Naruto was silent, went to pick up the racket, and stood on the other side of the table tennis table.

Playing table tennis with mom?Truly a rare cherished memory.

"Come on! Watch the ball!" Kushina served the ball, and the ping pong ball flew straight to Naruto, slapping him on the face.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A few days passed without knowing it.

In addition to normal eating and sleeping, at other times, Naruto will mostly turn into a baby for exercise, or adjust to eighteen years old, and hit himself with six-star spiral pills to increase his tolerance value.

Consciousness is in the sealed space, playing table tennis and games with my mother.

With so many shadow clones, even if you don't deliberately inquire, you can understand that Xiaoxue is sick, and you know why, and Naruto didn't ask.

As expected, on October [-]th, on this day, Tsunade, who hadn't contacted him for a long time, sent a voice message through the little slug.

"Naruto, come back."

The family was having dinner, and upon receiving this sudden voice, Naruto paused, put down the bowl and chopsticks: "May I ask, what's the matter?"

"Fourth generation, your father was successfully pulled out of Shinigami's belly by Orochimaru, hurry up."

Hearing this, Sakura and the others couldn't sit still anymore, they all looked at Naruto together.

"Well, go back now?" Sakura asked.

Naruto nodded.

Immediately, the three girls put down their dishes and went to change their clothes.

Hinata was the quickest to change, because her clothes were relatively simple, conservative long-sleeved trousers, with no patterns.

After changing it, she hurriedly changed it to Huahuo who was playing with building blocks.

Konoha is not cold in the country of snow, so you don't need to wear too thick, just one piece, and at most another coat.

When I was ready, I returned to Konoha, and it was already twenty minutes later.


Orochimaru's laboratory.

Orochimaru, who has retrieved the soul of both hands, seems to be in a good mood, talking and laughing with Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Orochimaru's assistant, Dou, is sorting out the experimental data.

In addition to these four people, there is another person in the laboratory, with golden hair and a cloak with the words "Fourth Hokage" on the back.

In a flash, there are five more people in the laboratory, they are Naruto and Sakura.

Knowing from a young age that Naruto can change age, Tsunade, Jiraiya is also mentally prepared. Seeing the eighteen-year-old Naruto, he was surprised and at the same time remained calm.

Orochimaru is different, the first time I saw it without mental preparation, I was surprised, which is not a big deal.

"Naruto, this is the fourth generation, your father, he has seen Chakra, so he shouldn't forget it." Tsunade said, "Minato, can I introduce you?"

Minato shook his head and looked at Naruto: "Long time no see, do you even have a child? Why don't you bring your wife here, I remember it's called...Hinata Hinata?"

Chakra is amazing, even if the chakra disappears in the belly of the god of death, the memory of meeting Naruto can still be passed on to Minato.

Minato knew that Naruto had a girl who liked each other, Hinata Hinata, since it was Hinata, it was not surprising that she had supercilious eyes.

He has never seen Hinata before, but Minato thinks Hinata and Hanabi are Hinata's daughters in his impression.

Ino's hair is similar to that of Naruto, there is not much difference.

The only thing that Minato doesn't understand is why there is a pink hair. Could it be that this pink hair is someone else's child?


"Minato, they are Naruto's girlfriend and prospective fiancee. It has only been more than half a year since Naruto saw your chakra. Naruto did this because he can adjust the age." Jiraiya leaned into the ear of his disciple , whispered.


The atmosphere was very awkward, Minato was silent for a moment, and said with a dry smile, "Hi, hello."

"Hi Dad, I'm Haruno Sakura." Sakura said.

"Father, I'm Ino Yamanaka." Ino said.

"Hanabi, Hinata said to Hanabi." Hanabi said.

Minato suppressed the embarrassment, smiled and nodded in agreement, and finally, his eyes fell on Hinata: "You, are you Hinata? I heard Naruto talk about you."

That's right, it said one at that time, why did it suddenly appear four.

"Yes, me, Hinata Hinata, hello, Dad." Hinata said nervously and shyly.

She can't help overreacting to anyone who has anything to do with Naruto.

"It seems that you are doing well now." Minato said.

Naruto's spirit, state, and these girlfriends who love and be loved, don't need him to worry, care, Naruto's side, there are supporting companions and lovers who walk side by side.

"Well, I am very happy, every day." Naruto said.

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