I don't know where the perspective of this crystal ball is, how can she show Naruto the best, most beautiful, and most handsome side?

By the way, it has to be very natural, and Naruto can't let Naruto know that he knows that he is peeping here.

Belatedly, she realized that she was wearing a nine-tailed chakra coat. This coat was a layer of protection and a layer of barrier, which greatly affected her appearance.

No matter how beautiful and handsome the performance is, with this coat, the effect will be compromised.

Having figured this out, Sakura sighed, lost interest in performing, and concentrated on looking for herbs.

By observing the surrounding environment, trees, stones, moss, small streams, and following the vines, combined with the detailed explanations and introductions read in the book, I soon found the herbs mentioned in the mission one after another.

According to the method taught in the book, carefully dig out the herbs from the ground.

This process is also verifying that there are more or less differences between reality and the content in the book.

I only know Bai~Wan Xiao! Say, if you don’t experience it in a practical sense, you will never know what you lack.

As a result, by analogy, Sakura was reminded of other points.

What is written in the book must be right?

If it is not in the book, does it really not exist?

Thinking of building the illusion space by herself, the progress is very slow, and the growth and enhancement of mental power is like a turtle's speed, Sakura suddenly said: "Ino, I made a discovery before."

Staring at Sakura's serious appearance, fascinated, fascinated, lost his mind because of the obsession, suddenly heard Sakura's words, Ino was shocked, quickly looked away, and said unnaturally: "Oh, found? What discovery?"

"It's the big crocodile that attacked me that I killed." Sakura said, "After killing its spirit, Li Ying absorbed part of its spiritual power. It was still bad, so I didn’t dare to really absorb it, and repelled it.”

Originally, I wanted to ask this question that night, but too many things happened on the way, and Sakura was not in the mood to worry about it, so I left it until now.

"What? There is such a thing?" Ino frowned. Of course, she would not doubt Sakura, but if this is the case, the Yamanaka family has developed for so many years, why is there no record?

Is it not found?I still found it, but there was a problem, so I didn't take it?

"What do you want to do?" Ino asked.

"If it can be confirmed that this method is harmless, I want to absorb the spiritual power of these animals to grow and strengthen myself." Sakura said.

"Really?" Ino understood; "I'll give it a try."

When it comes to the use of mental power, understanding, and recognition, Ino is better at it.

Sakura is just taking advantage of the dual personality. Compared with the diversified use of mental power, Ino is better and more proficient.

Asking Sakura to take care of his body, Ino's mental body came out of his body, and he found a deer nearby, said sorry, and went to kill the deer's spirit.

Without repelling the absorbed spiritual power, Ino experienced it carefully, quickly changed his face, stopped absorbing quickly, and used family secrets to repel what had been absorbed and digested.

"No! Sakura!" Ino returned to his body, and the first words he opened his eyes were this; "Fortunately, you didn't absorb the spirit of that crocodile, otherwise you would be in trouble."

Without waiting for Sakura to ask, Ino took the initiative to tell the reason.

Spirituality is an important part of a person's existence.

If there is something wrong with the soul, there are impurities, and it is no longer pure, then this person is likely to become a lunatic and schizophrenic.

"Compare your own spiritual power to a bowl of clear water, which is very pure and flawless. Other foreign spirits are black spots, no matter how small, and will pollute the clear water." Ino said seriously: "You must never absorb these things that do not belong to you. the spirit of."

Hearing this, Sakura was very disappointed. She thought that she had found a way to become stronger, and found a way to increase her spiritual power as soon as possible.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

high efficiency.

After searching all morning, almost [-]% of them were collected, and the remaining [-]% were relatively rare and hard to find types.

However, according to estimates, it can be completed in two days at the latest, so there is no rush.

Compared to this, what really worries Sakura is how to charm Naruto?

This Naruto's resistance, defense, all-round enhancement, and the ingredients of the medicine are difficult to work on him.

Is there only one way to increase the dosage?

Yes, this is the only way.


Taking advantage of the opportunity Ino created for her, Sakura secretly added medicine to Naruto's rice. This time, it was the amount of four fingernails, which could knock down four Jiraiya.

It seemed that there was some reaction, Naruto had only eaten half of the meal, and he felt fatigued, but the fatigue was not strong, and Naruto could resist it.

After resting for a while after meals, I sweated all over after exercising. The medicine was excreted along the sweat, and the fatigue disappeared naturally.

Sakura didn't feel disappointed or depressed, instead, she cheered up, as long as it worked, she was afraid that Naruto would be completely immune to the medicine, and that would be the end of the game.

In the afternoon, I continued to go out to look for medicine, and when it was dark, at dinner, this time, Xiao Sakura put in the amount of eight fingernails, which is equivalent to putting down eight Ziraiya.

Naruto finished eating the bowl of questionable dishes and was still drinking the soup, when suddenly his vision went dark, an irresistible drowsiness emerged, and he fell asleep.

Before he was about to fall to the ground, Sakura reached out to support him, and on the other side, Ino, who subconsciously extended his hand, put down his hand awkwardly, sat back on the stool, and lowered his head to eat.

Princess Sakura picked up Naruto, sent him to the tent, snorted, listened to the heartbeat for two minutes, opened Naruto's eyelids, observed his pupils, put his fingers on his wrists, and checked his pulse .

Using her medical experience, she is [-]% sure that Naruto is not wrong to fall asleep, and it is impossible to pretend to be like this.

"How is it?" Ino asked softly, poking his head in.

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