"The point is not whether I am willing or not, but whether he is willing to give up on me. If he can let me go, then this problem will no longer be a problem. Shikamaru is right, it is indeed the case." Temari secretly said, There is a sparkle in the eyes.

After thinking about it, Temari looked at Shikamaru: "I need your help with something."

in the afternoon.

At regular intervals, Sakura sent Dokage's avatar to pick up Shikamaru, along with Temari.

"Ah, you want to go too?" Sakura hesitated.

"Gara, Kankuro is over there, how can I rest assured as a sister, and..." Temari pointed to Shikamaru next to him: "I have established a relationship with him, just want to spend more time together Son, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Sakura was stunned, and looked at Shikamaru subconsciously: "Really? You two, have confirmed your relationship, are you a couple?"

Couples are so far apart?Not to mention holding hands, at least they have to be close together, like glue, right?

"Yeah." Shikamaru said, "Yes, it was just confirmed today."

Xiao Ying was puzzled, and she didn't dare to agree easily, so she reasoned that the ability of the shadow clone was limited, and she couldn't take two people at a time, and she would come over later in the form of the main body.

After speaking, take the initiative to cancel.

Sakura, who is exercising in full swing, gets the memory of the shadow clone, temporarily puts down her practice, senses the many marks on Naruto's clothes, and instantly jumps over with Flying Thunder God.

This shows that Naruto is carrying a lot of burden, and he is practicing with the third class, three people except Tiantian.

"Sakura?" Naruto was surprised.

Sakura stepped forward, leaned close to Naruto's ear, and whispered in a low voice.

"Since it's done, then don't worry, let her come over." Naruto said: "As for the distance you mentioned, not everyone is as bold and proactive as you. When there are outsiders, you are embarrassed to get too close. , it's normal."

Sakura seems to understand.

She doesn't quite understand what other girls think. Anyway, for her, liking means being together all day long, wanting to see each other all the time, and being intimate, no matter how much .

"Then, shall I bring her here with Shikamaru?" Sakura said.

Naruto nodded.

In this way, Sakura left for Konoha to pick up Shikamaru and Temari.

Before leaving, seeing that Naruto was sweating profusely, he took out a light pink towel from his pocket to dry off, folded it well, and put it back in his pocket.

That night, Naruto's family was having dinner, and Shikamaru and Temari came over and announced their relationship in front of Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Hanabi.

Naruto looked at Shikamaru, Temari, very happy, his hard work was not in vain, and finally made a couple.

Sakura and the others are also very happy, Temari followed Shikamaru, which means that it is impossible to fall in love with Naruto again.

"Naruto, you're playing with fire. You can't blame anyone else for overturning your car at the end." Shikamaru thought secretly.

"Idiot, you were all deceived by him. See how happy he is to see me. Everything is in his expectation and plan." Temari secretly said.

Rejecting Naruto's invitation to stay and eat together, the two withdrew and walked on the spacious avenue in silence.

"It's no wonder he was able to coax those girlfriends to be obedient and live in harmony. This scheming makes my scalp tingle." Teju said.

"This is a matter between you, just don't get involved with me." Shikamaru said: "I will be your shield, but it's only in name, keep your distance."

"I understand, in a word, thank you." Temari said, followed by saying goodbye to Shikamaru, and left listlessly.

"Is this also in your calculation? If Shikamaru and I hold hands and are very close, you can still laugh? We will see through your mind and have to cooperate with you, so we have arranged every step of the way." Think With that, Temari heaved a long sigh.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Grab Orochimaru and untie Mom's Dirty Reincarnation.

The next step is to wait for Orochimaru to break the ghoul seal and release Dad and his other half, Nine Tails.

Mom didn't leave right away, and chose to wait for Dad to be with him, and Naruto, who had lost something on his mind, was in a good mood as one can imagine.

"I'm going to get the Ice and Snow City today, are you happy?"


In front of the sink.

While brushing his teeth, Naruto mumbled.

On the side, standing on a small stool, Hua Huo, who was also brushing her teeth, also said vaguely: "Happy."

"Hurry up and get dressed, eat breakfast, and let's go." Naruto said.

"Oh!" Huahuo called out.

The two brushed their teeth, rinsed their mouths, bent over, and their movements were uniform and exactly the same.

Both of them are ninjas, their eyesight and self-control are much better than ordinary people, and they deliberately want to keep the same pace, which is a piece of cake.

Naruto is accommodating Hanabi, and Hanabi is imitating Naruto, so there is no need to be surprised.

After brushing his teeth, Naruto wet the towel with hot water, first washed his face with Hanabi, and then washed himself.

When washing his hands, Hanabi became very playful, and patted Naruto's face with his small hands covered in foam, drawing a big tabby cat.

"Hanabi..." Naruto said in a drawn-out tone, reaching out his hand like lightning, and grabbed Hanabi.

In the living room, Hinata, who had set breakfast and bowls and chopsticks on the low table, heard her sister's exclamations, giggles, and running sounds from the bathroom, so she walked over to have a look.

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