Hinata was thinking, while formulating countermeasures.

She admitted that she had taken it for granted, and mistakenly thought that as long as the eggs were not cracked, they would not be afraid of flies.

The reality is that even if the egg really has no flaws or seams, there are too many flies, too active, and powerful, and they will punch a hole abruptly.

Right now is the best example.

Hinata twitched her fingers together, frowning.

scramble?Naruto was originally on her side, with her, who was he arguing with?

Sitting and doing nothing, feeling like if this continues, sooner or later Naruto will be snatched away.

Blindly sitting still and giving in will not be able to protect happiness. If you don't fight, you will fight. The whole thing is nonsense.

"On the one hand, we must maintain this relationship. While heating up, we must not let it cool down. On the other hand, we must prevent them from getting close to Naruto." Hinata secretly said.

In the entire village, there are only a handful of people who are willing to approach Naruto, and among them, there are very few girls, and they can be counted on one hand, just her, Sakura, and Ino.

Ino and Naruto had an agreement, and if the agreement was fulfilled, Ino would be willing to give up Naruto, and Naruto also actively wanted to facilitate this matter, and Ino's threat was not great.

If Naruto likes Ino, there is no need to make such a big detour. From the very beginning, when Ino pursues him, there will be countless opportunities.

Excluding Ino, only Sakura remained.

For Sakura, Hinata is the most vigilant and feels the threat the most.

Ino doesn't know why he likes Naruto, anyway, when Hinata followed Naruto, he didn't see Ino looking for Naruto.

On the contrary, Sakura has spent the longest time with Naruto and has the deepest relationship.

In terms of tacit understanding and cooperation, Hinata no longer thinks about it, but has to admit that Sakura and Naruto match better than her.

This time, Naruto felt guilty, owed, etc. to himself. According to Hinata's guess, it is probably related to Sakura.

You can't take Ino lightly, but the real focus should be on Sakura.

"Do you want to make up lessons?" Hinata thought of this, and her heart moved.

Just taking advantage of this incident can prevent the number of times Sakura and Naruto meet.

At the same time, Naruto tidied up a bit and set off for his home, where Sasuke was staying.

When he went up the stairs, he had already prepared the key, unexpectedly Sasuke opened the door first, gave him a cold look, then turned and went back into the house.

Naruto looked at the key in his hand and smiled slightly; "Sasuke, I've been gone for a week, do you miss me? By the way, how is your training Fei Lei Shen?"

Sasuke automatically ignored the first half of the sentence, for the second half of the sentence

He smiled lightly, his body disappeared out of thin air, and appeared in front of Naruto in an instant, with one hand in his pocket, and said coolly: "Fourth Hokage's famous stunt, Flying Raijin? This kind of technique can't trouble me."

"Awesome, as expected of Sasuke." Naruto applauded with pride.

Sasuke was very happy in his heart, but he had a cold look on his face.

"What about you?" Sasuke asked.

"Me? I won't study for the time being. You and Sakura are enough. You two will fly with me." Naruto said.

Sasuke was stunned; "Sakura?"

"Well, what a coincidence, Sakura learned to fly Thunder God yesterday." Naruto said.

"Yesterday." A look of complexity flashed in Sasuke's eyes; "I only learned this morning."


If I had known earlier, I would have asked the specific time of the Sasuke Academy first.

Complicated only for a while, Sasuke quickly sorted out his mood; "You said before that you can make me stronger, but now Fei Leishen has learned it, and you can do other things."

"Well, I can't tell you the details, or it won't work, and you'll know when it's done." Naruto said.

Cultivate feelings, and wait until the feelings are deep, and then he will fake death, like Lin's death, stimulated to Obito, directly from the double hook jade to the kaleidoscope.

This plan must be carried out without Sasuke's knowledge, otherwise it will have no effect in a state of utilitarianism.

Suspicious eyes appeared, not knowing what Naruto was planning.

When Sasuke thought of becoming a ninja, Naruto shared every bit of himself with him, and shared with him as soon as he had good things. He usually trained and cultivated a tacit understanding.

In the end, Sasuke suppressed his doubts and chose to believe in Naruto.

He has no money, no power, no one, and has nothing but the name of Uchiha.

Although I don't know what Naruto plans for him, but as long as it can make him stronger and revenge, then anything is fine.

For the sake of revenge, Sasuke can even give up his life, naturally he is not afraid of the conditions that Naruto may raise.

"I learned Flying Thunder God today." Naruto clapped his hands together, turned his head to look at Sasuke, and suggested, "Should we celebrate?"

"??" Sasuke asked.

Twenty minutes later.

Turn off the lights, light the candles, and Naruto sits cross-legged, facing Sasuke; "If you don't have any cake, let's use this rice ball instead."

The corner of Sasuke's mouth twitched, and he remained silent.

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