"It seems that you have realized that there are too many things here and it is inconvenient to fight. Go to the empty area over there." Jiuwei said.

Following Kyuubi's two cherry blossoms, they began to figure out how to fight this battle.

Without a body, you can't use eight doors.

The battle is Nine-Tails, and there is no way to obtain natural energy, and the fairy mode cannot be activated.

The disadvantage is too great.

"It's impossible to defeat Nine-Tails, and there's no need to do that. Tug-of-war and capture of Chakra is the right thing to do." Sakura secretly thought.

Satoshi, who shared her mind, nodded in agreement.

"bring it on."

When Kyuubi said this, the two Sakura moved at the same time, one was trying to attract Kyuubi's attention, try to restrain Kyuubi, and the other was to grab Kyuubi's chakra and pull it out forcefully.

"Roar!" Nine Tails roared.

The impact of the sound wave was too strong, even though she was prepared, Sakura was still unable to resist, and was easily blown away.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kyuubi didn't release the water, and fought with Sakura very seriously.

How should I put it, it's too bullying, as if an adult is teasing a two-year-old child.

In reality, the reason why Sakura's strength and combat power are so high is because of the chakra passed by Kyuubi, because of the sage mode, and because of the Bamen Dunjia.

Flying Thunder God has no direct lethality, and Sakura's own Chakra amount is naturally very little.

This made Sakura useless even a ninjutsu at this moment. In order to save the chakra brought in, there was no way to replenish it.

Unfair fight.

It lasted for about ten minutes, and Sakura's chakra was exhausted, announcing the end.

"Whenever you want to challenge, you can come at any time, let's stop here this time." Jiuwei said, and went back to continue playing games.

The two Sakura looked at each other, and instead of going out immediately, they went to say hello to their mother Jiu Xinnai, talked with them for a while, and then left.

Returning to the body, opened his eyes, and found himself lying in bed.

Turning his head, Hinata and Hanabi were nowhere to be seen. The spirit perception technique sensed the soul and sensed that the two sisters were in the bathroom, probably taking a bath.

"Are you okay?" Naruto said.

Sakura shook her head, lifted the quilt and sat up: "These are?"

Naruto made the pajamas he was wearing, and the washed and dried hair?

"I helped you." Ino said with a smile.

Sakura clicked her tongue.

"Your hair is very beautiful. I usually take good care of it. I'm afraid it will be damaged, so I will trouble Ino." Naruto said.

Now, Sakura's expression and mood are much better.

The hot pot has already been served, Sakura didn't have the idea of ​​waiting for Hinata, she sat down and picked up her chopsticks to eat.

I don't know if I can successfully capture the Nine-Tails Chakra, but Sakura asked Naruto to keep it a secret before it started.

It's embarrassing to talk big, but it didn't work out in the end.

Gobbling to fill her stomach, Sakura sighed contentedly and picked her teeth with a toothpick.

She originally planned to ask Naruto out tonight, but the incident with the Nine-Tails Chakra made her let go of this idea for the time being. The date can start at any time.

Putting on clothes suitable for going out, booing Naruto five times, and leaving with Flying Thunder God, she had to think hard about how to restrain Kyuubi.

Not long after Sakura left, Hinata came out after taking a bath. She washed herself and helped Hanabi to wash, which took a little longer.

"Where is Sakura?" Hinata said, thinking, maybe she is going to practice again?

"She went to exercise." Naruto said.

After receiving an accurate answer, Hinata remained silent.

I didn't feel like eating, so I ate a few mouthfuls casually, then got dressed and started to go out.

She doesn't want to be the rabbit in the tortoise and the hare. The bloodline only makes her start higher. If she doesn't work hard and relax, she will be surpassed sooner or later. No one can lose to Sakura.

Ino blinked, and took a small mouthful of powder.

No way, both of them are gone, does that mean that Naruto belongs to her alone?

No, there is still a little fireworks.

Thinking about it again, Huahuo is still small after all, so it doesn't pose too much threat.

Knowing what Hinata was going to do, Naruto didn't worry about it, and took a shadow clone of him with him when he left.

Not to mention Hinata's strength at this time, who can hurt her, even if there is, the shadow clone can help delay the time, enough for Naruto to rush.

As long as it is not a strong person at the Six Paths level, safety can be guaranteed.

"Naruto, do you have something to do later?" Ino whispered, seeing Naruto shaking his head, he continued to lower his voice, "I want to go out and play, shall we go on a date?"

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