On the other side, in the border area between the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Frost, a group of people appeared out of nowhere in the dense bushes.

A squirrel was gnawing on a pine cone, so frightened, it hid, and the pine cone fell.

Naruto caught it with his hand, looked up, jumped up lightly, stepped on the tree trunk with one foot to fix it, and returned the pine cone to the squirrel.

In the fairy mode, the animals will not be afraid. The little squirrel even dared to climb onto Naruto's hand, sit in the palm of his hand, and gnaw the pine cone.

Naruto smiled knowingly, teased the squirrel a few times, and put the squirrel back in its place.

"I see, at one o'clock, about [-] meters away." Hinata said.

"How many people?" Naruto asked.


After hearing Hinata's words, Jiraiya took a deep breath and rushed forward first.

Over there, Orochimaru, who was on his way while talking, suddenly stopped.

Practicing Baqi Art, he is no longer a human. Compared with a human, he is more like a snake. In addition to his eyesight, he also has a new sense sense that can be sensed by body temperature.

No matter how outstanding your lurking ability, sneaking, hiding, and hiding ability are, as long as you are still alive and warm, it is impossible for you to escape the feeling of Orochimaru.

"Now, things have become more interesting." Orochimaru laughed.

Doubt on the side, of course, did not doubt for too long, because Ji Lai also appeared, followed by other people.

Seeing Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, the corners of Toto's mouth twitched indiscernibly.

The last encounter was still fresh in his memory, but this time, the situation was undoubtedly even worse.

Don't worry about the white-eyed sisters.

One thing to watch out for is Jiraiya, Kai.

Taking into account the wise general's strategy and tactics, in case of a fight, Shikamaru must be killed immediately.

Noticing that Kazuma was smiling at him, Shikamaru scratched his head nervously, moved his feet, and stood behind Naruto.

Jiraiya and Kai are the absolute main force, and they cannot be distracted from protecting themselves.

Naruto has chakra armor, which has amazing defense power, so it is safest to stay here, so he can observe Orochimaru and Dou, and think about feasible countermeasures.

"That's it!" Seeing what Hinata said, who was the third person following Orochimaru and Dou, Naruto's eyes widened.

Swirl balsamic.

In the plot, Xianglin was originally a ninja of Kusanagi Village, and then was spotted by Orochimaru and taken away until he met Sasuke.

Hey, Orochimaru came to the Country of Grass, is it for Xianglin?

Naruto pondered, and suddenly grabbed Sasuke and took him aside.

"Sasuke, remember what I told you before, what are you going to do after taking revenge?" Naruto said.

Sasuke looked at Naruto strangely and nodded.

"Have you seen that girl? As a brother, I strongly recommend it to you. I must chase her and marry her."

Hearing what Naruto said, Sasuke glanced at Kaorin, with a cold face, and was about to refuse, when Naruto said: "If it can't be done, I won't have you as a brother."

Leave this sentence behind, and Naruto leaves.

In the plot, the three daughters who like Sasuke, Sakura, and Ino came to him by accident, and the rest of Xianglin must be facilitated no matter what.

Not knowing why Naruto's attitude was so firm, Sasuke frowned.

Looking at the back of Naruto leaving, and then looking at Orochimaru and Xianglin beside Dou, I think that Naruto has never cheated himself, and has always given various benefits.

I can have the current strength, I can't do without Naruto.

Therefore, this time, Sasuke chose to continue to believe in Naruto. Since Naruto asked him to chase this girl and marry her, there must be some deep meaning.

"Isn't this Jiraiya? What are you going to do to bring so many people here?" Orochimaru said.

"Take you back." Zi Lai also said, "It doesn't matter whether you want to or not, today, you can't escape."

"Indeed, even if I were to face so many people, it would be impossible for me to retreat completely. However, who said I must retreat?"

Orochimaru smiled slyly, and his body turned into mud.

At the same time, the ground cracked in front of Hinata, Orochimaru leaned out, and reached out to grab Hinata.

"What!" Ji Lai also secretly thought it was terrible.

Kai burst to the seventh door in one breath and disappeared in an instant.


The fierce wind blew, and Orochimaru was kicked away, including the person and the ground.

Hinata, who was about to use Tenseigan, didn't expect this to happen, hugged her sister, and backed up with the force of the storm.

"Are you okay? Ning Ci's sister?" Kai said, thinking to himself, it's a good thing to catch up, otherwise Hinata will be taken hostage, and the situation will become very bad.

"Ah, no, I'm fine, thank you Teacher Kai." Hinata said.

A small snake drilled out of the ground and was about to wrap itself around Ino.

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