Naruto, Hanabi's face and clothes are full of soap foam.

"Hanabi!" Hinata scolded, "It depends on the occasion when you want to have fun. Look at what you've made of the bathroom!"

Naruto would not take the initiative to play such a childish game, most likely, Hanabi must have provoked it first.

The clothes are wet and cannot be worn, and must be replaced with new ones.

After finally finishing it, Naruto sat down at the low table, looked at the two sisters in front of him, and said strangely: "It's just to get the Chakra armor, why did it take so long?"

"Maybe, it's because I have a good relationship with Tiantian, so I can't help but talk a little more." Hinata said, thinking it would be better not to come back.

Naruto nodded, it is possible, in perception, Ino is still in Tiantian's house.

In the plot, Ino, Tiantian, Sakura, and Hinata often hold girls' parties or go to the bathhouse together, and the relationship is very good.

"Then there's no need to wait for her, we'll eat." Naruto said.

Sakura would only come back for dinner, and at other times, accompanied by Naruto's avatar, for exercise.

As for food, there is no need to worry, with all the property entrusted by Naruto, Sakura is a real rich woman, with a very sufficient supply of various nutritious foods, medicines, and nutritional products.

Meanwhile, every day housing.

Looking at the chakra armor that had been dismantled into parts, Ino's head bulged, as if it was about to explode.

"Tiantianjiang! You, you, you, how can you take apart other people's things and destroy them, it's too much!" Ino said.


Isn't that of course?

The Chakra armor is Tsunade's claim, a set of offensive and defensive ninja tools specially made for Naruto. With it, Naruto's safety will undoubtedly be more secure.

Such an important thing was destroyed by Tian Tian, ​​​​and Ino felt a sense of anger.

"Sorry." Tiantian didn't defend herself first, but directly apologized. Starting with this, she continued: "I'm not absolutely sure, I won't destroy things that don't belong to me."

In front of Ino, he reassembled the parts every day, restored the Chakra armor bit by bit, and proved with practical actions that he was not lying.

"My family is in the ninja shop business. How should I put it? I am very interested in ninja." Tiantian said: "The day before yesterday, I heard from Mr. Kai that this set of chakra armor is for Naruto, and other people don't even think about it." Thinking about it, I came up with the idea of ​​making my own set.”

Ino took over the Chakra Armor, which is in the form of a suitcase without inputting enough Chakra.

Ino of course doesn't have the amount of chakra to activate it, so it's not sure if Tiantian will restore it.

Facing Ino's suspicious gaze, Tian Tian said: "I dismantled it the day before yesterday, and Naruto was useful after that, and it wasn't broken. It wasn't broken the first time, and it's even less likely that it will break the second time."

"No, Naruto is useless." Ino said.

It was Sakura who fought with Orochimaru, and Naruto never fought.

Now, Tian Tian dare not be [-]% sure to restore it.

"Uh, if it breaks, I will pay for how much it is. Also, can you give me this set, of course, I don't want the crystal."

What can Ino do?Shaking his head without saying a word, he said goodbye to Tiantian and ran back to his residence with his Chakra armor.

Scratching my cheeks every day, thinking about it, I brought all my equipment, put on thick warm clothes, went out through the window, and ran on the walls, roofs, eaves and other places like walking on flat ground.

In the end, he came to the highest peak of Fenghua City and squatted in the lee.

After waiting for a long time, when she met the person she was waiting for, she poked her head out quietly and watched with a telescope.

Hinata was carrying an insulated box, and Ino was carrying a chakra armor in the form of a suitcase. The two women walked side by side with Naruto, holding Naruto's hand with their empty hands, and interlocking their fingers.

Hinata's younger sister, Hanabi, miraculously floats beside her, occasionally lying on Naruto's back, or running around on the ground.

"What is this for?" Tiantian wondered.

She wants to make sure that the Chakra armor is not broken.

It's not broken, which proves that there is no problem with her disassembly technique.

Broken, hiss, lose money, get no crystal, empty chakra armor.

At the same time, it also means that her disassembly method and cognition are not enough to control the Chakra armor, and it is completely useless to try to make her own Chakra armor.

"Don't be bad, please, please, don't be bad." Pray every day.

Temari, who had been thinking about things all night and couldn't sleep well, stood in front of the window with a cup of coffee and drank slowly.

I saw Naruto leading the sisters from the Hinata family and the eldest lady of the mountain family, walking towards the outside of Fenghua City.

Too upset, she gulped down her coffee and patted her face.

"Escape does not work, face up to difficulties, the most dangerous place is the safest place."

Thinking about it this way, Temari put on two more pairs of trousers he bought last night, a coat that reached his calves, and fluffy high boots, and it all worked out.

I straightened my hair in front of the mirror and found some dark circles under my eyes, so I applied some foundation to cover it up.

"Huh? Why should I dress up? Don't you think he doesn't like me enough?"

Temari suddenly realized, and washed off the foundation with water, took off the hair tie, and deliberately messed up the hair.

Looking at the mirror, still so good-looking, beautiful self, Temari sighed.

"Why do you have to be so beautiful? There's nothing wrong with being beautiful. If you attract the attention of that scumbag, if you like it, it will be fatal."

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