Without forcing, I handed Naruto a tissue every day and asked him to wipe it himself.

"Sister, can you tell me your name? Of course, if there are some confidentiality regulations related to Anbu, then forget it." Tiantian said.

Through chatting, she knew a lot about Naruto, except for this name, and only knew that the code name was Lei.

"To you, there is nothing that cannot be said." Naruto said, "Rem, I, Rem."

Watching Naruto bend over and write two words on the snow with his fingers, I will remember them in my heart every day.

The determination of the sisterhood shortened the distance between the two parties, but Naruto refused to contact, which allowed the distance to maintain the most basic width.

It's just right, neither far nor near.

Regarding this, Tiantian didn't say anything on the surface, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

Out of sympathy and thanks for taking care of her, she volunteered to become Naruto's younger sister, but in the final analysis

We are just half of friends we met not long ago, one third of strangers, and one third of sisters.

If Naruto rushes forward very enthusiastically and is very intimate, he will be overwhelmed and unable to accept it every day, which is very good.

Although in terms of actions, they are not very close, but in the conversation, chatting, there are quite a lot of changes, almost to the point of talking about everything.

Naruto's positioning of himself is flattering, surprised, unexpected, nodding, flattering, exalting Tiantian, and then looking at Tiantian with the doting eyes he usually watches fireworks.

The caring eyes towards his sister made Tiantian feel very delicate. It doesn't seem bad to recognize such a sister.

For the next four days, the two went around, digging holes, blowing up mountains, or falling into ice caves. The process was not dangerous.

Over the past few days, I have been passively accepting care and love, accepting and acknowledging this new sister more and more every day.

The only thing that makes Tiantian feel helpless is that her sister's mental illness is very serious, and she doesn't want to touch her sister, even taking a bath separately.

Not to mention that we are already sisters, even if we are not sisters, we are all girls, so what does it matter if we take a bath?

"Sister, where do you think this ice cave leads to?" Tian Tian asked.

The ice cave that fell into the night before yesterday, along the exploration, excavation, and now, there is an ice cave that only one person can pass through.

"Go down and have a look." Naruto said, glanced at Tiantian, and jumped off first.

Looking at the size of the ice cave every day, I had to disarm the Chakra armor, go into battle lightly, and then jumped off.

Always in the fairy mode, Naruto sensed that there was a life reaction below, and he sounded a reminder to Tian Tian.

When it was less than two meters away from the bottom of the cave, he spread his hands and feet, propped up on the left and right sides, Chakra absorbed, and slid down another half meter, stopping firmly.

"Hey! Stop here? Wait! Ah!"

Tiantian's voice came from above.

Through perception, Naruto knew that if he kept still, he would spread his hands and feet, Tiantian who wanted to stop but couldn't stop, would sit on the back of his neck and shoulders.

How can such a thing be possible.

Naruto let go of his hand without hesitation, with the palm facing upwards, it was precisely on the sole of Tian Tian's feet, and he was fine through the shoes.

Because of Tiantian's falling force, Naruto slid down another half a meter.

After apologizing every day, he immediately took off the flashlight hanging around his neck and pointed it at the bottom.

Naruto shook his head and said it was okay, and then looked down.

The purpose of entry is water, and the water is very clear.

Naruto dipped his finger in a little bit to taste, it was sea water.

Say yes to Tiantian, let her stay here, and Naruto will jump in.

The physique is not invaded by cold and heat, and the sub-zero sea water is the same temperature as ordinary water for Naruto.

Every day is different, she can also feel the biting cold more than one meter away, and her body instinctively resists going inside.

In the water, Naruto dived about [-] meters before leaving this naturally formed ice cave and truly entering the boundless sea.

Borrowing the Chakra of Eight-Tails, he opened his mouth and spit out ink, so that the sea water in the ice cave was completely blackened, and the visibility was even lower.

After confirming that he couldn't see it every day, Naruto turned on the Nine Lamas mode, and his whole body was glowing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The lives that Naruto perceives are whales.

Naruto does not know exactly what kind of whale it is. There are many types of whales, and I am not particularly interested.

Besides, this is the ninja world.

Watching the whale with a body length of nearly [-] meters swim past, Naruto retracted his gaze and wandered, looking for something valuable and beneficial.

The value of whales is of course very high, but this kind of rare wild animals and marine life, Naruto has no intention of playing with them.

The three little whales approached Naruto and surrounded him with curiosity in their eyes and hearts.

In fairy mode, animals will naturally be favored and get close to them. Other adult whales don't think it's dangerous, so they just let it go.

Forced to play with the three small whales for a while, Naruto found a chance to leave, looked around, pondered, and continued to dive.

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