These should be compared with the statistical data that will be summarized later, in order to determine how big the error is.

Twenty minutes later, the statistical data was sent by Anbe, Tsunade couldn't sit still, got up and came closer.

"Master Tsunade." Shizune said pleasantly: "The error is between four and five seconds, up to six seconds, and it has not exceeded this limit."

After all, the little slug and the nine tails are both living beings, not machines. After hearing the number, one needs to send a message, and the other needs to distinguish which one it is, and then pass the chakra to it. It will take more or less time.

The error is within four or five seconds, which is normal, or rather, it is already very fast.

"What about people? Did people make a mistake?" Tsunade asked.

"No, there is nothing wrong with this." Jing Yin said.

"Okay!" Tsunade said excitedly: "Then this can be applied in practice, Naruto, you are Konoha's great hero!"

Great hero?Naruto didn't answer.

With one thing on his mind, Tsunade was in a good mood, so he took Naruto and Shizune to dinner together, and specially called Kai.

The previous matter has not been investigated clearly, and there are no clues at all. How to investigate?What is certain is that Kay is fine.

Since there is no problem, there is no need to continue to be separated like this.

Tsunade is not the third generation, and her style will not imitate the third generation. She has her own ideas, and one more thing, she believes in the power of Naruto.

Became friends with Kyuubi and gained the power of Kyuubi. It is unimaginable how powerful Naruto is at this time. At least, it is not something Kai can kill if he wants to.

As long as the eighth door is not blasted, the door of death, Naruto's safety can be guaranteed. If it really explodes to the door of death, uh

After drinking, a drop of cold sweat appeared on Tsunade's forehead.

She has never seen the real Death Gate, the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation, she has only seen the description, and Zeng Kai's father, who exploded the Death Gate, defeated seven people in one hit, defeating the seven people of Wuyin Ninja Sword, this record.

"I remember that Kai's father is a jinnin. If the jinnin open the door to death and defeat the seven ninja swords made up of the top ninjas, Kai is an elite jinnin. If he opens the door to death, huh"

Tsunade was silent.

Taking a sneak peek at Naruto and Kai who were sitting opposite each other, having a good time, eating and chatting about training and practice. It seemed that Naruto and Kai wanted to start exercising immediately.

After thinking about it, she put her heart in her stomach.

The door to death doesn't mean to open it as soon as it is said, and I will tell Naruto later that if Kai really shows signs of opening the door to death, don't worry about anything and run immediately.

Oh, by the way, Sakura learned how to fly Thor, and arranged for Sakura to stay with Naruto, so that no matter what dangers, Sakura can immediately take Naruto to a safe place.

Thinking of this, Tsunade felt relieved.

With nothing to worry about, she raised the wine bottle, drank heavily, and let out a mouthful of alcohol when she was done. This kind of boldness and atmosphere is really not something that ordinary women can have.

In the end, Tsunade, who was drunk to the point of unconsciousness, was carried home by Shizune with a bitter face.

Naruto also reconciled with Kai, who had untied the knot in his heart, and agreed to practice together tomorrow.

Watching Kai walk away while walking upside down, not paying attention to the strange sights of passers-by around him, Naruto laughed dumbfounded, imitating the example, and also walking upside down.

On the other side, Tsunade, who was a little more awake, took out a small bottle from his sleeve dangling.

I dipped a little lotion with my little finger and applied it on my forehead, nose tip, earlobe, and temple.

The cooling sensation permeates and restores clarity to the brain.

"Go back and find Naruto, I still have something to say to him." Tsunade said.

Shizune was puzzled, but she didn't neglect, she didn't take a drop of wine, just to take care of the drunk Tsunade, wherever Tsunade wanted to go, she would send Tsunade there.

Soon, with the help of the piglet, Tsunade found Naruto who was walking home on his head.

Touching the wall next to her with one hand, barely standing still, Tsunade asked Shizune to leave temporarily, she had something to say to Naruto alone.

After Shizune left suspiciously holding the little pig, Tsunade patted his forehead, thought for a moment, and said, "Naruto, through this incident, I can clear your name."

"Rectification of name? What name is rectification?" Naruto asked.

"You are not a demon fox, but the only son of the fourth generation, the child of a hero who guarded Konoha." Tsunade said.

"No need." Naruto refused; "I'm used to this, if I change suddenly, I won't be able to adapt."

If you are not a Hokage, of course you don't care about your reputation.

Naruto has been looking at him with malicious and cold eyes since he was a child, and suddenly changed to looking at a heroic child. Not to mention what these people think, Naruto can't stand it.

"You, do you still hate Konoha?" Tsunade said; "I know, when Jiraiya brought back the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain, I roughly guessed some, including Jiraiya, he also understood What does that prophecy represent?"

In the prophecy, Naruto is related to the future of the world. It is the world, not Konoha. Don't confuse the two.

Protecting the world does not mean that Konoha cannot be destroyed.

However, Immortal Toad didn't specifically point out that Konoha would be destroyed [-]% of the time. Therefore, Jiraiya and Tsunade guessed that there was still room for change.

Tsunade hopes to deepen the bond and relationship between Naruto and Konoha, so that Naruto will not destroy Konoha, and Jiraiya also means the same.

"For the harm the village has caused you so far, I, as Hokage, apologize to you, I'm sorry." Tsunade said.

Naruto was silent for a moment, and said, "You don't need to rectify your name. If you really want to be sincere, you can work for me for free. The [-] million will be taken separately."

"What!" Tsunade's eyes widened, he was entangled, and sighed: "Okay, okay, am I a person who is short of [-] million? Isn't it just [-] million? I'm Hokage, and Hokage apologizes to you personally , Here, less, how about fifty million? Thirty million? Ten million? At least five million? Are you really planning to make me work for nothing? "

Naruto made a serious face.

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