
Stamping the snake to death with one foot, Naruto flicked Ino's brains: "Pay attention to your feet."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ino looked at Naruto who suddenly appeared beside him, and the snake on the ground, and smiled.

"Still laughing? Be serious, this time it's a snake, and I happen to be by my side, what about next time?" Naruto said, pinching Ino's face with his left hand, twisting it lightly.

"Yes, I remember." Ino smiled.

I'll be fine if I follow you all the time, you will protect me, Ino kept these words in his heart.

"Give it to me." Naruto said.

Ino hurriedly handed over the Chakra armor he was carrying.

"Naruto, let me come."

Naruto stopped typing chakra, looked at Sakura who was talking, and thought for a moment: "Be careful."

Sakura nodded, took off her jacket, and only wore a short-sleeved top and vest. As she walked, her beautiful and perfect abdominal muscles and vest line were displayed.

In the body, there is the natural energy transmitted by the nine tails, through the perfect proportion of harmony, the fairy mode is turned on.

The mysterious celestial face representing the celestial model appears.

Sakura, who disappeared in place, reappeared at the side of Orochimaru, and punched out quickly and ruthlessly.

Orochimaru dodges, and a Kusanagi sword spits out from its mouth, stabbing Sakura.

Today is different from the past. Since these days, I have worked hard, desperately, specially trained my nerve reflexes, and coupled with the all-round increase of the fairy mode, the current Sakura is completely different from the previous Sakura.

Avoiding Orochimaru's sword, Sakura continued to punch, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them had already punched more than a dozen moves.

You come and go, back and forth, the movements are too fast to be seen by the naked eye, and they are extremely smooth and natural.

He has to be practiced by Naruto every day, and Naruto has been controlling the nerve response all the time, and just overwhelmed Sakura. As time goes by, Sakura can't help but have the illusion that she is standing still and not making much progress.

Until now, facing Orochimaru directly, it is no longer that the reaction cannot keep up, but the other way around, it is a little faster than Orochimaru.

The corners of Sakura's mouth twitched slightly.

Efforts are not in vain, as long as you persist and don't give up, you will be able to break through the limit and surpass Hinata.

"This guy, has he mastered the art of immortality?" Orochimaru secretly asked.

Seeing the tricks, he fought dozens of times, and finally Sakura caught the opportunity and broke through Orochimaru's block.

The right hand clenched into a fist came to Da Shewan, the middle finger was slightly arched, and hit him on the face.

The terrifying strange power is to deform Orochimaru's face.

"Oh, it's useless." Orochimaru said.

His body has been modified by software, and what he is most afraid of is this kind of physical blow that goes straight and has no special effects.

"Not necessarily." Sakura said.


On Orochimaru's face, where Kosakura hit it just now, there is a word. With this word as the source point, the curse spreads and distributes, quickly covering Oroshemaru's face, and heading towards the neck.

"What!" Orochimaru changed his face: "Sealing technique?"

Sakura snapped her knuckles and dodged to catch up.

I got a lot of knowledge about sealing techniques from my mother, Jiu Xinnai, except for those sealing techniques that are harsh, difficult to perform, and slow to release, and only choose the parts that suit me.

"This is the sealing technique that affects chakra refining." Orochimaru noticed the abnormality in his body and understood it.

Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Illusion, Forbidden Art, Sealing Art, he has been involved in research, among them, the Sealing Art of the Uzumaki Clan is the most authoritative.

If you change to a ninja who doesn't know the sealing technique, you can just lie on the ground and admit defeat. Orochimaru understands, not only understands, but also is very proficient.

He bit off his right thumb, smeared blood on his face, and drew a word: "Solution."

After cracking the sealing technique and refining Orochimaru, which is no longer affected by Chakra, facing Sakura who is chasing him, she can only choose to parry.

His hands were abolished by three generations, and Dashewan couldn't use all the techniques that required seals, and needed the help of Dou.

So, what are you doing now?

He is laying a trap.

First dig a hole, sit in it, and then ask Naruto to tie him up with a rope, so tightly that he can't untie it with the rope-off technique.

Then I asked Naruto to stick explosive symbols on his body, stomach, heart, and head, anyway, they were the vital parts, and the fatal parts were covered.

Have you ever seen a mummy made of detonators?This is.

After finishing all this, Ino left, released the heart turning technique, and returned to his body.

The pocket that regained consciousness, through the gap left by the detonating talisman, saw the small mirror that Naruto held in his hand directly opposite, the self in the mirror.

To be honest, Dou's psychological quality is very good, otherwise he would not be able to be a multi-faceted spy, and even so, at this moment, his heartbeat almost stopped.

It was too frightening. His body was covered with detonating talismans. He was sure to die. Once detonated, he would not even have a chance to be treated or cured. He would definitely die on the spot.

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