Before leaving, Naruto looked around, leaned close to Huahuo's ear, and whispered: "Don't you want to find a boy you like in the ninja school like your sister? Don't tell others that I said that. Ah, you go find a guy named Konoha Maru, he's very nice."

After speaking, Naruto patted Hanabi on the shoulder, turned and left without looking back.

"Laughing is better than crying, isn't it? Brother Naruto is really strong, if the same thing happens to me, I will" Huahuo secretly said.

What will happen, she can't tell, it may collapse, it may violently resist, no matter what, there is absolutely no way to see it as Naruto.

"Hey, what did Brother Naruto say just now? Konoha Maru? Why did you ask me to find Konoha Maru?"

And who is this Konoha Maru?Why did Brother Naruto ask her to find him?

With doubts in her heart, Hanabi walked into the school, went to the class, and asked the two boys at the same table who were separated by a certain distance and did not dare to approach her, who was Konoha Maru?

I found out that that guy is the grandson of the third Hokage, or a senior who is one level higher.

After the first get out of class, Hanabi came to her.

knock knock knock.

"Who is Konoha Maru?"

Konoha Maru, who was chatting with Udon, Moe Huang, and others, turned to look subconsciously when he heard someone calling him.

"I'm Konoha Maru, who are you?"

Konohamaru was very puzzled, who is this little girl, with white eyes, from the Hinata family, there is no caged bird curse mark on her forehead, so, this is the rare second lady of the Hinata family?

"It's him? It's nothing special." Hanabi rolled her eyes and saw that Konoha Maru's Chakra strength was less than one percent of that of Naruto's brother.

Such a person, why did brother Naruto ask her to come and find him?Hanabi is full of doubts, or is it that this Konoha Maru just looks weak on the surface, but is actually very strong?

Thinking of this, Huahuo stretched out his hand and pointed upward; "I challenge you, it's on the roof of the building, do you dare to come?"

eight minutes later.

Rooftop terrace.

Many students came here to watch the fun, but they didn't see it.

According to those who came earlier, the battle ended too quickly, the grandson of the third generation was defeated by the white-eyed girl, and his limbs twitched and sent to the infirmary for treatment.

After being told a few words by the teacher, Hanabi, who had nothing to do, returned to the class and quickly left the matter of Konoha Maru to the corner.

Such a weak person is not worthy of being her opponent at all. Tonight, I will ask Brother Naruto what is the reason for asking her to find Konoha Maru.

"I can dream of reality in my dream, and it is a reality that I have never seen, don't know, and don't understand, what's going on?" Huahuo secretly said: "Could it be that my white eyes have awakened some new abilities? Also, the ancient family that has been passed down for more than a thousand years, the strongest family, how could it be just insight and perspective, it seems that my ability is related to dreams, I don’t know if sleeping during the day is useful? Try it.”

From the second class until the lunch break, Hanabi has been sleeping.

During lunch, she wondered, why didn't she have a dream, could it be that she didn't sleep deeply?

"Continue to sleep in the afternoon, we must find out what exactly this ability does." Huahuo secretly said.

At the same time, at the training ground, Naruto is here, training with Kaiban.

Cultivation is not only about exercising by yourself, but also includes learning from each other and actual combat.

I learned a little bit about Naruto's strength from Kakashi, and only recently learned that in the second round of the Zhongnin exam, the one who eliminated three of his students from the Death Forest was the seventh class, and Naruto Inseparable relationship.

Kai was very curious about how strong Naruto is now, so he offered to act as a referee, and let Naruto and Xiao Li, Ningci, and Tiantian, have actual combat discussions.

"Please advise me more." Naruto and Xiao Li said in unison, and formed the seal of opposition.

Then, as Kai's raised hand fell, the two ran towards each other at the same time.

Naruto came up as a mighty iron mountain.

Xiao Li yelled, and without retreating or avoiding, mustered all his strength, and punched out.

Under the dull impact, Xiao Li took two steps back, Naruto's charge was also stopped, without pause or hesitation, he lifted his right leg and kicked it out, it was the Vajra leg that has been cultivated recently.

Xiao Li reacted quickly, kicking the same way, confronting Naruto head-to-head, kicking more than a dozen legs in a row.

Suddenly, Naruto stretched out his hands, grabbed Xiao Li, and aimed at Xiao Li with his iron head.

Both hands were caught, as usual, Xiao Li also faced Naruto's head with his head.

As a half-disciple of Teacher Kai, Naruto is ahead of himself, and everyone is at the bottom of the crane. Xiao Li wants to really see, what is the gap between himself and Naruto in terms of physical skills?

So he can't hide, he has to use his strongest ability to fight Naruto's strongest.

Xiao Li's leg is tied with a weight, which is not only a burden, a drag, but also a protection. This head is different, he does not have Naruto's exaggerated defense.

It's just that Xiao Li's head was stunned when he bumped into it on the first day of junior high school, feeling like a slight concussion.

Nothing happened to Naruto, he seized the gap, fixed Xiao Li with his backhand, and fell over his shoulder.

The pain made Xiao Li recover, and before Naruto's next blow came, he blocked it, turned around and jumped up quickly, and continued to fight with Naruto.

This is a sparring, not a life-and-death battle, of course it should be gentler.

Naruto doesn't use anti-injury, ninjutsu, nine-tailed chakra, or strange power, just a normal state.

Xiao Li doesn't unload the load, doesn't open the Eight Doors Dunjia, and is also in a normal state.

Even so, as the battle continued, Xiao Li's face gradually became brighter.

Naruto, who is used to slapping people in the face, always slaps in the face reflexively, and he can't help it.

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