Before Naruto could ask what was going on, Sakura made a move first, grabbed him, pulled him in, and locked the bathroom door with her backhand.

"Rub my back." Sakura said.

Naruto's heartbeat quickened slightly, he nodded and said, "Okay."

Sakura smiled, she didn't know whether it was because of shyness or the heat, her face looked quite red.

She sat back on the stool and waited.

After waiting for a long time, I pressed a towel on my back and scrubbed it gently. Through the towel, I could feel a pair of small but powerful hands.

They had soaked in hot springs together before, and they got married not long ago. Although it was a game, in Sakura's heart, that was marriage.

They are already husband and wife, and they are honest and reasonable, even though they are shy.

After being quiet for a while, Sakura tried to relax her body, supported the shower cap that wrapped her hair, and said softly: "Naruto, I want to be recognized by Kyuubi, and I want to use Kyuubi's power perfectly like you, is it okay?"

"Nine Lamas are not mine alone, and it's easy to get along with. As long as you treat it sincerely and the Nine Lamas don't reject you, it's fine." Naruto said: "You can't be malicious, you can't treat it as a tool, and , You have to pay a lot, but you still have to be mentally prepared to not be recognized in the end.”

It doesn't mean that if you are sincere to me, I must recognize you. This is completely different.

Xiao Li likes Xiao Ying very much, and is willing to sacrifice his life to protect Xiao Ying, so Xiao Ying must respond to his feelings and be with him?

Didn't say that.

In the same way, the tail beast is the same, just because you treat me well doesn't mean I have to treat you well and recognize you.

Hearing Naruto's words, Sakura pondered.

She wondered if it was worth it.

To get Kuo's approval, first of all you have to be in the sealed space and be able to face Kuo, which requires Sakura herself, or Sato, to enter the sealed space.

For normal exercise, neither of them can do without the other, and splitting one out means that the efficiency of daily practice will be reduced.

If it is [-]% sure to get the approval of Nine Tails, then there is no need to hesitate about this matter, it is absolutely worth it, but...

The probability of getting Kyuubi's approval is not absolute, which makes Sakura very embarrassed and entangled.

The worst result is not only not being recognized by Nine Tails, but also delaying daily training and practice.

"Naruto, I don't know how to choose, you..." Sakura said, hoping that Naruto could help her make this decision.

If she considers one thing, she will lose another, whether she should practice honestly and practice, or take a risk to try to get Nine-Tails' approval, she can't make up her mind.

"Wait a minute, let me ask." Naruto said, part of his consciousness sank into the sealed space.

"Kurama, did you hear that? What should I say, give Sakura a chance?" Naruto said.

"Because of you, I am willing to recognize her, but I can't." Without raising his eyelids, Jiuwei said in a muffled voice, "If it's not a true recognition from the heart, it will have no effect. You put me in front of power, She approached me purely for power, knowing this, I have no way to recognize her, although there is no malice in the same way, don't treat me as a tool, you two are different."

Naruto raised his forehead: "Then there's no other way, alas, I really don't want to see Sakura's disappointed and forced smile."

Kyuubi opened one eye, thought for a while and said, "Actually, there is another way to make her exert stronger power without my approval."

"Oh, really? What is it?" Naruto asked quickly.

outside world.

"Sakura, the Nine Lamas said that it can't recognize you."

Hearing this, Sakura closed her eyes, and soon opened them again. She tried her best not to be disappointed and smiled, then turned her head to Naruto and said, "Really? It's true, my thoughts are impure, that's also There is no other way, okay, so I can concentrate and devote myself to physical exercise, and strive to open seven or even eight doors as soon as possible."

"I haven't finished my sentence yet, so why worry." Naruto smiled, pinching Sakura's little nose habitually: "Although I can't approve of you, allowing you to use the power of Kyuubi perfectly, but there is a The method can make you get the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode."

The power of Nine Tails can be roughly divided into three stages.

The first stage, Tailed Beast Chakra.

It is bright red, covered with translucent entity chakra.

The second stage is Nine Tails Chakra Mode.

The chakra is no longer red and translucent, but has evolved into gold, with mysterious hook jade and lines, and then appears.

The third stage is the Nine Lamas mode.

The chakra coat is thicker, the cloak, the hook jade, the overall image and power performance are a level stronger than the nine-tailed chakra model.

"I'm in the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode right now. The Chakra transmission that other people get from me is the first stage, Sakura. What you want to find a way to get is the second, the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode." Naruto said .

"What should I do?" Sakura asked.

"Tug-of-war." Naruto said: "Fight Nine-Tails, subdue it, and take Chakra from it."

Sakura is confused.

"Well, let me subdue Nine Tails and capture Chakra, this, I can do it?"

"It's not that I can do it? It's that I can do it." Naruto held Sakura's face and looked at each other: "Xiao Sakura, you can do it, I believe in you."

In the green eyes, waves flickered, Sakura nodded vigorously: "Yes, I can."

Without further ado, Sakura didn't want to wait for a moment, she went out of her body, and together with Sato, with Naruto's help, entered the sealed space.

At the same time, Xiao Jiuwei put down the game controller, and all his consciousness returned to his body. With a huge body like a mountain, he slowly climbed up and looked down at the two Sakura.

Compared with Kyuubi, Ryozakura is as small as an ant.

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