Naruto skillfully controlled the little five tails, jumping up and down, dodging shells, eating shotguns, and taking nine tails, who is no longer a novice, into the second level, the base, without damage.

Here, Naruto's performance is still impeccable, moving, dodging, running and jumping. On the other hand, Kyuubi made three mistakes and lost three lives.

Kyuubi's face darkened.

Then came the third pass, the fourth pass, and the fifth pass.

There are only two of Kyuubi's dead, and Naruto has twenty-six more.

Nine-Tails made an obvious sound of breathing, and before it was about to damage the gamepad or even the screen, Naruto kicked it flying.

"Naruto!" Nine Tails roared.

"Can't afford to lose? Don't destroy things at every turn." Naruto said indifferently, expressing indifference to Kyuubi's roar, usually bickering with Kyuubi, listening to its roar, and operating normally.

"Who can afford to lose, it's clear that you cheated." Jiuwei said firmly.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders. Don't expect to solve the problem through talking with this kind of rascal. What you should do is to crush it over and over again in the same field.

"Another one?" Naruto asked, and also asked for the opinions of the lower five-tailed beasts and other tailed beasts.Genius 噺 バ 一/

Five-Tails nodded in agreement, and the other tailed beasts also wanted to see how Naruto operated, which seemed to be much more powerful than Nine-Tails' half-bad guy.

As soon as I heard that I could continue playing, Nine-Tails stopped making trouble, so I went over to pick up the game controller and started from the beginning.

This time Naruto played while explaining which weapons are easy to use, which weapons are useless, what kind of positioning is needed to fight the final monster, and where to pay attention.

"Excellent, I didn't find out, it can still be like this."

"Well, the control is very smooth and flexible."

"That shotgun weapon is pretty good. I'll try it later."

"By the way, Nine Tails, it really doesn't work."

"Indeed, compared to Naruto, it's rubbish."

Hearing the mutterings behind him, Nine-Tails' ears trembled, just as it was about to die, it was ready to make a big fuss and expose the game.

Unexpectedly, Naruto was on guard against it a long time ago, before it could make a move, he kicked it up again, kicking it away quickly and ruthlessly.

"Naruto! Bastard! Which side are you on!" Kyuubi roared, the huge body stood up, and swung its giant claws, trying to completely destroy the screen.

Will the strongest tailed beast lose to humans?Don't be kidding, as long as you destroy this game, it won't lose.

"Nine Lamas, I misread you, you are so stingy, don't play if you can't afford to lose." Naruto said.

Put the game controller in front of Wuwei, enter Jiuwei mode, dodge to block Jiuwei's blow, and seeing that Jiuwei opened his mouth to release the tail beast jade, he quickly controlled the chakra hand and extended it from his waist.

In the palm of this chakra hand, a super-large jade spiral shuriken quickly condensed.

The blow on the belly caused Nine Tails to howl and back away.

The two sides are fighting back and forth, it seems that there is real fire, but the tailed beasts not far away can feel it, whether it is Nine Tails or Naruto, there is no killing intent in the attack, rather than It's more like playing than fighting.

Except for Eight Tails, One Tail, and other tailed beasts, they all envy Nine Tails to meet such Jinchuriki.

Yao is because of Kirabi as a friend, and Ichio is a blessing from his predecessor Jinchuriki.

"Can we really get along well with humans?" Siwei secretly asked.

Thinking of the scenes it experienced, it vetoed the idea.

Human beings are afraid of it, and want to use it as a tool, and it doesn't trust human beings either.

So, not with humans, but with Naruto.

This guy, on the one hand, is not afraid of it, and on the other hand, he does not treat it as a tool, but treats it as an equal. From Naruto's body, Siwei feels a strange atmosphere.

That is respect for life.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The game was played, and the fight was fought.

Kyuubi continued to separate a group of chakra, and then poured his will into it. Immediately, this group of chakra transformed into a small Kyuubi.

Nine-Tails' main body lay down and dozed off, while it controlled the little Nine-Tails and went to line up honestly.

I have heard Naruto repeatedly emphasize the importance of the rules. If you want to continue playing, you must abide by the rules.

"Then, play by yourself, I'm going to eat, come back after eating." Naruto said.

But it was Sakura who had already bought groceries and made dinner. Ino was calling him. It is easy to forget the time when playing this game. Be careful next time.

"Wait a moment."

Naruto, who was about to leave, heard this sentence, and his weakened consciousness re-condensed, looked intently, and asked in doubt: "What's wrong?"

Four tails left from their original positions and came to Naruto.

Its body is small, but in fact it is not small, it is almost one meter high, but compared with its real body, it is really small.

"Sun Wukong, my name." Siwei raised his right hand.

Naruto was stunned for a moment, smiled and clenched his right hand, facing him: "I am Uzumaki Naruto, please give me your advice."


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