With a body that has lost its spirit, it hangs its head weakly.

Use family secrets to temporarily increase spiritual power, and punch Naruto in the back.

Pain, just this one, surpassed Sakura's mental damage, and Naruto's spirit lifted.

Ino didn't stop, and was not hindered by gravity, physical level, including resistance, and the speed and power of the mental body were completely determined by thinking.

In the parentheses behind the magic value, under Naruto's attention, the experience value has been rising steadily, quickly rising from [-]% to [-]%, and it continues to increase.

A look of joy flashed in Naruto's eyes.

Such a good thing lasted for about ten minutes, and the experience value was stuck at [-]%, and Ino's spirit returned to his body.

Not far away, Naruto heard a muffled groan, looked sideways, and saw Ino holding his head in his hands, fell to the ground with a face of pain, curled up into a ball, and twitched there.

"Hey! You, how are you?" Naruto was startled and ran over quickly.

Seeing that Ino wasn't pretending, he really looked in pain, with the cold sweat on his brow and bloodshot eyes, he couldn't pretend.

"Heh, heh, I'm used to small things." Ino forced a smile and said, "The spirit is very strong, but at the same time it's very fragile. The conditions of use are harsh. It's okay, just a little bit of pain will heal."

Naruto didn't speak, and threw a ball of Nine-Tails Chakra to her.

At the beginning, Dad Cheap split the complete Nine-Tails into two halves, that is, Yin-Yang.

This ability to transmit chakra to others, heal wounds, restore physical strength, and spiritual strength is the ability of Yang Jiuwei.

Not much nonsense, five words to express, Jiuwei is really easy to use.

Ino, who was somewhat pretending in it, found that his head pain was not so bad, but unexpectedly, he didn't show it, and still covered his head, yelling in a low voice.

"It's useless?" Naruto thought to himself, his brows furrowed unconsciously, could it be serious?

The magical effect of Nine-Tails Chakra, Ino, which of these two should I believe?

Naruto jumped up, broke off a branch with leaves, aimed at Ino's creaking nest, and poked lightly.

Ino trembled all over, and the uncomfortable cry stopped.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, and chakra hands transformed into Nine-Tails Chakra emerged from his body, grabbed Ino's hands and feet respectively, fixed her in place, and then

Holding the branch with leaves in his hand, he kept poking Ino's creaking hole, waist, and feet.

Feeling ticklish but really unable to bear it, Ino, who couldn't bear it, persisted for less than ten seconds before bursting out laughing.

"No! It's my fault! I shouldn't have lied to you! Stop tickling me! Hahahaha!"

Ino laughed out of breath, tears streaming down his face.

Naruto didn't bother to talk to her, took back the Nine-Tails Chakra, threw away the branch, returned to the original position, and continued to exercise his body.

Life is endless, exercise is endless, not for anything else, just for the future to be able to blow up aliens.

If the aliens are not blown up, this earth will end sooner or later, and everything he owns will be destroyed and reduced to nothing.

The culprits are aliens, just keep an eye on them.

Ino hugged his knees and stared at Naruto without blinking his wonderful eyes.

Whether it was for Sakura or for herself, Ino couldn't tell, and she herself didn't quite understand either.

It's not that there are answers to any questions. Ino didn't try to dig into the corners. She just needs to know what she should do now.

In terms of housework, she is not as good as Hinata. She is not as good as Sakura in terms of learning ability and talent. It can be said that she is inferior to others in every way. There is only one thing she can do.

In matters that can help Naruto, go all out without reservation.

After thinking about it, Ino went out of his body and came to Naruto again, aiming at Naruto to output.

Naruto stopped exercising, looked at Ino under the shade of the tree, lost his energy again, and lowered his head.

"Enough, once a day is enough, there is no need to do this." Naruto said.

Ino didn't listen, she was still attacking Naruto mentally.

Naruto can't interfere with the spirit and can't stop it.

When he couldn't hold on any longer, Ino returned to his body, this time the headache was stronger than before.

If it was said that Ino was still pretending to win Naruto's sympathy, then this time, it was real pain.

She was mentally overused and suffered a backlash. From Ino's own perception alone, her brain was buzzing and her headache was splitting. She couldn't hear clearly what Naruto said, as if there were countless people arguing in her ears.

Not long after persisting, Ino fell into a coma.

"Stupid pig, you know that I don't like you and won't accept you, but you still do these unnecessary things without getting anything in return?" Naruto muttered.

Melt a ball of Nine-Tails Chakra to Ino to help her recover, then pick her up through this layer of Chakra and send her to the hospital.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

nine in the morning.

Sakura followed the branch maid who led the way, entered Hinata's house, and came to the courtyard where Hinata lived alone.

Here, Hinata has been waiting for a long time.

The housemaid bowed lightly, bid her leave and left.

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