Isn't it a coincidence?

It happens that Temari is suitable for marriage, and Naruto Uzumaki is good enough, he is one of the few people who is worthy of Princess Temari, so it is decided.

How much dowry and dowry to ask for specifically, that is a matter of later, the relationship between Naruto and Hokage, I believe that a lot of resources can be obtained.

Moreover, Naruto's own Nine-Tails Chakra transmission is also a rare strategic weapon. Sand hidden does not expect to monopolize it, and he is very satisfied if he can get part of the right to use it.

There is a father who is Kazekage, and Temari knows it all too well that the senior management of the village and the patriarchs of the various families that make up the village all put their interests first.

It is simply too worthwhile to sacrifice one person to benefit the village greatly.

"Shikamaru, you are the only one besides me who knows that Naruto likes me. If this secret is known to others, then..."

Seeing Temari's dangerous eyes, Shikamaru sighed: "Don't worry, I'm not the type to ask for trouble."

Temari lay down on the table, listless: "I am weak, if Naruto wants to be tough, I have no room to resist, or should I just find a shield?"

"Who do you have a grudge against and want to harm him? You can try." Shikamaru said: "Naruto asked me to come because he knew that I am not interested and I have no hope with you. He can rest assured that if you change someone else , it’s hard to guarantee that that person has a few days left to live.”

"Then what should I do?" Temari said in distress: "I can't escape, I can't hide, so I can only bite the bullet and accept him?"

"The initiative is in Naruto's hands. Now it's not a question of whether you want it or not. Everything depends on him. He won't let go. You have nothing to do. If he wants to get bored, the problem can be easily solved," Lu said. Maru Road.

"Tired? Bored?" Temari muttered to himself, thoughtfully.

Have an idea?Shikamaru was curious.

"You know? The more you can't get something, the more you want it. What you can't get is the best." Temari said: "I don't know about old people who have experienced a lot, children, it's all like this."

"When a child wants something, if you don't give it to him, he will make more trouble. Conversely, if you buy him something and give it to him, he will get tired of playing and put it aside after a while." Teju said: "Naruto is the same, he wants me, but if I don't agree, he will put more thought into me, and if I agree, I will play love games with him for a while, and when he gets bored, he will naturally give up on me."

"You idiot, in this way, doesn't it mean that you have locked yourself up?" Shikamaru said, "I understand what you said, and it is indeed as you said, you won't cherish it when you get it, but have you ever thought about it? It doesn’t matter if the thing you have already got is covered with dust or broken, but when this thing is going to go, lose, and leave, what will happen?”

Temari was silent for a while, and said dryly: "I'm interested again, because it's my own thing, even if it's broken or rotten, I won't allow others to touch it."

Shikamaru nodded.

Temari got down on the ground again, scratching her hair in annoyance, what could she do?

How can we ensure safety while making Naruto give up on himself?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's still Konoha, and it's still that teahouse.

Temari frowns.

Shikamaru looked like a salted fish.

"How about you as my shield? Let's pretend it's a fake show. You are his friend. I'm already with you. He should give up and wait until I find someone I like before we break up."

"You also said that I am his friend. There are many people in the ninja world. I can't go to the girl my friend likes. I'm sorry, but this is the only thing I can't agree to." Shikamaru said: "Although he used me to chase girls, it is indeed true. It makes me angry and depressed, but it doesn't affect our friendship."

Shikamaru doesn't have many friends, so he can count them on one hand, Choji, Ino, and Naruto.

A distinction is made here between friends and companions.

Shikamaru regards every Konoha ninja as a companion, even if he doesn't like it, as long as the other party encounters difficulties, troubles, and needs him, he can help, and he will go all out when he says it's troublesome A helping hand is a pair of companions.

As for friends, Shikamaru cherishes them even more, if he wants to snatch the girl his friend likes, it is absolutely impossible to start with this girl.

Temari has been erased from Shikamaru's dictionary since the time Naruto found out that he liked Temari.

"I can't help it, I really can't help it." Temari said: "Just let me go to a showdown with his girlfriends, so that he is busy dealing with his girlfriends and can't take care of me."

"That way, the situation will be even worse. Now, Naruto came secretly, and the schemes and methods he used are all secret. Why?" Shikamaru said: "One of the reasons is that he doesn't want Ino and the others to know about it, and make troubles. , Trouble with this thing, I believe no one will like it, if it can be avoided, try to avoid it as much as possible, another reason, perhaps, Naruto enjoys it, and he likes to come secretly with smart people like you."

"Steal!" Temari was stunned: "You mean, he wants me to be his lover, the kind who can't even disclose his identity?"

"I don't know, maybe Naruto has more than I thought, and that's all I can see at the moment." Shikamaru said.

Unbelievable, the situation is worse than imagined.

Temari originally thought that Naruto liked her, wanted to pursue her, fall in love, get married, and follow these steps.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a secret lover who didn't even give him a title.

That, that, damn scum, scum.

His mouth was crooked in anger, his chakra broke out, he crushed the teacup in his hand, and he clenched his silver teeth.

After the anger is over, the rest is helplessness.

Naruto has the ability of the Nine-Tails Chakra to deliver such a panacea, and Hokage who is obedient to him. Apart from other things, Temari can't fight against these two points alone.

As far as the village is concerned, her personal preferences don't matter, as long as it can bring benefits to the village, sacrifices are just sacrifices.

"Calm down." Temari gently rubbed his forehead, smoothing it slowly.

Escaping is not the answer, the truth is that what you can't get is the best, the more she escapes, the more Naruto will miss her.

After getting rid of the idea of ​​running away, the only option left is to face it.

Since Naruto wanted to sneak in secretly, it proved that he would not be blatant, and this might not be an opportunity.

"As long as I stay with his girlfriends, he won't touch me or do anything out of the ordinary." Temari secretly said: "With this as a prerequisite, my safety can be guaranteed."

At present, the understanding of Naruto is still very one-sided. I don't know what Naruto likes about her. Temari needs to figure this out and then prescribe the right medicine.

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