"Naruto took Kankuro away, Gaara." Temari took a step forward, and before Shikamaru was about to tell Naruto what he said, he said, "Do you know about this?"

Shikamaru shook his head.

"In your opinion, why did he do this? What's the purpose?" Temari said.

Shikamaru took a sip of tea, thought about it, and said unhurriedly: "Your family members are just these two younger brothers. He took away your most important family members just to get your attention. He wants to curry favor with you." Family members, if you want to pursue a girl, starting with her family members is a breakthrough."

"Oh!" Temari sighed, exactly as she thought: "I just said, how can people want to be friends with tailed beasts."

"What do you mean?" Shikamaru said.

Temari said that when he first came to Konoha, Naruto came to him and wanted to make friends with Gaara, and there was also Yiwei, saying that Yiwei was the main purpose, and he was sincere to Gaara.

"A lie, an absolute lie." Shikamaru said: "Naruto himself has been tricked so badly by his identity as Jinchuriki since he was a child, how could he want to be friends with Tailed Beast, and he doesn't even make a draft when he lies."

"That guy, can't you talk to me frankly? As for making such a big detour?"

"This is where he is brilliant. He already has so many girlfriends. If he confesses to you directly, what else can he get besides being a scumbag?" Shikamaru said, "He has already studied you thoroughly. Using this oblique way can attract your attention even more."

It's hard to say anything, depressed, and gritted his teeth.

Damn guy, you already have so many girlfriends, why do you still want to provoke me? You still use such a brain-intensive strategy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Do you hate Naruto?" Shikamaru asked.

Temari thought carefully, shaking his head.

Compared with half a year ago, during the Chunin exam, he was completely different.

Powerful, handsome, rich, and smart, these conditions are simply excellent. If you don't bother, then I'm not kidding, Temari will really be tempted.

"He, is it possible to let go of those?" Temari asked.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes: "It's impossible to think about it with dandruff, and give up a forest for you, a tree."

Temari thought about it, and shook his head: "No, I can't accept it, no matter how good his condition is, no matter how much he likes me, racks his brains, and hints at me in different ways, I can't bear the love of the other half."

Shikamaru is not surprised, through these days of conversations, he already knows Temari, this is a very proud girl, likes to dominate, strong, and will not wrong herself.

"Naruto wanted to know that you were like this, so he chose to do it secretly, don't talk too much, since he can take good care of Ino, Sakura, Hinata, and Hanabi, this complicated relationship must have something for you. Backhand." Shikamaru said: "You may not be able to escape from his palm."

"Oh, no way, no way, can he still control people's hearts and make me like him?" Teju said.

"Sa, what will happen, let's wait and see." Shikamaru said.

"Wait and see? The problem I want to solve now is, Kankuro, Gaara, where are they?" Temari said: "How should I meet them?"

Temari wants to go home.

Come to Konoha to participate in the Ninja exchange meeting.

What the hell, a group of ten thousand year ninjas, partying, chatting, bragging, is simply a waste of time.

The ghost knows what Hokage is thinking, and will have such an idea.


"May I ask, how do you Hokage treat Naruto?" Temari said.

"Hokage-sama?" Shikamaru said, "Very good, almost obedient."

Teju was mad, and after a while, he said weakly: "You are right, it is very difficult for me to escape from his palm."

The Ninja exchange meeting this time was initiated by Hokage and informed Sand Hidden Village.

Sagakushi sent a total of four jinnin teams, and the others were free to do so without request, so the Temari, Gaara, and Kankuro teams were mandatory and necessary.

It's over, the three brothers and sisters are the only ones who were picked up by Konoha, a disciple of the Fifth Hokage, using Flying Thunder God himself.

"That Haruno Sakura, do you know that Naruto likes me and did all this to chase after me?" Temari said.

"What do you think, the reason why Naruto used me as a shield was to show Sakura and the others that he was trying to match me with you." Shikamaru said: "Then, Naruto used me again Ai Luo makes friends as an excuse to further divert attention, which is double insurance, and it is impossible to know."

Temari's heart is so cool, so cool,

This Naruto is rich, brainy, good at calculation and layout.

There is Naruto's support for it.

In order to achieve his goal, he chased her and cheated on his girlfriend.

Such a person with such ability, background, wisdom, and perfect perfection, can she, as a ninja, resist?

Don't say that her father is the fourth generation of Kazekage, there will be some preferential treatment, and everyone will leave the tea.

I believe that if my father is not dead, but still alive, and can use her daughter in exchange for sufficient benefits and benefits, then he will not be polite.

Naruto has the unprecedented ability to transmit the Nine-Tails Chakra.

Naruto is also the treasure in the hands of the Fifth Hokage, and he loves and obeys everything.

"No, I can't let the people in the village know that Naruto likes me, or..." Thinking of something terrible, he bowed his hands and hugged his head, trembling.

Alas, our Temari princess has also reached the age of marriage. In this vast sea of ​​people, who can be worthy of Temari, who is suitable for Temari?

oh what?Uzumaki Naruto of Konoha Village likes Temari?

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