into the night.

The family sat around the table and ate hot pot. Naruto brought up this matter and his next plan.

"Do you support it?" Sakura put down the bowl and chopsticks, thought for a while and said, "Is this okay? To build an orphanage, you use the shadow clone to take care of everyone. The children are innocent, and the three views are not formed, so it is easier to influence."

"Since the strength is strong, the effect will be more obvious. We can look for gifted and talented children and cultivate them from an early age." Ino said.

"Well, you can't be utilitarian and create an environment too deliberately. If it's useless, wouldn't it be a waste of work." Naruto said.

"Everything is arranged by me, so you should just go to work." Sakura said: "Besides, how can you work in vain? If you succeed, you can gain more power. Will be your support, and in many ways, help you."

Naruto thought about it, and had to admit that Sakura's idea was indeed very good. This was just an attempt. Whether it succeeds or not, there will be benefits and gains. The premise is that you don't meet the white-eyed wolf.

"What's the situation with Shikamaru and Temari?" Naruto asked.

"Very good, Shikamaru is eloquent, can often make Tezuki laugh and blush." ​​Sakura said.

"Well, just to be on the safe side, let's skip Temari and just take Gaara and Kankuro over." Naruto said, "Persist in sending Shikamaru back to date Temari every day."

Xiao Ying nodded, the matter of a shadow avatar will not delay her practice.

After dinner, Naruto took the four girls for a walk as usual.

By the way, the one left here is Sakura's shadow clone.

Of course she also wants to come back, but the shadow clone can't do physical exercise. In order to become stronger, surpass Hinata, be better, and help Naruto more, Sakura carefully planned the time and minimized waste.

On the way, I met Shikamaru and Choji who were also walking after a meal to digest food.

Naruto said: "Shikamaru, do you know Temari now? Let me just say, such a beautiful, beautiful young lady, how can you not be tempted?"

"Cough, um." Shikamaru looked listless, unable to say anything.

In the past few days, I have come to say good things about Temari to him every day, complimenting him from head to toe.

Clothing, face, eyes, ears, hands, legs, even toes are included, this observation is so detailed.

Shikamaru is sent to Konoha by Sakura's shadow clone every day, sees Temari, and conveys Naruto's words.

The majestic Konoha Mirai Tomosho became Naruto's messenger for chasing girls, a messenger, Shikamaru was very angry, wanted to explode, wanted to expose everything, but...

Thinking of the situation a dozen steps later, he gave up.

First of all, Naruto will be upset if a good thing is ruined.

Because Sakura, Ino and the others were jealous, they ran to Naruto to make a fuss, and the conflict arose.

After calming down, depending on Sakura, Ino, and Hinata's love for Naruto, it is likely that big things will be turned into small things, and small things will be turned into small things.

It is inevitable that there will be resentment for him who exposed the matter and caused conflicts and discord between each other.

Shikamaru knows how unreasonable women are, so if you want to reason with you, you can be reasonable, if you don't want to, it's useless if you take advantage of it.

Thinking too much, Shikamaru hates trouble, avoiding trouble will increase, he chooses to maintain the status quo.

He is a messenger, a messenger, no matter what happens in the future, don't rely on him.

"Look at your unmotivated appearance, you can't do it, Shikamaru." Naruto said: "Let me teach you some tricks of chasing girls, brother, come here."

Shikamaru hehe.

The next day.

More than nine in the morning.

After the morning exercise, I went to read the handsome men's magazine again, and went back to Temari where I lived in the hotel. I didn't hear the response from my younger brothers as usual.

Strangely, she opened the door, the room was empty, there was a letter on the low table, picked it up, it was written by Gaara.

"I'll go find Naruto, don't worry."

Confused and confused, Temari found that there was another letter in the envelope, so he took it out to read.

"Naruto invited us to his place as guests, but he didn't say anything about the specifics, so it's going to be fine, don't worry.

"Written by Kankuro.

Temari pondered, poured chakra into the paper, and new content emerged in the blank space, which was the code left by Kankuro.

Temari took out the code book from the ninja bag, and compared it to crack it.

"Something's wrong, it's Hinata Hinata and Sakura Haruno who came here, with a tough attitude, half-forced to take us away before you come back."

Temari frowned.

Semi forced?

The strength of those two girls, even Chunin is the only one who can support them to death, and Gaara, who doesn't even look down on Jonin, how can it be possible with these two alone?

"Naruto Uzumaki, what do you want to do?" Temari rubbed his eyebrows, walking back and forth.

Think a lot, guess constantly.

Looking at the time, it was almost time, she left the house and went down.

As expected, Shikamaru was waiting outside the hotel door.

The two came to a teahouse, looking for a good seat by the window.

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