Naruto waited for a while, and then heard Nine Tails snort in disdain.

What does it mean?Confused, Naruto stepped forward and patted Kyuubi's nose.

"Jiu Lama, talk, how can I understand if you don't speak? If you want me to understand, you have to tell me. Although I can understand a little bit, you still have to explain it to me directly, I"

Kyuubi curled up into a ball and covered his ears with his tail.


It seems that it was not done by Nine-Tails, Nine-Tails is just arrogant, but it dares to act, it did what it did, just admit it generously, it will not deny it.

Since it's not Nine-Tails, and it's not a foreign enemy, someone else, then

After Naruto ate his last mouthful, he burped, stretched comfortably, and suddenly said, "Sakura, you made me fall asleep, right?"

What he said was questionable, but his tone was firm.

Ino likes him, and Sakura is Ino's sister. In order to help Ino, she stunned him and eliminated him with a little reasoning.

"Hey, why do you say that? I wouldn't do such a thing!" Sakura was shocked, puzzled, and said a little wronged.

"Hehe, you still have to deny it, and you pretend I don't know?" Naruto laughed and said, "You are Ino's good sister, and Ino doesn't know what she wants to do to me. When it's over, help him get me down."

As he said that, Naruto checked himself and found that there was no trace of tampering in his clothes and pants, and there was nothing unusual about his body, so he was relieved.

Puchi, Sakura couldn't help laughing, laughing very loudly, as if she heard some big joke.

Even Ino, not far away, covered his mouth and couldn't help sniggering.

Seeing this, Naruto squinted his eyes and asked, "Am I not right? I didn't feel like I was being beaten, and I was suddenly hit while eating. The only thing I could think of was medicine, and among the three of us It's not surprising that you, Sakura, have one or two drugs that cause drowsiness under the guidance of your teacher Tsunade."

Sakura laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist, she even burst into tears.

It took a while before she stopped, and while wiping the tears shed from laughing, she said intermittently: "Let's put it this way, if I drug you, you will be the one I marry in the future, and you will be paid back." How about you having more than ten babies?"

Naruto was dumbfounded.

Isn't it Sakura?

Sakura, who likes Sasuke and would never marry unless he was Sasuke, would say such a thing, which also proves her innocence from the side.

"Then, it's Ino? I understand, you didn't give me the medicine, you gave Ino the medicine, and she did it, right?" Naruto suddenly realized.

"There's no need to do so much, really." Sakura said.

Looking at Sakura, then at Ino, Naruto rubbed between his brows.

Then this is strange, who could it be?

Not foreign enemies, not other people, not Kyuubi, not Sakura, not Ino, is it really like what Sakura said, the multiple shadow clones are overused and tired?

Full of doubts, Naruto left here to release water in a farther place.

While watching Naruto leave, Li Sakura went to check after him, making sure that Naruto didn't leave anything behind, Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of fear on her face.

"Thanks to our thinking ahead of time, otherwise it would be really hard to prevaricate." Ino said; "Of course, it's also thanks to Naruto who firmly believes that you always like Sasuke."

That's right, this is the most important point.

Hearing Ino's mention, Sakura sighed, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

Because she likes Sasuke, she has this fate to meet Naruto, know Naruto, understand Naruto, and finally like Naruto.

Also because of this reason, there has been a river between Naruto and Naruto, and he wants to change this predicament, but he is very afraid, afraid that Naruto will reject her decisively for Hinata.

"When can I really enter Naruto's heart and make him like me?" Thinking of this question, Sakura took a deep breath and patted her face.

Picking up the dishes and dishes that Naruto had forgotten to wash, he washed them in front of the bucket, sat cross-legged in front of the fire, and read some of the family secrets that Ino had excerpted in front of Ino.

This thing is very precious, just like the meaning of sharingan to Uchiha, and the meaning of white eyes to the Hyuga family. In theory, only Ino's future husband is eligible to learn it after he gets married.

And now, Ino gave it to Sakura, which meant it was self-evident.

Not all of them are given away. The secrets of the Yamanaka family involve all aspects of the spirit, and there are corresponding secret techniques. Not all of them work for Sakura. What Sakura needs is to strengthen her mental power and understand the diversified use of spiritual power.

This, even if his father finds out when he goes back, Ino still has an excuse to argue.

Sakura first gave me an S-level spiritualization technique, and I exchanged these, shouldn't I?

On the other side, Naruto, standing in front of a certain big tree and releasing water, shook his body and let out a long breath after finishing the work.

Thinking of this drowsiness, I felt both incomprehensible and a headache.

Recalling Naruto in the plot, after marrying Hinata, he seemed to be very imaginary. I don’t know if it is the reason for the multiple shadows or Hinata, maybe both.

"A shadow clone?" Naruto murmured.

It seems that the use of shadow clones should be reduced as appropriate, otherwise it would be embarrassing if they suddenly fell to the ground and fell asleep in a life-and-death struggle.

The enemy may not be able to break through his defense, but he is afraid of pitting his teammates.

Hey, my defense is so high, can I use it as a shield and a weapon?

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, Naruto thought of something.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Naruto, who got up early, threw a ball of Nine-Tails Chakra to Sakura to help her regain her strength after exercising all night.

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