After a while, Tsunade wiped his face with his hands, and stared at Naruto with clearer eyes; "If this can make you feel better and relieve your dissatisfaction with the village, it's fine. I don't want any money. Besides, what do you do? business, no need to pay taxes.”

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sun was setting and the streets were deserted. Tsunade stared at Naruto with a serious attitude.

Firstly, Naruto is the big toad sage's prophecy, which is related to the future of the world.

Secondly, Naruto himself is also an existence with extremely high strategic value to Konoha, or a trump card.

No matter from which point of view, she hopes that Naruto can look at Konoha from an objective perspective.

Naruto can let it go completely without asking, at least, don't destroy Konoha, prank or something, whatever, don't destroy Konoha.

"I am very satisfied with my current life. Everyone lives their own lives, and the well water does not interfere with the river water." Naruto said: "As for destroying Konoha? I am not so free. I will come to the photo studio to report tomorrow night. Is there any problem?"

With Tsunade's nod of agreement, Naruto turned and left.

"Jiraiya, did we misunderstand the prophecy of the big toad sage? Naruto, he has no intention of destroying Konoha." Tsunade secretly said.

When Naruto got home, he immediately opened the refrigerator, took out a box of ice cream, and ate it with a spoon. It felt cold and comfortable.

This is the best thing to eat on a hot summer day like this.

Near six o'clock, Hinata arrives, along with Hanabi.

It's almost the same as yesterday, I don't talk to Naruto, but I just stare at Naruto secretly, making him look like a light on his back, which is very unnatural.

"Naruto, can I trouble you? Help me with this cauliflower." Hinata said.

"Uh, of course." Naruto said.

Hinata put down the knife in his hand, took off the apron, helped Naruto put it on, and when he walked out of the kitchen, he closed the door.

"This is going to be..." Naruto had some guesses.

Sure enough, Hanabi's exclamation and running sound came from the living room soon, it seemed that Hanabi was running away, but she couldn't run past her sister, and was caught by Hinata.

"Naruto, please, it will be ready soon, help me with the cauliflower." Hinata's white eyes saw Naruto walking to the kitchen door, ready to open the door, and said ahead of time.

Being covered with her mouth, she could only let out a groaning sound, looked at her sister begging for mercy, and wanted to call out to ask Naruto to save her, but unfortunately, she couldn't do so.

Naruto hesitated, and said, "I'm fine, don't just because of me"

"I know." Hinata said, picked up her sister Hanabi, went out through the window, and went up to the roof.

"How did you promise me when you went out?" Hinata said: "You said, you will get along well with Naruto, it will never be like yesterday, why? If you don't like it, don't come, and when you come, don't use such strange things." Attitude towards Naruto, if you do this again, I will be angry, I don't mean to be joking."

Hinata's voice is still waxy, giving people a very gentle and soft feeling, which most people can't hear.

Only people who are close and familiar with her often, can hear that she is angry, and very angry.

"Sister, my lord sister, I" Huahuo faltered, while moving his eyes left and right.

"I won't make the mistake of last night again." Hinata held onto Hanabi's arm without letting go; "Two choices, I'll take you home now, and you don't want to come here again, I don't force you to like Naruto, but You can't make him feel uncomfortable, since you can't get along with Naruto, then don't come, if you don't want to do this, just frankly explain the reasons and reasons clearly."

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, either they value this over that, or they love this and hate that.

Saying hate may be a bit too much, roughly like this.

In Hinata's heart, Naruto ranks first, more important than herself.

For Naruto, she can let go of herself, even if necessary, she is willing to die for Naruto.

Hinata also values ​​Hanabi very much, and loves Hanabi very much, but once this love is put together with Naruto, the severity is clear at a glance.

Under the gaze of her sister, Hanabi felt the great pressure, and really didn't know what to say, so she kept silent.

"Go home." Hinata hugged Hanabi with strong hands, preventing Hanabi from escaping.

"I, I said!" Huahuo said hastily; "I think, I want Brother Naruto to take me to and from school!"

Hinata paused, with a strange expression on her face, she glanced at Hanabi; "That's it?"

Huahuo Chick nodded repeatedly as if pecking at rice.

"Really, what did you think it was? You can just tell me about this kind of thing. I'll ask for you when we eat later." Hinata rubbed Hanabi's head, unable to understand her sister's mind. What do you think.

Huahuo laughed dryly. She lied. This excuse came up on the spur of the moment. She couldn't tell the truth. If she told her sister, she would definitely be even angrier.

The night before yesterday, last night, I dreamed about Brother Naruto.

She didn't understand what it meant, and she wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

The day before yesterday was a microcosm of brother Naruto's experience from childhood to the present. Last night, she dreamed that she was playing with brother Naruto.

Riding a horse on the prairie.

Sunbathe on the beach.

Watching the sunrise on the mountain.

In short, all kinds of strange and wonderful encounters.

How should I put it, Hanabi doesn't hate it, she just finds it strange, why does she dream about Naruto's brother one after another?

My sister often dreams about Naruto's brother at night, and talks in her sleep, which is a sign of liking and love.

So what happened to her?Is it also because I like it?Love?don't know.

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