The water breathing learned from Sanwei allowed Naruto to absorb oxygen for survival from the water. As for the water pressure in the sea, he didn't feel it anyway.

Nine chakra tails appear behind the tailbone, mimicking a propeller, giving Naruto enough power to swim without him being distracted.

Soon, dived to the bottom of the sea.

According to Naruto's prediction, the seabed here is about [-] meters deep, and there is still no water pressure.

Naruto split out a large number of shadow clones and scattered them to see if he could find anything.

"Here, indeed, constitutes the condition of being inaccessible, no, no one can come at all." Naruto secretly said.

After a while, two shadow clones came back with something in their hands, and Naruto took it for a closer look.

It is crystal.

The core of the Chakra Armor.

This thing is a consumable, it is not permanently effective, and it has a service life.

Take Naruto's chakra armor as an example, due to frequent use, the crystal is much darker than it was at the beginning, and the cracks increase, giving people a feeling that it will be broken and broken at any time.

"This is?" Naruto rushed over after receiving the memory of the disappearance of the shadow clone, and picked up a horny object, feeling familiar.

This seems to be the horns on the heads of the three little whales I met just now?

One after another, the memories of the shadowy clones came back, Naruto swam back and forth, and found many such horny things.

In the middle of these items, occasionally one or two crystals are mixed.

With horny substance in one hand and crystal in the other, Naruto was thoughtful.

If the crystals were really evolved from the horns of those whales, which slowly transformed and evolved, then it would also be able to explain why the production of crystals is low, the place of production is uncertain, and there are no rules.

The big head of the crystal is on the bottom of the sea, and only a few of them are washed up on land by sea water.

After long years of changes, crustal movement, avalanches, landslides, earthquakes, gradually buried deep underground.

"Is that so?" Naruto wasn't sure, but looking around, he could see one or two crystals within a short distance, so he had to think so.

And look at those severely aged, obviously dead horny substances, the formation of crystals is not [-]%.

Such a consumable has harsh conditions for its formation, and its formation time is uncertain. If it is used recklessly, it will disappear from history in a short time.

While thinking about what is there and what is not, he started to collect it without slowing down.

Regardless of whether it will disappear or not, things are used and left unused. How is that different from the stones that can be seen everywhere on the roadside?

"Fifty-seven dollars all together, eh."

Naruto thought, make a set of Chakra armor for Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Hanabi.

I don't know if Sasuke wants it or not?Xianglin's combat power is not good enough, so make one for her.

Granny Tsunade is so kind to herself, and she really did her best when it comes to her parents' affairs, and she did her best for Granny Tsunade.

Jiraiya-sensei, Kakashi-sensei.

Count the people around you in turn, divide the crystals according to their heads, and finally there are five left.

Unfolding the Tailed Beast Transformation, the surrounding sea water was pushed away, and Naruto, who was inside the Nine Tails, contacted Sakura through the shadow clone and asked her to come over.

Without keeping Naruto waiting, Sakura looked for the mark, and a Flying Thunder God appeared directly in front of her.

"Uh, Naruto?" Sakura asked strangely.

How much does Naruto know about beautiful girls, and why the girls become more beautiful, good-looking, and cute than the other.

Moreover, Naruto is very feminine and has high femininity, which makes Sakura feel weird.

"Who else is it if it's not me? Here you go, take these crystals back." Naruto handed the collected crystals to Sakura, explaining who he wanted to make them for, and asked Sakura to send them to Grandma Tsunade.

"Who are those five?" Sakura looked at the five crystals left in Naruto's hand and wondered.

"For Tiantian, after all, she was able to find this place, and it is inseparable from her. I will rely on her more in the future, so I can't treat you badly, can I?" Naruto said.

Sakura nodded and said nothing.

Before leaving, she wanted to slap Naruto a few times, but the appearance of this beautiful blue-haired girl made her unable to speak.

Ask Naruto to cancel the transformation technique, and after six pokes, he leaves with Flying Thunder God.

Naruto turned into a blue-haired beautiful girl again, undoes the tail beast transformation, and rushes upwards with all his strength.

Time went back to more than twenty minutes ago.

It's been a while since Naruto came back, and not long after Naruto went down, the water was filled with ink, it was pitch black, and I was in this mood every day.

I wanted to go down and have a look, but I was afraid that if I was too busy to help, it would add chaos and not help.

After waiting for another ten minutes or so, Tiantian didn't hesitate any longer, left the backpack behind, nailed it to the ice wall with a kunai, and put in other things that couldn't touch the water.

She activated the Nine-Tails Chakra transmission by herself, and plunged into the dark, icy water full of ink.

The visibility in the sea is very low, and there is no sunlight here. Every day, I use a waterproof flashlight and dive carefully.

After being closed for almost two minutes, I returned to the surface to take a breath.

Several times and three times, Naruto was nowhere to be seen, and he was anxious every day.

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