"I heard from Master that a fingernail as big as that can make Jiraiya-sama fall into a coma for at least four hours. Naruto is not as strong as Jiraiya-sama. Well, just a quarter of the fingernail should be enough."

Sakura deliberated, controlled the dosage, poured it into Naruto's bowl, and then hurriedly made the miso soup, which blended perfectly with the medicine.

The first time she gave Naruto medicine, Sakura was very nervous, afraid of being discovered by Naruto, afraid of being angry when Naruto found out, and even more afraid that the medicine would hurt Naruto.

After all, this is a medicine that can have an effect on a strong person of Jiraiya's level. Naruto is still young and fragile, will he not be able to bear it?

But thinking of Master's guarantee, Xiao Ying gradually felt relieved.

This medicine can only make people drowsy, it has no other effect, and the harm is even non-existent. On the contrary, this kind of deep sleep can better let the spirit rest.

Time passed in Sakura's inner prayer.

Just before dinner, Naruto and Ino came back.

Seemingly just walking, chatting, and not doing anything else, Sakura sneaked a peek at Naruto and Ino, came to this conclusion, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm so hungry, oh, it tastes really good, it smells so good." Naruto rubbed his hands together, and as soon as I started, he started to gobble it up.

With his current defense power, he reckons that even magma can be drunk as warm water, so this steaming dish is naturally nothing.

However, as the person who made the dinner, Sakura witnessed Naruto's performance, with a happy smile on her face and a sweet heart.

There is nothing more convincing than this kind of practical action. Naruto likes to eat her dishes, which is great.

When we get together and get married in the future, she will cook for Naruto every day. If morning, noon and evening are not enough, I will add an extra meal for supper. If it is edible, it will be better to become five meals.

"Thank you for the hospitality, I'm full." Naruto was going to wash his own bowl and chopsticks, but Sakura stopped him.

"I'll take it to wash later, there's no need to be so troublesome." Sakura said: "But you, if you feel sleepy, go back to the tent to rest."

"Why are you sleepy? I'm very energetic now." Naruto insisted on washing the dishes, came back to rest for a while, and started exercising immediately.

With iron head skills, diamond legs, and iron mountain leaning, it looks like it is full of vitality, and it is indeed not sleepy at all.

The smile on Sakura's face gradually disappeared, what happened?The medicine that can bring down Jiraiya, but not Naruto?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After ten o'clock in the evening, the two women who got into the tent early, held hands, made a spiritual connection, and started a spiritual dialogue.

"It's weird." Ino said after listening to Sakura's description; "I was wondering why Naruto's spirit can withstand the direct damage of the spirit technique? And this endurance is increasing, and, He secretly hid in the bathroom, hit himself with a magic trick as powerful as the spiral pill, and nothing happened."

"When I was in the ninja school, Naruto often fought with other people, even I fought with him." Sakura said: "It stands to reason that Naruto's strength at that time might not be the level of the first in the whole grade. It's no problem to fight for the first few, no, Naruto is mostly passively beaten, and rarely fights back, even if he fights occasionally, the force is very small."

"Uh, I always thought he was a good guy, that's why he couldn't beat anyone." Ino said: "Looking at Naruto's real strength, it's obvious that he did it on purpose, he wanted to be beaten."

Sakura pondered, recalling the scenes she observed, she couldn't help agreeing with Ino's guess.

"He once said that the spiritualization technique is very important to him, and after I learned the spiritualization technique, the help he said was to let me hit him with the spiritualization technique." Sakura said: "Combined with the physical Strike, the ninjutsu strike of Heliwanwan, the spiritual strike of Linghuajutsu, Naruto's, um, Blood Succession Limit? Or is it some other ability that can be strengthened by being beaten?"

"Hiss, what is this? It's too scary. Doesn't it mean that he doesn't have to do anything, and he can become stronger just by being beaten?" Ino clicked his tongue.

"I don't think that's the case." Sakura shook her head and said, "Naruto has put in a lot of effort, practicing ninjutsu hard, exercising his body desperately, maybe, this person can become stronger after being beaten, and what is enhanced is only the aspect of resistance to blows." , and others, he has to work hard to get it himself.”

After a long silence, Ino took the lead and said: "This is not very good. Although Naruto's strength is stronger, the better, but his resistance to medicine and his physique, if there is no way to knock him down, what will you do?" Give him a physical examination?"

When he was still in Konoha, Naruto saw through the secret of Ino's love for Sakura.

At that time, Naruto went to Ino and made a spiritual connection, which was what he said.

Afterwards, when Sakura asked about it, Ino didn't dare to tell the truth, so he casually said that Naruto was sick, such a reason.

No one knows whether Naruto is sick, maybe, maybe not, because of this, Ino doesn't really hope that Sakura can check Naruto's body.

Because there is a [-]% probability that Naruto is not sick, so wouldn't the excuse she said be untenable?

Sakura asked again, what should she say?

In order to complete a lie, it needs to be piled up with countless lies, and the more lies, the greater the possibility of being seen through.

To put an end to these problems, the most effective way is that Sakura can't check Naruto's body, as long as she doesn't check, the lie will not be exposed.

Unaware of Ino's trickery, Sakura frowned.

To be honest, she wanted to confuse Naruto, but it was more or less selfish, she wanted to take some photos as souvenirs, and when she thought about it, she would take it out and have a look.

Besides, Naruto's body has been in the body for a long time, she wants to do something that is not too much.

Putting these two points aside, there is nothing false about Naruto's health.

"At the beginning, when I hit Naruto with the spiritualization technique, he felt pain, but now, the pain has been reduced a lot." Sakura said: "So I think, Naruto's resistance, resistance to blows , there is an upper limit there, not because the medicine doesn’t work for him at all, but because the amount is not enough.”

"You're thinking?"

Facing Ino's suspicious gaze, Sakura smiled without saying a word.

It is impossible to give up. How could she give up after preparing for so long and waiting for such a long time?Be sure to charm Naruto and check his body.

the next day.

Naruto got up early as usual, stretched his waist, and did morning exercises.

The body was still exercising all night, and the exhausted Sakura, dragging her sore and tired body, wanted to prepare breakfast.

Seeing this, Naruto threw a ball of Nine-Tails Chakra at her to help her recover.

There is no need to worry about dark wounds. As a half-medical ninja, Sakura can heal herself. The only thing Sakura lacks is chakra.

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