stay here tonight. ?”

"Well, I will let the shadow clone stare at it, there will be no poisonous insects, and the pests will have a chance to approach. Moreover, after the torch is lit, animals that are naturally afraid of fire will not dare to approach it again. It is very safe." Naruto said.

"That's what you said, but" Ino looked embarrassed, glanced at Naruto, and she said in a small voice: "When you want that at night, what, what should I do?"

This forest, because of the temperature and environment, is inhabited by a large number of animals and insects. It is more numerous and complex than the forest near the lake before. It can be said that this forest is everywhere.

Compared with those big lions, tigers, and bears, what Ino couldn't accept was these small but ubiquitous insects and reptiles.

Her face control not only controls people, but also controls other lives. It's too ugly, too ugly, I can't accept it.

And because of the relatively fair principle of the heavens, these small reptiles, insects, are often deadly and highly poisonous.

"Then..." Sakura glanced at Naruto who apparently heard it, but pretended not to hear it, turned around to clean up the ground, and said in a low voice, "I will accompany you when the time comes."

"This, no, it's not very good." Ino blushed slightly, and said awkwardly: "There is that."

She was embarrassed to say the word stinky.

Although she has given up on pursuing Sakura, it doesn't mean she doesn't like Sakura.

Now that she has realized her heart more clearly, her love for Sakura remains the same, she just uses a different way to protect Sakura.

Sakura is very smart, she roughly guessed something from Ino's embarrassment, smiled slightly, leaned close to Ino's ear, and said softly: "It's okay, I won't despise you."

It's one thing to know, quite another to hear.

It's like I know you love me, but if you don't say it, you will feel that something is missing after all.

Sakura's words touched Ino's heart.

Even though he knew that he held a very important position in Xiao Sakura's heart, but, as expected, he still wanted to hear Xiao Sakura say it himself.

Not noticing the slight change in Ino's expression, Sakura went to Naruto's side to help clean up the weeds and fallen leaves on the ground, and then set up the tent.

After all these things were done, it was already getting dark, so Sakura immediately started cooking dinner.

Looking at Naruto who was exercising not far away, I thought that Naruto was here, so it was not good to put medicine in the meal and let Naruto leave alone, and I was afraid that Naruto would peek here with that strange crystal ball and find that she had something Dosing.

Sakura coughed dryly, and sat on a small stool beside her, holding a flower, pulling petals, meditating on something, and beckoned to Ino who was in a daze, asking her to find a way to take Naruto out for a walk, and made another one. Little tricks of drugging.

"Hey, do you want it tonight?" Ino was stunned, but Sakura had already made up her mind, and it was inconvenient to say this in front of Naruto, so

"Stupid dog, I want to take a look around, I'm a little scared, you go with me." Ino said.

"I'll let the shadow clone accompany you." Naruto was exercising to the brim, and didn't want to leave. Walking with a beautiful girl, how could exercise be more important?

"Stop talking nonsense, don't try to use the shadow clone to perfuse me, just walk away." Ino stepped forward, pulling and dragging Naruto away.

With Ino's strength, how could he shake Naruto? Part of the reason why it was so smooth was that Naruto was careful not to make physical contact with Ino. As soon as Ino approached, he would retreat.

Like this half-chasing, half-chasing, gradually disappearing from Sakura's sight.

Risakura came out of her body and swept back and forth around to make sure that there was no other opponent, then carefully took out the medicine that she got from Master Tsunade and could be put in Jiraiya from the interlayer deep in the backpack.

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