Sakura, who was about to kiss Naruto secretly, touched her ears in embarrassment, and replied: "Well, I fell asleep, I don't know how long I can sleep? To be on the safe side, I don't plan to do anything this time. Accurate time, then make a decision.”

"Really?" Ino nodded, and went back to continue eating.

Sakura hesitated for a while, and when she heard Ino's footsteps walking away, she lowered her head and kissed Naruto fifteen times in quick succession.

Then he left the tent with a guilty conscience, went back to the steaming pot, and sat down to eat.

When the food was almost bottomed out, I picked up the spoon and took some more from the pot.

There is no sound except for the sound of eating, such as chewing, swallowing, and sometimes blowing.

Slightly spicy, with a little sweet taste, it will whet your appetite.

About two minutes later, Ino, who was kneeling on the opposite side, said, "You are already very strong. As far as I know, Chunin is far from your opponent. You can overcome it if you are targeted and restrained, and now, you are only twelve years old."

"Not enough." Sakura thought for a while and said, "Naruto has never stopped to become stronger. Why did he become stronger so urgently? He didn't tell me, I didn't ask, and I don't need to know. I just need to know. He needs to know." power, then I will become that power, can be used by him, can help him.”

"To be honest, I'm a little jealous of him." Ino said with a smile, half-jokingly.

Being able to receive such strong love from Sakura, Ino felt jealous of Naruto from the bottom of his heart, not a little, but very violently.

Didn't hear the deep meaning hidden in Ino's words, and indeed she couldn't even think about it, Sakura smiled, lowered her head to pick up the rice, and said vaguely while chewing: "Hinata's family The conditions are good, she is good-looking, the education she has received since she was a child, and the resources she can control and use are much, much better than me. If I want to beat her, I only need strength and value to Naruto. From these aspects , overtake her."

Seeing Sakura's persistence, Ino didn't say anything more, she finished her meal quickly, got up to wash the dishes, and before leaving, she put down a scroll next to Sakura.

"Ino, this?" Sakura was curious about what it was, opened it to take a look, her eyes widened in astonishment.

Squatting in front of a bucket full of clean water, Ino, who used the water to wash the dishes and chopsticks, said without raising his head, "That thing is very suitable for you. If you want to enhance your mental power and deepen the application of your mental power, it's good to learn this." but."

"But, this is a secret from your family, can't it be passed on to outsiders?" Sakura said.

"Sakura is not an outsider, you are my most important person, it's okay to share it with you." Ino said: "At most, I will be scolded by my father, it's okay."

"No, I can't accept it." Sakura refused.

"Sakura, when I need something, you happen to have something that can help me, will you hide it and not give it to me?" Ino said.

"Of course not. If there is, I will definitely give it to you." Sakura replied without thinking.

"So" Ino turned his head to look at Sakura, and said with a bright smile: "Me too, Sakura, you need to increase your spiritual power, and I happen to have it, who will I not give it to you?"

Silence, long silence.

"Is that okay?" Sakura said dryly, "I did all this for Naruto, to catch up with him, to gain his favor, to like, and you like Naruto, is it really okay to help me like this? "

Shaking off the water from the bowls and chopsticks, putting them into a special box for storing tableware, Ino wiped his hands with a paper towel, walked slowly in front of Sakura, squatted down, and held Sakura's face with slightly cool hands.

"How many times do I have to say it before you remember, idiot, you are more important than Naruto now."

The voice is soft, soft and warm.

The love for Naruto is obtained through suggestion, a method almost hypnotic, and the false becomes true.

As for Sakura, this is real true love. Perhaps in the future, the hinted love for Naruto will surpass the love for Sakura, but at the moment, Ino values ​​Sakura more.

Sakura's eyes were slightly red, and she couldn't help but threw herself into Ino's arms; "It's great to meet you at the ninja school."

No, Sakura, to you, Naruto is the most important thing, more important than me, and, I have to say this, it's great to meet you.

Ino caressed Sakura's head, thinking to himself.

In the past hour or so, Naruto woke up, feeling very clear and transparent, and the mental fatigue caused by using multiple shadow clones for several days disappeared.

The trace of fatigue that even the Nine-Tails Chakra could not be completely erased by primary blood recovery disappeared completely.

"What's going on? I remember I was eating, why did I suddenly fall asleep?" Naruto frowned.

"Hey, Naruto, you're awake!" Sakura squatted outside the open tent, blinking at Naruto; "Are you too tired? You can fall asleep while eating!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Am I asleep? Or while I'm eating?" Naruto was confused.

Climbing out of the tent, I came to the fire, and next to it, I saw a dinner plate covered with plastic wrap, which contained rice, vegetables, meat, and soup.

"You fell asleep suddenly, and you haven't finished your meal. This is specially reserved for you." Xiaoying said: "If you are hungry, eat."

"This is the first time I have encountered this kind of situation. Could it be that I have over-practiced and practiced crazy?" Naruto scratched his hair, sat down cross-legged, tore off the plastic wrap, and ate voraciously.

From the moment he woke up, the hunger in his stomach made him very uncomfortable, so let's ignore the rest and let's talk about filling his stomach.

"I think so." Sakura squatted aside and said softly: "Look, your multiple shadow clone is a forbidden technique with great side effects for ordinary people. You use it so endlessly, nothing will happen. No wonder."

Naruto didn't speak, he was recalling the feeling at that time, suddenly fell asleep or something, this kind of thing is very wrong.

The shadow clone has not disappeared, and the memory is transmitted back. This can prove that the chakra perception technique has not sensed the approach of a life with a strong chakra reaction.

Ino is a sentient ninja, and like Sakura, he has practiced spirit transformation. No matter how powerful a ninja is in concealment, it is impossible for a ninja to approach him quietly and interfere with him under the protection of such multiple monitoring.

Besides, with the defense power at this time, he can be brought down without him being aware of it at all. What kind of master is this, a strong man, there are such figures in the ninja world?

Excluding the actions of foreign enemies and outsiders, there are only a few people around me left.

Sealed space, where Naruto's consciousness appears.

"Nine Lamas, are you the one who put me to sleep?"

Nine Tails was too lazy to talk, lay on the stomach and didn't get up, just the Nine Tails flicking back and forth unconsciously.

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