"I'm going to collect some dry firewood, and I'll be back before breakfast." After leaving these words, Naruto left without looking back.

Sakura looked at the back of Naruto walking away, and then looked at the Nine-Tails Chakra coat on herself, feeling that her physical strength was gradually recovering, and her soreness was disappearing.

"Naruto" murmured, and the corners of Sakura's mouth curled up slightly, expressing that she was very grateful for Naruto's occasional care.

Instead, he took out the medicine and poured it into Naruto's bowl, last night it was a quarter of a fingernail, this time, Sakura added a lot more, two fingernails.

The amount of one fingernail can knock down Jiraiya and let him sleep for at least four hours. This is two, and it should be able to work on Naruto.

Soon, it was time for breakfast, and Naruto returned on time, bringing back two piles of dry firewood.

The three of them sat at a distance from each other in a perfect triangle, surrounding the pot in the middle, facing each other.

Sakura was absent-minded about eating, she looked at Naruto out of the corner of her eye, expecting that Naruto would get sleepy and fall asleep after eating.

Ino was preoccupied and had no appetite, so he glanced at Naruto and Sakura, praying in his heart that Naruto would hold on, don't sleep, and let Sakura check, once checked, the lies she told before will be gone Wow.

Pa, put down the bowls and chopsticks, Naruto folded his palms together, said thank you for the hospitality in a thankful tone, and then took it to wash.

After resting for a while, I started exercising again, which was almost the same as last night's performance.

Sakura's hand holding the bowl and chopsticks was shaking.

Risakura held her head, she couldn't understand it.

The medicine that can put down two Jiraiyas and let them sleep for at least four hours doesn't work?

Ino cheered in his heart, cheered for Naruto, praised him, with a pity expression on his face, looked at Sakura, and silently comforted him.

It's not your fault, you are right, Naruto's resistance is too strong, give up, don't think about it.

Sakura roughly understood what Ino wanted to express, she shook her head.

give up?No photo of Naruto, no, how could she give up if she didn't check Naruto's health and treat physical diseases.

If breakfast is not enough, then lunch, if lunch is not enough, then dinner.

During this outing, she took enough medicine from Master Tsunade, and Sakura was full of patience and confidence. She must check Naruto's body.

"That guy Hinata has seen through Naruto's body with his white eyes since he was a child. I can't lose to her. If I don't have white eyes, I will do it myself." Sakura secretly said, and then

"Sakura, you have a nosebleed." Ino said with a speechless expression.

Based on what she knew about Sakura, she must have thought of some unhealthy picture.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The three of them set off to pick herbs. No matter what, they accepted this task. Even if they did not exceed the quota, at least they had to meet the standard and pass the passing line.

There are a total of twenty-six kinds of medicinal herbs, the quantity is more or less, the more is five catties, and the less is two liang.

Not counting the various dangers hidden in the forest, the collection itself is not difficult. The difficulty is that you need a pair of eyes that are good at observation and discovery.

Naruto memorized ten kinds of medicinal herbs with obvious appearance characteristics and were relatively recognizable. He separated a large number of shadow clones and scattered them to search for them. He himself still stayed by the tent and took the time to exercise.

The remaining [-] species are difficult to recognize, some are due to appearance, some are due to smell, and the growth environment is also very harsh. Sakura can only find these by herself.

Ino looked between Sakura and Naruto, and finally chose Sakura.

She knew that if she stayed by Naruto's side, Sakura, who went out to find herbs, would be worried, worried that she would get there first.

Not to mention that she and Naruto really have no topic of communication now, but at present, Sakura and Naruto have a high or low status in her mind, and Sakura is in the absolute lead.

Due to emotion and reason, Ino could only choose Sakura.

Seeing Ino who followed, Sakura couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the day before yesterday, Sakura said that Naruto looked at her face in a daze after she passed out, and even stretched out half of his hand, and held it down with the other hand.

There is reason to suspect that Naruto has different thoughts about her.

But there is no evidence for this, at best it can only be her own delusion.

On the other hand, Ino, Naruto said it himself, and he felt fascinated. Compared with Ino, Ino had the upper hand.

Sakura didn't want Ino to sacrifice herself for her, and give up her right to pursue happiness, but at the same time, she was very worried, afraid that Ino would chase Naruto one step ahead of her.

This kind of complex and contradictory feeling made Sakura extremely entangled.

But in any case, Ino did not take advantage of the time when she went out to find medicine, and stayed alone with Naruto, which made her very touched and relieved.

"Let's go together." Ino took the initiative to take Sakura's hand and started running at a faster speed.

Sakura pursed her lips and followed behind without saying a word.

"It's going to be okay?" Naruto said inwardly.

Considering that both women are wearing Nine-Tails Chakra coats, and taking into account Sakura's own combat power, as well as the fact that the surroundings are maintaining Chakra Perception skills all the time, the safety of the shadow clones that are being monitored should not be a problem.

Thinking about it, Naruto went to the tent to take out the crystal ball just to be on the safe side, and put it next to him. After activating it, the actual picture displayed inside was Sakura and Ino.

He can also know the dangers and problems in this way at the first time.

Another reason is that exercising by himself is very boring. There is a feeling of watching TV and watching live broadcasts like this, which can relieve the boredom to some extent.

On the other side, when Satoshi came back with the news, knowing that Naruto was using that strange crystal ball to peek at this side, Sakura rubbed her face.

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