"Just now, what happened?" Doudou said.

He couldn't accept the reality that he had become such a muddleheaded person, there was no vigorous battle, no evenly matched competition, it was just that when his consciousness went dark, and then he recovered.

Naruto pointed to Ino who was standing not far away, eating snacks.

Looking around, he shook his head and said, "Is it Ino Yamanaka? Impossible, I have investigated the secret biography of the Yamanaka Clan. It is okay to control opponents of the same level or not much different. The difference in strength is too much, and death can affect it. I can't do it." to control."

"Ino's mental power is very strong. Maybe in actual combat ability, you can beat her by several blocks. In terms of mental power alone, you can't match her. Control is mainly due to mental power." Naruto said.

pocket silent.

After successfully taking off the pocket, Naruto looked up and saw that Sasuke was still playing cool and didn't move, angrily he picked up a stone on the ground and threw it forcefully.

Pa, Sasuke caught it with his right hand, looked sideways, and saw Naruto gesticulating, and even made a gesture of wiping his neck and breaking it in two.

Sasuke hesitated, hesitated, and finally let go, regained his indifference, and walked towards Kaorin who was standing there, restless, and did not dare to move.

Seeing Sasuke walking towards him, Kaoru retreated subconsciously, dodging his eyes.

The talent is extraordinary, so that she can perceive chakra, which is not ordinary perception in the general sense. It has a wide range, quality and position, and is very precise.

In her perception, Orochimaru's chakra is scary enough, and among these newcomers, there are several people who are more terrifying than Orochimaru.

"What's your name? Tell me your name." Sasuke said.

After waiting for a while, he repeated it again.

"Scented phosphorus, whirlpool fragrant phosphorus." Xianglin said timidly.

swirl?Sasuke's heart skipped a beat.

"I'm Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke, I want you to be my wife." Sasuke said.

Xiangphos was stunned.

Naruto, who pricked up his ears to eavesdrop, covered his face.

How can someone say that they are wives or girlfriends when they come up, and they don't want to talk about love?Get married directly?

Before Kaorin could respond, Sasuke stepped forward to help her tidy up her messy hair, collar, and corners.

Paying attention to details and being good at observing details allowed him to discover many problems, and through these questions, he guessed and found the answers.

The details have been handled well, and looking at the brand-new Kaorin, which is much better than before, Sasuke took her hand: "Follow me."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Is that okay?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto looked at him, looked at Kaorin who was holding his hand with a dazed expression, and nodded.

Sasuke let go of Kaorin's hand, and looked to the other side, the battle between Sakura and Orochimaru, and Sharingan opened.

Sakura's moves, every move, are all dignified and upright, breaking through head-on with terrifying strange power.

The special training for many days, the fairy mode, endowed her with excellent speed, strength, and nerve reflexes, which directly made Sakura's combat power a big leap forward.

Sasuke didn't look at Sakura, although Sakura was very strong, but it was too monotonous, just a few tricks over and over again.

The only thing that caught his eye was Sakura's hair control technique, and the sealing technique that was blended into the body technique. These two points need to be learned.

And his learning is also very simple, just copy it with Sharingan.

Apart from these two points, Sakura has nothing that Sasuke can appreciate. On the other hand, Orochimaru makes him very interested.

The snake-like body, strange physical skills, swordsmanship, and the magical shedding technique that can recover completely no matter what kind of injury, Orochimaru provided Sasuke with a lot of ideas and inspiration.

Seeing that Sasuke left Kaorin alone, just watching the battle, Naruto raised his forehead, whispered to Ino, and sent Ino to chat and communicate with Kaorin, to reduce Kaorin's uneasiness, and also introduced Sasuke's situation to her from the side.

It is a daydream to expect Sasuke to talk about feelings, and as a woman, Karin must take the initiative, and this must be for Karin to like Sasuke, which requires a process.

Naruto didn't intend to meddle, so as not to mess up again.

"Hinata, be careful not to let Orochimaru Kinchan escape from its shell." Naruto said.

Orochimaru is very cunning. He may not be the strongest in the ninja world, but he is definitely the most stable one. There are various life-saving methods emerging one after another. If the situation is not good, he will probably find a way to retreat.

With so many people dispatched this time, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud if Orochimaru were to escape?

He was the one who stopped Jiraiya, Kai intervened, and gave Sakura a chance to fight Dashemaru, and Dashemaru ran away, all the responsibility was on him.

Hinata nodded yes, her eyes opened, and she locked on Orochimaru.

"Brother Naruto, his hands are dishonest, he wants to untie the rope." Huahuo said.

Naruto squinted, took out the lighter, turned it on, and the flames rose: "Oh, I'm not honest, I want to experience what it's like to be a firework? Believe it or not?"

Dou has no expression on his face, and his heart beats involuntarily.

This tired, clinging little girl in Naruto's arms is actually not only playing, but also distracted, looking at him with supercilious eyes, damn it.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and Naruto looked up.

I saw a gigantic monster appearing, eight-headed serpent, a complete monster. Compared with it, Sakura was like a mouse.

"Baqi's art." Naruto secretly said.

This is one of the many forbidden techniques that Orochimaru once broke into the Konoha forbidden technique room and stole.

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