Hinata invited Sakura into the room, specifically saying that there is no need to be restrained, there is no one else here, so you can relax a little.

"It's just that the yard where Hinata lives alone is more than three times bigger than my house." Sakura clicked her tongue.

Last night, I was so focused on making Hanabi dream, I didn't pay attention to other things. Besides, the perspective of the mental body is different from the real body after all. This kind of immersive witnessing is even more shocking.

"When will it start?" Hinata asked.

"Anytime." Sakura said, untied her backpack, and took out the notes she took the time to write last night.

What is the problem that Hinata encountered, Xiao Sakura knew it well, she kept a hand before, and deliberately used a lot of seemingly high-end content that was actually useless to prevaricate.

Hinata can learn it eventually, but this time will be delayed a lot.

Because of this, Sakura didn't ask for the [-] million reward from Hinata, and she felt guilty.

But now, Sakura wants to use this as an exchange for the cultivation resources she needs, so naturally she won't play tricks and tricks.

After taking the note and scanning it briefly from beginning to end, Hinata nodded secretly, knowing that her guess was correct.

Last time, Sakura really didn't teach her seriously, well, it's pointless to worry about these things now, Hinata turned her head and nodded towards the south.

The housemaid who had been looking at the house with blank eyes all the time, after receiving this signal, immediately seized the time to move in the prepared things one by one.

It is the equipment used for cultivation, the nutrients, medicines, and big fish and meat that Sakura needs, that is, the nutritious ingredients.

"It's too much, I can't take it by myself, that" Sakura said, she wanted the help of these housemaids.

"I didn't tell you to take it away." Hinata said, "You can exercise here and use it."

Sakura raised her eyebrows, squinted at Hinata who was looking down at her notes, thoughtfully.

This statement, as well as the intention behind the statement, deserves further investigation.

It is not allowed to be taken away, it can only be used here, under Hinata's nose, that is to say, to restrict her actions, and use the cultivation resources she lacks and needs most as bargaining chips.

"What's going on?" Sakura secretly said: "It's impossible for Hinata to do this for no reason, and I feel that her attitude towards me is a little different. When I said this thing yesterday, I haven't. What happened during this period?"

At dusk yesterday, she stopped Hinata on the only way to Naruto's house, and proposed to exchange training resources for training Fei Leishen and Spiritualization.

Since then, until now, the people and things Hinata has come into contact with can affect the change of Hinata's attitude towards herself. After thinking about it, Sakura has only one answer, Naruto.

"What did Naruto say to Hinata? What caused Hinata to be like this?" Sakura secretly asked, "Is it because of Ino? Or is it just because I like Naruto? No, Hinata already knew I like Naruto, if the attitude doesn’t change, then it can only be Naruto.”

Unable to figure out what happened between Naruto and Hinata, which caused Hinata to have such a slightly different attitude towards herself, Sakura didn't think much about it.

In the absence of intelligence, data, and clues, no matter how much you think about it, it is just fantasy, and you may think wrongly or deviate.

Instead of wasting that time, it's better to hurry up and exercise, because here are the cultivation resources she needs most.

Wanting to understand this, Sakura went to the corner where all kinds of supplies were placed, instead of rushing to eat, but to see the effects and functions of these things first.

Calling the branch maid who was about to leave, Sakura asked her to explain to her that she didn't know many of the supplies that rich people had access to, and she didn't feel comfortable eating them if she didn't ask clearly.

The branch maid first looked at Hinata, and after obtaining the consent of the eldest lady, she introduced it to Sakura.

After understanding the efficacy and use of these things, Sakura immediately categorized them according to her medical knowledge, as well as the notes, letters, and what she had learned from Master Tsunade.

Crush five kinds of precious medicinal materials, stir well, and then pour in sixteen kinds of medicinal materials, such as honey, myrrh, and leggan, to make ointment.

Finding that the smell was unpleasant, fearing that the stinky body would cause Naruto discomfort, Sakura added a little balm to neutralize the smell.

Apply the prepared ointment evenly on your hands, arms, feet, legs, stomach, and waist, then wrap it with a bandage, seal it tightly, and look a bit like a mummy.

After selectively taking several pills and nutritional supplements, and doing the preparations that seemed dazzling and complicated to Hinata and the branch maid, Sakura began to exercise.

With pure white eyes staring at the notes, from the corner of her eye she secretly looked at Sakura, Hinata was full of thoughts.

"Well, it's okay to sweat too much and dirty the tatami mat? If necessary, please give me a mat." Sakura suddenly said.

"It's okay, don't worry about that, someone will clean it later." Hinata said.

Sakura didn't speak any more, she concentrated on training and practicing.

Hinata also gradually calmed down, pondered, and understood what was written in this note. If she really didn't understand, she would ask if she didn't understand.

In just one morning, Hinata has benefited a lot, and I feel that I have learned for nothing before.

Many places are not deep enough, not transparent enough, and many small but important details are ignored. As the saying goes, details determine success or failure, no wonder she can't learn it.

While Hinata is happy and happy that she is within a short distance of completing Flying Thunder God, at the same time, she has a kind of innate inferiority complex about her IQ that was crushed by Sakura.

The gap is too big, and I don't have the confidence to chase it.

If there is a scoring system, Hinata thinks she can get around eight points, while Sakura gets over ninety points.

The difference between Sakura and her is that she has no blood.

But it's ridiculous to say that this white-eyed bloodline is just insight and perspective, and has no other effect.

Hinata heard from his father that Sharingan is a combination of Ninjutsu, Illusion, Taijutsu, Blood Succession Limit, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan on top of it, it is extremely powerful. In addition to being bluffing, the white eyes are also what's the effect?

Seeing such an excellent Sakura, Hinata sincerely hopes that Baiyan can also have more advanced and powerful changes, or hidden powers, like Sharingan.

That way, she can also use her bloodline to overtake Sakura.

"Hey, stop having such useless fantasies and daydreams." Hinata sighed secretly; "I'd better keep my feet on the ground and catch up step by step."

Turning her back, instead of looking at Sakura, Hinata began to concentrate on reading this note.

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