On the other hand, Naruto has no problems except that his clothes look a little dirty.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Naruto and Xiao Li's fists hit each other's faces at the same time.

Hurt each other, that's how Naruto fights.

Relying on his own exaggerated defense power, he didn't need to dodge or dodge at all, and resisted the opponent's attack.

If you hit me a hundred times, nothing will happen to me, but once I punch you, your nose will bleed.

In the end, Xiao Li, who was frequently hit on the face, was dizzy and couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground. The discussion lasted for nearly ten minutes and ended with Naruto's victory.

After Xiao Li insisted on forming a seal of reconciliation with Naruto and stepped aside, the second seeded player, Neji, appeared on the stage.

It seems that he has already learned the truth from the cheap father-in-law, and Neji untied the knot in his heart for many years.

Although he is still worried about the separation of the family and the bird in the cage, he no longer hates the clan as much as before, and can look at the problem rationally and calmly.

Naruto heard a few words from Hinata, and knew about the change of this uncle.

"Well, if Hinata doesn't care about it, I have no reason to hold on to it." Thinking of this, Naruto let go of his prejudice against Neji, and smiled kindly at Neji.

Ning Ci returned a faint smile.

"Please advise."

The same steps as before, after the Seal of Opposition was completed, Kai announced the start, and the two immediately fought together.

hurt each other.

Even if the chakra was sealed by Neji with a soft fist, Naruto's long-term exercised body possesses strong speed and strength, plus explosive power, plus this unsolvable defense.

Ning Ci followed in Xiao Li's footsteps, with a bruised nose and swollen face, and ended in defeat.

Now, of Kaiban's three renunciations, only

"Huh! No, no, no, I'll forget it, he keeps beating people in the face, I don't want to become a pig's head!" Seeing Naruto and Teacher Kai looking over, Tian Tian hurriedly shook his head.

It's fine to be the first one, I don't know, she can only consider herself unlucky, since she has seen the tragic situation of the first two, she will not take the risk again.

"When you encounter difficulties, you must face them bravely. It doesn't matter if you become a pig's head. That's also youth." Kai said loudly.

What he advocates is to face up to difficulties, the harder it is, the more you have to go forward, how can you shrink back?

"I'm a girl, what do I think if I turn into a pig's head!" Tian Tian said.

That is to say, although she is different from other girls, she likes ninja tools and practice, but she didn't say that she is willing to destroy her image. Teacher Kai is really, can't she be regarded as a boy?

"What about girls? Girls can still burn their youth, come, let me, Xiao Li, Neji, Naruto, experience your courage as the strongest female ninja, and face the pig head bravely!" Kai cheered and cheered .

"Is it directly based on the premise that I will become a pig's head?" Tiantian collapsed.

Seeing that there is no way to shirk it, if you continue to refuse, you will also disappoint Teacher Kai.

As a member of Kaiban, you don't need to be able to keep up with Teacher Kai's brain circuit, at least you must be able to not be thrown away, otherwise it will be difficult to integrate and appear out of place.

Tiantian bit the bullet and stood opposite Naruto.

Seeing Naruto's fist, and turning her head to see Xiao Li and Ningji with bruised nose and swollen face, her throat twitched, and she said, "Well, can you not slap your face?"

"Yes." Naruto readily agreed.

"Really? Thank you!" Naruto didn't expect Naruto to be so easy-going, Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, now she has nothing to worry about.

Take out the three-section stick from the scroll, play a few beautiful tricks, and then forcefully align it to make it into a stick.

"What weapon do you need? I have a lot here, I can lend you one." Before the fight started, Tiantian asked.

Naruto looked at his hand, then at the stick in Tian Tian's hand, shaking his head to indicate that he didn't need it.

Waiting for Kai to put down his raised hand, he announced the start.

Tian Tian preemptively rushed to Naruto.

He flexibly and deftly swung the stick in his hand, aiming at Naruto's side waist. This is a weapon made of steel, and it hurts so much when it hits the body.

Naruto's arms, legs and feet can be compared with Neji and Xiao Li, and there is nothing wrong with them. They are weird. They must be used as the main means of attack, and they must be trained and exercised in a targeted manner.

For the softer part of the side waist, it will be a major weakness.

After all, human energy is limited, and it is impossible to cover everything, and there must be some weaknesses.

Tiantian's mental activity was very short, the stick had already hit Naruto's side, and then

Naruto smiled at her with an innocent face, and then a huge fist occupied the left field of vision.


After being hit hard, she lay on her back with stars in her eyes every day, she was dizzy, and reflexively said: "Didn't you say you don't want to slap your face?"

"I didn't slap you in the face." Naruto said, "It was your eyes that were slapped. Are eyes counted as faces?"

Knowing that he was being tricked, he gritted his teeth every day, Li Yu stood up stiffly, changed the stick into a three-section stick, and continued to attack Naruto while swinging it.

The fight has already been fought, and it is even worse to give up halfway. No matter what, you have to persevere. As long as you are careful, you should be able to avoid being slapped in the face.

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