At this time, Naruto was standing on the cleared space on the hillside of this small snow mountain.

Right in front, ten meters away, Sakura stood still, pinched her fingers, and stretched her legs.

Behind him, ten meters away, Hinata opened and closed her right hand, making full preparations.

"It's coming." Sakura said.

"Come on." Naruto said.

In the body, there is a natural energy that appears out of thin air, transmitted by Nine Tails, and perfectly harmonized with its own chakra.

Fairy mode, open.

Sato Sakura took over the stability of the sage mode, so Sakura can be distracted to do other things.

Open the first five doors of the Eight Door Dunjia in one go.

Then absorb the Nine-Tails Chakra with induction, and enter the Nine-Tails Chakra mode.

Xianju, Eight Gates, Nine Tails, the perfect fusion of the three powers, let Sakura's combat power at this time rival Chaoying, second only to Liudao.

at the same time.

In Hinata's white eyes, there emerged a large number of light blue light spots like astronomical numbers.

These points of light converged at an extremely fast speed, took shape, and turned into a snowflake, one for each of the left and right eyes.

The shape of the snowflakes is constantly changing, and the styles of the two snowflakes are never uniform at all.

Tenseiyan chakra mode, on.

The coat made of pure white chakra was put on Hinata's body, fluttering and shaking, looking like white flames.

"Aim here, hit here." Naruto raised his left hand sideways, pointed at the elbow with his right hand, and put on a shield for himself to avoid being hit and scattered.

Sakura lowered her weight.

Hinata moves chakra to her right hand.

Suddenly, the two girls moved, and they moved at the same time with a tacit understanding.


The deafening muffled sound, the shock wave, started from the point of impact and spread away.

Ino, who was watching from a distance, raised his hand in front of his face to block the oncoming impact, thinking to himself, it's amazing.

Sure enough, no matter what she did, she couldn't match Sakura and Hinata, they were not in the same dimension.

"That's it!" Sasuke widened his eyes, staring at Sakura and Hinata.

I thought that he who possessed the eternal kaleidoscope would be the strongest other than Naruto, but I didn't expect these two people to be so powerful.

"Monster!" Xianglin couldn't stop trembling.

A moment ago, the normal, normal Sakura and Hinata used their respective powers to erupt, and this chakra was exaggerated to the point where she was dizzy.

Seeing that the two girls are the same age as her, about the same age, why is there such a huge disparity in strength.

"Miss Sakura!" Hanabi looked at Sakura adoringly, if there were no outsiders around, she would have to shout, scream, and cheer for Miss Sakura.

"Well, I didn't use all my strength." Naruto said: "I used my strength. I can do it. I hit my arm. It doesn't matter if I interrupt it."

"It can't be done." Xiao Sakura looked at her fist, then at Naruto's useless left arm, and said distressedly: "Naruto, I really can't do it."

Sometimes Sakura can't help hitting Naruto and making moves, but that force is just like playing around.

You can play it, but you can play it for real, Sakura can't do it.

Hinata didn't say a word, which meant that she thought the same as Sakura.

"Last time, when Yu Yu got married, the competition proposed is now effective." Naruto said: "Fight with all your strength, I am yours, and within the scope of my ability, I will unconditionally agree to one thing."

Sakura, who had a troubled expression just now, suddenly stopped suffering.

Hinata, who was still in trouble at first, was full of fighting spirit at this time.

Money can turn ghosts around, it doesn't just refer to money, but also refers to everything related to interests and benefits.

As long as the benefits you give can impress the other party, then you can ask the other party to do anything, even if it is something they don't want to do.

Sakura disappeared out of nowhere and appeared a hundred meters away.

Lower your center of gravity, make ready to start, sprint action.

Control the chakra that can be controlled and concentrate on the right foot.

The cherry lips parted slightly, exhaled with breath visible to the naked eye.

The coat composed of the Nine-Tails Chakra pattern receded like a tide, and all gathered on the right foot.

The green steam generated by Bamen Dunjia rises and converges on the top of Sakura's head, as if turning into a ghost head.

The ghost head is abstract and blurry.

Hinata backed away.

Nine jet-black rosary beads appeared behind him.

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