Following Nine Lamas, King Mu, Naruto was also recognized by Monkey King.

Tailed beasts are like this, if you treat them with sincerity, they will treat you with sincerity.

If you use the tailed beasts as tools with all your heart, then you will never get the perfect power of the tailed beasts, and if there is a chance, the tailed beasts will run away crazily, and you can't hold them back at all.

Make an appointment with Siwei, come after dinner, Naruto said goodbye to everyone temporarily, and left the sealed space consciously.

outside world.

Naruto opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

I didn't expect to get the approval of the two tailed beasts so quickly and smoothly, it felt like a dream.

Wuwei's temper is the best among the tailed beasts, Naruto was not surprised by Wuwei's approval first, but it was Siwei who really surprised him.

It can be seen that Four Tails is very annoying and rejects human beings, but it is such Four Tails who approve him so easily.

Sure enough, how arrogant is the tailed beast?What he said was cruel, but deep down in his heart, it was a completely different matter.

"It's a good start, let's make persistent efforts." Naruto secretly said.

Leave the study and go downstairs.

Ino, who was about to go upstairs to call him, saw him coming down, and hurriedly urged him to wash his hands.

Hinata, Hanabi has been taken home, and she has to study at home, so she can't come for the time being, so the three of them will have dinner here tonight.

Naruto thought that Sasuke was alone, so he asked Sakura to call him, there are so many meals, let's eat together.

Ri Ying went out and found Sasuke who was exercising at home, and told him about it.

Sasuke shook his head and refused, it was Naruto's family banquet, what was he going to do, be a light bulb?

Li Ying went back, and came back not long after, and brought Naruto's words.

"You are not an outsider, we are brothers, right? Waiting for you."

Sasuke was silent for a long time after hearing what Naruto said and what Sasuke told him.

In the end, I simply tidied it up, used Flying Thunder God, locked Naruto to carry it, portrayed the Kunai with his mark, and appeared directly at Naruto's house.

On the dining table, the bowls and chopsticks were already set. Sakura asked Sasuke what he wanted to drink, and got the word "casual". She really didn't know what Sasuke liked, so she poured him a glass of water, and then sat on Naruto's right hand.

Eating is inseparable from chatting. Maybe some families don't eat or sleep without talking, but in Naruto, there are not so many rules.

And this chat is bound to talk about topics that both parties are interested in, otherwise it is tantamount to self-indulgence.

There is only one topic in the entire ninja world that can interest Naruto and Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi.

"You mean, you want to kill him alone?" Naruto said.

"Well." Sasuke said: "Now I have the same eyes as his. Since the side effects of these eyes are so serious, then there is a high probability that he will almost lose his sight. If we face each other alone and prepare well, it will definitely be possible. "

"Okay, then follow what you said, and I will help you stop others, so that no one will disturb you, and you can concentrate on dealing with him." Naruto said.

Itachi's matter was settled, and there was nothing to talk about, Sasuke quickly finished his meal, took his used dishes and chopsticks to wash, and left.

As soon as Sasuke left, Ino left the seat without any consideration, and just sat on Naruto's lap carelessly.

She has been coveting this position for a long time, but she has never had the chance. Now that her relationship has been confirmed, she can't wait to sit here.

"What! Iyebo, why are you sitting there, come down quickly, Naruto won't be able to eat properly!" Sakura said.

Eyes breathing fire, she wanted to do the same, but it was a pity that she was a step too late.

"It's okay, it's not tasty, just let me feed it." Ino said with a smile.

"It's just a meal, it's not that troublesome." Naruto said, supporting Ino's waist with both hands, and put her back in her original position.

"Naruto, you idiot, do you understand romance, romance, what's the point of eating normally, feeding each other, that's the way couples eat." Ino said: "Come on, don't resist, be obedient Open your mouth, I made this braised eggplant, try it."

Seeing that Ino sat back on his lap again, he made it clear that he would not give up and give up, so Naruto had no choice but to obey her.

As the one who took advantage, Naruto did not sigh or express helplessness, that was too pretentious, just admit that he enjoyed it frankly.

"Sakura, how is your cultivation of immortality?" Naruto asked.

Before going to the Snow Country to carry out the task of protecting Fenghua Xiaoxue, Sakura had already started to learn the wet bone forest fairy art. It was more than a week, about ten days, how did she learn it?

Hearing Naruto's question about this, Sakura withdrew her gaze from staring at Ino, looked at Naruto and said, "I can already enter the fairy mode, but it's too rough and not perfect. I'm continuing to refine it, hoping to reach what I can achieve. limit."

Naruto nodded, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked.

"Uh, no, it's nothing, let me think about it again." Naruto said.

Sakura was puzzled, but she didn't ask, and listened to Naruto's arrangement.

Is fairy mode powerful?It's very powerful, but relying on the fairy mode alone, at most, it will allow Sakura to have a kage-level combat power. If she dies, she will be a super-kage, which is far from the six-level level.

The six levels cannot be separated from bloodlines.

Naruto's idea at the beginning was to transplant the cells between the cells to Sakura, and then he thought that Madara would transplant the cells between the cells, and there would be an extra face of the cells in the heart.

Not to mention the danger of transplanting Hashirama cells, whether it can be overcome, even if it survives, if there is a Hashirama face on Sakura's heart, or other parts, Naruto simply doesn't know how to deal with it she.

Giving up this idea, Naruto thought again, after he received the gift from the Sage of the Six Paths, could the cells be inferior to Zhujian?

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