Naruto stroked Hinata's back lightly, images of Sakura kept flashing in his mind, Sakura's smile, Sakura's efforts, Sakura's spirit of persistence and never giving up.

When you hate someone, no matter the advantages or disadvantages of this person, they are all shortcomings in your eyes, and when you like someone, the situation will be reversed, every frown and smile, everything is shining point, advantage.

Hold Hinata's face in both hands, feel the palms are very hot, look at Hinata again, has it turned into a tomato?

"Can you?" Naruto said.

Knowing what Naruto was referring to, Hinata nodded slightly while being shy.

Each other's faces gradually approached, and finally leaned together.

In a blink of an eye, it was completely dark.

The two worked together to prepare the dinner, and sat side by side at the dining table. While eating, Naruto talked about this mission and what happened.

Aside from the secret that Ino likes Sakura, and his own fondness for Sakura, these two things cannot be said, and nothing else matters.

For example, Sakura kills a big crocodile, Ino sits on a branch and gets bitten by a mosquito, and the three of them play the ghost chase game on the water.

Hinata listened quietly, and was shocked by Sakura's efforts and perseverance from the bottom of her heart.

As a bystander, she found that Xiao Ying had no flaws in her body. She was smart and a genius, but also worked so hard.

The biggest shortcoming, the amount of chakra, is also made up for when Naruto can pass the nine-tailed chakra with the help of the Yin seal technique.

As long as you give Sakura enough time, how far Sakura can grow, I really dare not imagine.

After dinner.

"Where's Hanabi? Has her school started yet?" Naruto asked.

"Huahuo?" Hinata, who was cleaning the window, paused, and replied, "She went to report the class that started the day before yesterday, because she was a transfer student and had a little influence from her family. get in a word."

"That's it." Naruto understood.

As the saying goes, people flock together, and things divide into groups. Hanabi is the Hinata family and a genius. The whole class may not be the opponent of Hanabi. After all, geniuses are not always present.

In terms of family and talent, these two characteristics completely separate Hanabi from other civilian ninjas in the class.

Maybe you will meet friends after a long time, but in a short time, it is difficult to think about it.

Besides, Huahuo also has her own pride, not everyone is qualified to be her friend, at least you have to be excellent, right?

"Take your time, it will get better." Naruto said.

Hinata said kindly, and through the reflection of the window, looked at Naruto who was sitting cross-legged on the tatami, looking down at his notes, his pure white eyes gradually became darker.

Naruto has something to hide from her.

Because he had never concealed it before, Naruto said it straight, even if it was Ino's matter, Naruto explained it openly, and promised her that if he concealed it this time, Hinata would find out immediately.

When people are lying and concealing things, there will always be some small details that are different from usual. This small detail is difficult for people who are not particularly familiar with it to find out.

And Hinata, who has been silently watching Naruto since he was a child, is naturally very familiar with him.

Generally speaking, it is just an ordinary lie, and there is no need for any unusual performance.

Who hasn't lied yet?Hinata lies every day, she is obviously not full, insisting that she is full, and she is thinking of Naruto, but when Hanabi asks about it, she will change her words and say that she is thinking about cultivation and soft fist.

People cannot live without lies.

Hinata doesn't mind Naruto lying because she would too.

What really caught Hinata's mind was that this time Naruto concealed and didn't say anything, which made Naruto treat her with an attitude that was almost guilt-like and owed.

It's never happened before, it's very fresh, and it's the first time ever.

What would make Naruto feel guilty about her?

What could make Naruto think like this?

Considering that Naruto went out with Sakura and Ino this time to perform a mission for a week, Hinata's heart twitched, and she clenched her hand holding the rag.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hinata's doorstep.

After waving goodbye to Naruto, Hinata walked into the house, as usual, with her eyes open, watching Naruto walk away, out of the visual range of her eyes, and then closed them.

Slowly walked back to his own courtyard, opened the door and entered the bedroom.

Not in the mood to do other things, she knelt down on the tatami, closed her eyes and meditated.

Naruto's guilty and indebted attitude made her brood and worry.

Why feel guilty?Why owe?Even if you did something wrong, as long as you speak out and admit your mistakes, I will forgive you. Our relationship will not be shattered because of a little misunderstanding and mistake.

"Sakura, Ino, who changed Naruto's attitude?" Hinata secretly thought.

They are all possible, they are all imaginary enemies.

Ino likes Naruto, and he pursues it clearly and puts it into action.

Sakura likes Naruto, but because of Ino, she chooses to quit. As for whether she really quit or pretended to quit, it is open to debate.

"What should we do?" Hinata thought to himself.

"I have to work harder than before, and my strength can't be too far behind. Then, in daily life, Naruto will feel guilty and owe me, which proves that he has me in his heart, but he doesn't know what happened, which makes him feel sorry. I, this matter, put it aside for the time being, there is no way to study it."

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