Spread the five fingers of the right hand, and the nine Taoist jades will approach automatically, centering on the right hand, circling in a circle, and the golden light will bloom.

Without any words, due to the weekly battles and sparring in the past month, Sakura and Hinata's understanding and familiarity with each other will be improved to a higher level.

At the same time, they moved.

The time of the strike is also the time of hitting the target, the speed is too fast, and it is completely impossible to see how it moves.


Sakura's right calf, right foot, was crushed and fractured.

Hinata was sent flying by the reaction force, and stopped after knocking down more than a dozen trees.

As the person who was attacked, Naruto felt the long-lost pain, tears welled up in his eyes, and he almost cried. He hadn't felt such pain in a long time, and he missed it so much.

"Naruto! Are you alright?" Sakura endured the pain in her right leg and foot, leaning on her left foot alone, and hurried over.

Naruto quickly supported her and passed the Nine-Tails Chakra over.

For that kick just now, Sakura had used up her sage chakra, Nine Tails chakra.

With Nine-Tails Chakra, Sakura's injuries and physical exertion are treated and restored.

Hinata flew back, she was fine, she just consumed some chakra.

Seeing that both girls are fine, Naruto felt relieved, looked at his twisted and broken left arm, fearing that it would recover by itself, he hurriedly called Sasuke.

Sasuke came over, stopped talking nonsense, and immediately used Izanagi.

A miraculous scene happened.

Naruto's broken left arm presents an illusory scene, which is very similar to the process of Ino, Sakura, and Sakura's spiritual bodies changing from virtual to real, and from real to virtual.

In less than five seconds, Naruto's left arm returned to normal.

"It consumes a lot. If you want to restore your whole body to a complete state, I'm afraid I need to consume all the pupil power." Sasuke said.

"That's it, it still feels a little bit reluctant. If your resistance to this technique increases, then I can only reduce the output frequency and use Izanaki on you while restoring your pupil power. That way, the time will undoubtedly be extended a lot." .”

That's it, that's fine.

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that he had been busy preparing for so long, but in the end he came out with three words, it would not work. The current situation already met his psychological expectations.

"How long does it take to recover to full capacity?" Naruto said, referring to the pupil power.

Sasuke was silent for a while: "Probably, by tomorrow morning."

Ten hours?Naruto understands.

"Then, go to bed early, I'll be counting on you tomorrow." Naruto said.

Sasuke nodded, turned and entered his sand house.

Xianglin glanced at Naruto, and followed in silently.

She couldn't figure out why Sasuke doted on Naruto so much?

Obviously, in her opinion, Naruto is using Sasuke in various ways.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With painstaking efforts to use the earth escape, to fill up the big hole on the ground that was caused by Sakura and Hinata's all-out attacks.

Ino wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and walked into the sand house: "Aren't you going to practice tonight?"

Xiao Ying, who was looking at the calendar and counting the days, heard the words and turned her head to look over: "Combine work and rest, don't take me as a cultivator who likes to practice."

Ino muttered indistinctly.

If Sakura and Hinata don't leave, she won't be able to dominate Naruto by herself, which is a pity.

"What are you doing?" Ino asked curiously.

"October has already entered." Sakura said: "Today is October [-]st, October [-]th, it is Naruto's birthday, and at the same time, it is also the death day of father and mother."

Ino was silent.

Not far away, Hinata, who was arranging her clothes, couldn't help but pause.

"I don't know what to do. Should it be more festive or sad? It's too festive or too sad. It's really embarrassing." Sakura frowned.

She always kept Naruto's birthday in mind.

Last year, on Naruto's birthday, she confirmed her heart and gave Naruto a birthday present.

A pair of ninja gloves that aren't too versatile or comfortable to wear, just cute.

That time, I left after delivering the presents.

Now, one year has passed, and the relationship between them is not what it used to be. Sakura wants to celebrate Naruto's birthday properly, including every year after that, but

Naruto's situation is very special.

Naruto's birthday is on the same day as his parents' death day.

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