Naruto was also stunned at the beginning, but soon he discovered that his body was healing itself, and the speed was not slow.

Six-star spiral pill, the maximum power has been spent, and the remaining aftermath, various burning, corrosion, and damage caused, have not yet recovered as much blood as self-healing.

The subsequent injury is tantamount to helping Naruto heal.

If it weren't for Naruto's quick reaction to extinguish the last flame on his body in time, he almost recovered completely and failed to escape the brain collapse.

"So, what am I afraid of?" Naruto thought to himself, thinking about this question.

Defensive power, anti-injury, blood recovery after being beaten, with this configuration, what are his weaknesses, and how can he be targeted?

This question has been distracted and meditated all night.

"Defensive power allows me to ignore most of the attacks, counter-injury, and can counter the enemy to the greatest extent. The body of life is a life that is weaker and stronger than Xiaoqiang." Naruto secretly said.

Looks perfect, nice, but not unstoppable.

Naruto regarded himself as an imaginary enemy, and thought of a way to deal with it.

Defense, anti-injury, life body, to be effective, there is a prerequisite, to be beaten, to be attacked.

If the enemy does not attack and has no external force, then these three abilities will be declared disintegrated and useless.

Use indestructible chains or other means to bind his hands and feet, and then use a cloth to block his mouth, which can prevent him from biting his own tongue, hammering himself, and gaining the external force to return blood.

Another way is to be exiled in a different space, to be exiled to a different space, without knowing the art of time and space, he can't do without, and can only wander in it alone.

"Death is impossible, and the means to make my life worse than death still exist." Naruto secretly said.

Life is worse than death, not necessarily torture, but also loneliness.

Throwing him in a desolate place, after a long time, his mind will become dead and numb.

However, he himself couldn't kill himself, and Naruto shuddered and shuddered when he encountered such a situation.

"I can think of it, and so can others."

Strong players have their own strong players, a mountain is higher than a mountain, you can't make it public, you have to hide your cards as much as possible.

Determined to be the enemy, cut the grass and roots, and show no mercy.

After thinking about a lot of things, Naruto sighed secretly.

Not in the plot, the ghost knows what level the aliens' real ceiling combat power is, unknown, it puts him under a lot of pressure.

Don't know when it's a head?

I don't know where the alien's hometown is, and I want to do something, but I can't start.

Suddenly, she felt the fire in her arms move, she kicked off the quilt, her feet stretched out, Naruto covered her skillfully, and tucked the corner of the quilt.

It's getting late, let's go to sleep, let go of many thoughts, Naruto closed his eyes, and opened them again not long after.

It will be his birthday in a few days. Although the age can be adjusted through the system, his birthday on October [-] will not change.

As soon as the birthday is over, my mother is about to leave.

There is no news from Konoha, Naruto thought in another way, from the standpoint of Tsunade and Jiraiya, and imagined it.

The two want him to remember Konoha's kindness more, and to put aside the previous suspicions. Of course, they want to try their best to impress him in some things.

What kind of things can be done?

Together with his parents, celebrate his birthday.

I think he is not short of money, and he is not short of strength. With Sakura, Hinata, and Ino, three such good girlfriends, there are only a handful of things that can impress him.

"If I'm right, probably, it will be these few days." Naruto thought.

Dad was released, and he spent his birthday with his mother, which is the time to leave and go to the pure land of the underworld.

seal space.

"Why don't you sleep, don't you know that staying up late is harmful to your health?" Jiu Xinnai said.

"My physique is different from others, it doesn't matter." Naruto said: "Mom, why don't you play mahjong anymore, are you tired?"

"Ha, how can it be boring, I like it very much, but, I can't keep my mind on playing." Kushina said, patted the empty seat beside her, and when Naruto went to sit down, she hugged Naruto .

It was so quiet for a while.

"Naruto, thank you."

Naruto didn't speak.

"Mom is really useless. The substitute messenger you want can't be achieved for you." Jiu Xinnai said: "It's your birthday soon, I don't know, and I don't have anything to give you at all." Gift, sorry."


"You like to fight that, right? There is not much time left, and I will fight with you."

Naruto looked at it intently, and his mother was talking about table tennis.

Kushina walked over first, picked up a racket and a ping pong ball, and tried to hit it twice.

Obviously it's the first time, and I'm not familiar with it. Fortunately, I was an elite Jonin before my death, and I have a strong learning ability, so I gradually found some feeling.

"Hurry up, let you see, I'm amazing." Jiu Xinnai said.

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