As the saying goes, you can know people by reading characters, and it is difficult for Yumuren to associate this word with Naruto in front of him.

Take a look at it casually, and the wooden man will close it.

She didn't care about the sealing technique, she just wanted to confirm that what Erwei said was true.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, now that we have the answer, it's up to the wooden heart to have a plan.

"I have seen your sincerity, come on, Erwei's Chakra, take it." Yuki Ren said.

Naruto stepped forward and put his hand on Yumu's shoulder. Immediately, a large amount of chakra overflowed, and it was Erwei who was actively going out.

The Tailed Beast and Jinchuriki have the same body and the same life, and if something happens to one of them, it will be a big injury and a blow to the other.

The Tailed Beast Chakra is separated from the body, and the pain is self-evident.

Controlling the amount in half, Erwei cut off the chakra connection, half of it was left here by the wooden man, and the half was drilled into Naruto's body.

After losing so much chakra, the wooden man was sweating profusely, his legs were so weak that he could barely stand.

"Contact me if there is something to do." The situation was more serious than expected. You Muren lost the interest in talking. Now she just wants to lie on the bed, sleep until she wakes up naturally, and eat a big meal before going to bed.

Erwei's consciousness can be switched to Naruto, if you want to contact, you can do it at any time, not in a hurry.

Watching the wooden man leave, Naruto shook his head.

Fetters, utilitarianism is not enough, the mind of the wooden man is not pure, and the wooden man is an adult, the three views have been formed, far less pure than children.

Hearing Erwei describe Yumuren's plan, Naruto can only express regret. With this kind of mentality, it is difficult to establish a bond.

However, there may be exceptions. Occasionally send a shadow avatar to contact and have a look.

"Next." Naruto said.

Sakura clasped her hands together, took Naruto, Ino, and Hinata with them, and disappeared out of thin air.

The relationship between Erwei and Yumuren is good, and they can be used in this way, but the four tails and Lao Zi are far from so good, so the method needs to be changed.

As soon as he appeared, the moment he saw Lao Zi, Ino immediately raised his bangs, stared at the Sharingan on the left, and the three hook jades slowly turned, successfully using illusion to control him.

Renzhuli is not afraid of illusions, which means that Renzhuli has a good relationship with the tailed beast, and if the relationship is not good, the tailed beast will not bother to talk to you.

Half of the agreement, Siwei moved out at least [-]%.

Seeing that Lao Zi's face was pale and his body was shaking like chaff, Naruto asked Siwei to go back a little, but Siwei didn't make a sound, clearly unwilling.

There is no way, Naruto can only use Nine-Tails Chakra to restore Lao Zi's physical strength, the effect is not great, and it is better than nothing.

After that, the five tails and six tails were also obtained smoothly.

Five tails and six tails have a good temper, and their relationship with Inchuriki is not too bad, so everyone can talk about it.

Both Han and Yu Gao were rebellious, and when they parted, Naruto extended an invitation to them. They had nowhere to go, so they could be guests in the Land of Snow, and he would entertain them well.

As for fetters, one is counted as one, if it is not to be pulled down, if it is one, then it is to earn.

Snow country.

Naruto, who came back here, split out more than [-] shadow clones at a time, and asked the shadow clones to get the new spiral pill.

Seeing that Naruto was fine and was practicing, Sakura and Hinata left to carry out their own training.

Ino doesn't need to exercise, she just eats, accumulates fat, and then transports the fat to the place where she wants to gain weight, and throws the rest into the yin seal.

Fried food, sweet food, all kinds of jerky, these are the most fat-increasing, Ino is very happy to eat, not tired and can become stronger, very happy.

Wearing over-the-knee cotton socks, squatting on Naruto's back, ups and downs with Naruto's ups and downs, don't forget to feed Naruto two snacks.

"Naruto, does your age change affect your body and strength?" Ino asked.

"Yes." Naruto said: "My current physical strength is much stronger than when I was twelve years old. In other aspects, it has been strengthened in all directions. Why do you ask?"

"That." Ino thought about it, organized his words, and said slowly: "It's also running ten kilometers. If you run now, it will be somewhat different from when you were twelve years old."

Naruto nodded.

"Then if it's a younger child, five or six years old, or even a baby, can you still run ten kilometers?"

Ino put down the snacks and gestured.

"The stronger the strength, the lower the effect of exercise. If you become the weakest period, if you exercise, can you strengthen and strengthen your foundation, and when you grow older, this exercise result will not disappear, will it? Is this possible?"

Naruto was stunned, thinking carefully about the method proposed by Ino, he couldn't help but wonder, can it work?

If it works, it has to be said, it is a major discovery.

With his current level, even if it is a lot of exercise, it may not be able to improve much.

On the other hand, when you become a baby, your stamina, strength, and everything, except for your defense, will be greatly slashed, and you can get twice the result with half the effort if you exercise them.

This method has a prerequisite.

The exercise gains in infancy are real and belong to him personally, and will not disappear with age.

If this cannot be achieved, nothing else can be discussed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ino's new idea provided great inspiration to Naruto, and he couldn't wait to start trying.

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