"Don't think about me, my physique is completely inhuman right now, even if there is any consumption, it's the same to me, it's a trivial matter." Naruto said.


Naruto sat on the roof of the sand house, looking at the scene below the mountain.

Fireworks after waking up.

When meeting Sasuke and Kaorin for the first time, everyone was surprised and surprised.

Including Konoha Maru and others who took the shadow clone to take the morning exercise, they explained it with the blood succession boundary.

At this time, one thing that made Naruto difficult was that he wanted to test the function of the high-level life body, but he couldn't do it because he couldn't hurt himself.

If you want to verify the effect of blood recovery, you have to be injured first. If you are not injured, where should you get blood back?

Sakura, Hinata's attack has already been tried, but it doesn't work.

The day before yesterday, he was able to break the strength of his left arm, but now he doesn't even feel the pain, so is it necessary to open the door to death again?

Looking at the system value, the body value has once again entered the cap, the bottleneck, no matter how strong the physical damage is, there will be no more gains.

It's also a test, Naruto wants to use ninjutsu, which can not only increase the ninja value, but also test it, killing two birds with one stone.

A month ago, there was a boring shadow avatar, who took the time to ponder, ponder, study the new usage of Helix Pill, and got a little clue.

Now, according to this clue, it is really completed.

before that...

seal space.

Naruto's consciousness appeared here, and as far as he could see, half of the nine-tailed beasts, half of the one-tailed beasts, and the other tailed beasts were all parts.

"You Lu, Sun Wukong, King Mu, Rhino, I need your chakras to develop a new ninjutsu." Naruto said.

"Yes, like Shouhe, divide it into half, and it won't be life-threatening." Erwei said again.

Although its relationship with the two Yumu people is not as good as that of Naruto, they are still rare friends, and they don't want Yumu people to die.

"It's okay for me to come all over," said Monkey King with Four Tails.

This is for fear that Renzhuli will not die.

King Mu with five tails and rhinoceros with six tails appeared one after another.

"Thank you, besides, half of it is fine, not all of it." Naruto smiled.

Half of it means that the tailed beasts can independently refine and restore chakra, and there will be no dilemma of running out, and he can use it with confidence.

"Next, we have to go find the Renjurikis again."

Naruto jumped down from the roof of the sand house, and told Ino, who was eating and drinking in the house and accumulating fat, to get ready.

It's not special, or necessary. Naruto is willing to take his girlfriend with him wherever he goes. Everyone is very good, so there is no need to talk about it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The country of thunder.

a certain town.

On the roof of a hotel, a wooden doll appeared here. With the teleportation technique, ordinary people couldn't see how she moved.

And at the next moment, in front of no one, four people appeared out of thin air, three little girls, and a young man.

His eyes swept over the four people, and finally settled on the young man.

"Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?" Yumu Ren said, his tone uncertain.

Isn't Nine Tails Jinchuriki a child?What's going on, is it a transformation technique?

"Well, I am." Naruto admitted.

"I've already heard what Erwei said, sorry, but I can't agree." Yuki said.

Who can accept losing half of his strength for no reason?

Of course, Yumuren knew that agreeing or disagreeing was the same, and could not change the result. The reason why she said this was that she hoped to gain some benefits that would benefit the village, such as

"Your blood, part of your body tissue, the sealing technique of the Uzumaki Clan." Yuki Ren said: "If you can give me all of it, that's the best, part of it is also fine."

Why Yukito has the confidence to talk about this is because Erwei told her that Naruto wants to establish as many bonds as possible.

The fetters are not obtained for nothing, it is not just a few words, let's be friends, that's all.

For strangers, two parties who have nothing to do with each other, if you want to have a bond, you must first have an interest relationship, which can benefit each other.

What are the benefits of being friends with you? Don't talk about money hurting our relationship. I don't have any relationship with you yet. Of course, it starts with money.

Yumuren doesn't mind becoming friends with the ninjas of the enemy village, as long as he can bring benefits to the village through this.

"Blood, body tissue, these two are difficult, impossible, sealing technique." Naruto said, took out the notes on sealing technique that he studied in his spare time from the ninja bag, and threw it to Yukito.

"There are some inside, the most authentic vortex sealing technique."

The wooden man glanced at it twice, muttering in his heart, this word is really ugly.

The investigation information is not wrong, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki's level of transformation is not high.

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