"I've thought about this too. If there's a way, we can pay homage to our parents in the morning, and celebrate Naruto's birthday in the afternoon, until night, how about it?" Ino said.

"That's the only way to go." Sakura nodded, and after waiting for a while, suddenly asked Hinata what she thought.

Hinata was taken aback, but she didn't expect that Sakura would take the initiative to talk to her. After thinking about it, she whispered, "Mother is inside Naruto's body, sealing the space, and being able to see outside. Isn't it a bit strange to celebrate the death day?"

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked thoughtfully.

"If I were a mother, I would want to see Naruto happy, sad or something, no." Hinata said.

The three girls got together and discussed with each other.

Seeing Sakura sitting down, Xiao Huahuo immediately got tired of it and threw herself into her arms.

For her, Sakura was helpless, she couldn't expose her, she couldn't break Hanabi's dream, she could only treat her like this, treating Hanabi as a sister.

The discussion continued until Naruto came back from taking a shower in the portable toilet and announced the end.

The topic of chat changed from birthday to Ice Sand City, and then to the manor.

At half past nine, Naruto urged Sakura to take a bath, and said that to save time, he would take Ino and Hanabi with him.

In the past, it was impossible for Hanabi to reject Sakura, and she didn't want to be with Sakura, now

Because of the familiarity in the dream, Hanabi regards Sakura as the same existence as Naruto's brother, worships, longs for, and admires, just like a little fan girl.

Hanabi is very happy to be with Sakura.

Sakura stared at Naruto, trying to drive them away, what is she going to do to Hinata?

"I'm not in a hurry, let Hinata bring the fireworks, and Ino washes first." Sakura said.

"Ahem, I feel sick to my stomach, Sakura, Hinata, it would be better for you two to take Hanabi with you." Ino said.

Naruto covered his face.

He just wanted to know what the three girls talked about just now, and he always felt that they were deliberately hiding it from him. Who would have thought that the situation would become like this again,

"Let's talk about it after you've finished washing."

Hearing what Naruto said, Sakura was not very relieved, she knew Naruto too well, and at the same time knew Ino and Hinata as rivals in love very well.

Like her, the two girls are obedient to Naruto, very obedient, once Naruto asks, they will sweet talk a few words, and they will not keep any secrets.

If you want to give Naruto a surprise on his birthday, if you know it in advance and have mental preparations, is the surprise still a surprise?

To prevent someone from keeping secrets to please Naruto, Sakura wants

Watching Sakura holding Ino and Hinata one by one, greeting Hanabi, leaving the sand house, and going into the portable toilet, Naruto knew that his idea had come to nothing.

Alone, whether it's Hinata, Ino, or Sakura, he is confident and sure that he can pry out the secret.

Now, the three women are staring at each other, forming an unbreakable triangle.

"What are you talking about without telling me?" Naruto thought to himself.

Thinking that it's his girlfriend anyway, it doesn't matter if you take a look, he rummaged through and found the crystal ball that had been kept undiscovered until now.

It's also possible that they discovered it, but Naruto would naturally not admit it if the three women didn't say anything.

Ready to open, suddenly remembered something, Naruto asked the nine lamas to isolate the sealed space from the outside world.

Tailed beasts and humans have different aesthetics and races. It doesn't matter if they are seen by tailed beasts. I'm afraid it will cause misunderstanding if my mother sees it.

After confirming that the sealed space is sealed and the outside cannot be seen from the inside, Naruto can activate the crystal ball with confidence.

In the picture, there is a narrow small space, Sakura, Hinata, Ino, looking at each other, with a shorter Hanabi in the middle.

Feeling vaguely that there was a spirit approaching, Naruto lay down on the bed, covered himself and the crystal ball with the quilt, held a book written by himself in his right hand, and looked at it pretendingly.

Li Ying took a look, found no problem, and returned.

"We have to agree, no one can say anything about this matter." Sakura said, "Even if Naruto says nice things to coax us, he can't say anything."

"As for it? It's just a birthday, don't tell us not to talk about it, you just turn around and tell Naruto." Ino said.

"I wouldn't do that kind of thing!" Sakura said immediately.

"Who knows." Ino made a face.

Really, it's sisters anyway, don't tear me down all the time, Sakura glared at Ino.

"Is it my birthday?" Naruto went to check the calendar, sure enough, it was almost his birthday before he knew it.

Birthday, keep it a secret. After talking about it, everyone started to take a bath.

The space of this mobile toilet is not large, only more than ten square meters. Not far away is the toilet, and directly opposite is the shower.

Being entangled by Hanabi, Sakura put her hair up, let Hanabi sit on the stool, and she squatted behind, washing Hanahu's hair and rubbing her back.

When Hanabi was finished and was about to wash himself, Ino sat on the small stool that Hanabi was sitting on just now: "I'm sorry for your trouble."

"Ino, why don't you?" Sakura wondered.

Ino didn't say anything, just waited quietly.

Without keeping her waiting, Sakura's hand picked up the water and poured it on her hair.

Ino closed his eyes comfortably.

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