Thinking about it every day is also true, it will take a long time, don't worry about it for a while.

She started to restore the chakra armor that had been disassembled into parts. She kept in mind every step and position when disassembling.

About the past four minutes, the restoration is completed, the door is opened every day, and Ino comes in.

"Thank you for being willing to borrow this set of armor for me." Tian Tian said.

"You're welcome, I'll help you in exchange." Ino said.

"Anxin, even if I am blind and dead, he is the only man left in the ninja world, and I won't fall in love with him, like him, just don't worry." Tian Tian promised.

rest assured?How can she rest assured that she has said similar things before, and now she is not also throwing her heart and soul on Naruto?Ino frowned.

Seeing Tiantian's disapproving expression, she thought about it, and slowly said: "Actually, Naruto is a very wicked person, no matter who you are or how you feel about him, as long as you have too much contact, in the end, you will be I will definitely fall in love with him and cannot extricate myself.”

Afterwards, Ino adapted the stories of himself and Naruto, and between Sakura and Naruto, added ingredients, and told them to listen to every day.

"Really, is there really such a wicked sect?" Tiantian was dumbfounded: "But I have known him for more than half a year, and we meet every now and then, and he didn't say he likes him, you..."

"That's because you didn't have physical contact, and Naruto's evil energy couldn't work." Ino racked his brains to make up a random story: "Once there is physical contact, you will be hit, your heartbeat will speed up, your face will turn red, If the contact is frequent, it will inevitably fall and be captured by him."

"Hey, then, then it would be better for me to stay away from him in the future." Tian Tian said solemnly with a look of fear on his face.

Seeing this, Ino secretly smiled, no matter whether Tian Tian really believed it or was just perfunctory, as long as he was careful not to be alone with Naruto, it doesn't matter if he believed it or not.

And when Ino was sent away, the expression on Tian Tian's face collapsed, he rubbed it, and thought helplessly: "Girls in love are really like grass and trees, you are too nervous, it is useless to promise, and you have to make up such a thing." Fake story, hiss."

She's not a nymphomaniac, and she doesn't take love too seriously, and it's not that she can't live without a man.

The former Sannin and the current Five Hokage are still single?

I have admired and admired Tsunade since I was a child, and I want to become an excellent and powerful ninja like Tsunade every day.

Get rid of these distracting thoughts, turn out a pen and paper every day, and disassemble the Chakra armor, and write down the conclusions, structure, assembly, and shape of parts as detailed as possible.

Since Hokage prefers Naruto and cannot obtain Chakra armor through normal channels, she will find a way to make it herself.

"Other materials are easy to get, but crystal is difficult." Tian Tian frowned.

Originally, the production of crystals was small, and the Snow Country, the village, and both sides were in short supply. How could she obtain such a rare item that could not be measured by value?

At the same time, Sakura on the bed suddenly opened her eyes, and the spirit body that went out returned: "I found it."

Tsunade and Jiraiya, who were chatting about the past outside the window, at the same time fixed their eyes and entered the room instantly.

His eyes swept over Hinata, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Kai, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Shizune, Sakura, Hanabi, and Ino who had just returned holding the Chakra armor turned into a suitcase.

Naruto said: "Let's go, target, capture Orochimaru."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Master Tsunade." Shizune tugged on Tsunade's sleeve, worried that Tsunade would go.

The blood phobia still exists, and after the battle begins, anything can happen.

Baihao's technique, creation and regeneration, although these two techniques can keep Tsunade from dying in battle, the price is to reduce lifespan.

Shizune didn't want Tsunade to take such a risk. Anyway, with Jiraiya-sama, Kai Shangnin, Naruto and the others around, it was safe enough to catch Orochimaru. There was really no need for Tsunade, who suffers from hemophobia, to participate.

"Shizune, is this the first day you know me? Anyway, you have followed me for so many years, don't stop me from doing what I should do." Tsunade said.

Shizune shuddered, subconsciously wanting to let go, thinking of Tsunade's weakness in the face of blood, she held on tightly again, bowed her head and did not speak.

In silence, stubbornness and persistence are shown.

"It's true, Tsunade, you stay in the rear." Jiraiya said: "To arrest the traitor, you don't need Hokage, Naruto."

Knowing what Jiraiya meant, Naruto said, "Sakura, let's go, don't bring Granny Tsunade with you."

She didn't know that her master had hemophobia, and Sakura didn't understand Shizune-senpai, Jiraiya-sama, and Naruto's intentions, which didn't prevent her from trusting Naruto.

Unlocking the yin seal, Li Ying came out of her body, marked everyone's body, and put her hands together.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"


Tsunade waited as he was about to exit, stuck in his throat and didn't say anything, turned his head and stared at Shizune.

Seeing that the goal was achieved and Tsunade no longer needed to be in danger, Shizune let go of her hand, smiled flatteringly and helped Tsunade to sit down, stood aside and rubbed her shoulders and back.

"Who do you think I am? A child? What about hemophobia? I don't want to see it, so it's fine?" Tsunade said.

Seeing that Tsunade was indeed a little angry, he quietly said, "I'm sorry."

Tsunade remained silent.

The atmosphere was silent for a while.

"Master Tsunade is everything to me and my world. I have no relatives or family members anymore. If something happens to you, Master Tsunade, I don't know how to live." Shizune said: "Even if you will get angry, Even if you scold me or hit me, I will do the same to prevent you from taking risks."

Phobia is just an excuse, a reason, even if there is no phobia, Shizune will do everything possible to prevent Tsunade from any risky behavior.

Unless, there is really no other way, when it is time for Tsunade to come forward.

"Master Tsunade, if you die, I will follow you and die together." Shizune said.

Tsunade put his hands on his forehead and sighed secretly, Jing Yin, this child, I don't know what to say about her.

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