Where is this going? There are no other ventilation points around. Where can I go?

The light of the flashlight shines on the small whales not far away, and their throats are throbbing every day. Could it be that they were eaten?

Suddenly, the soles of the feet were touched by something, and every day was aroused, and the conditioned reflex was to swim upstream.

Sensing something chasing after her, she was so frightened that she almost fainted, and swam wildly even more desperately.

When people are frightened, their thinking cannot develop normally and they cannot think about problems.

Maybe in retrospect, I could have handled it better if I was calmer at the time, but in the bureau, I often couldn't help myself, let alone my heart.

Go through the ice cave, get out of the water, take the backpack every day, take out the kunai, and wrap a stack of about a dozen detonating symbols on it.

While climbing up, look down at the same time to determine what is chasing her, and then decide how to fight back.

"Huh? Sister!" Tiantian was astonished.

Naruto panted heavily, and slowly climbed up the ice cave with a look of collapse, leaving the water.

"Don't talk yet, go up, go outside." Naruto trembled.

Seeing Naruto's hair and clothes covered in water, thinking of how low the temperature in the water is, there is no nonsense every day.

Controlling the Nine-Tails Chakra on his body, he stretched out two small Chakra hands, grabbed Naruto's arm, and followed her to climb up with all his strength.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Out of the ice cave, out of the ice cave.

Reached outside and found a sheltered lee.

Every day, she channeled the electric heating tub and the small generator she had stored in from the scroll, poured water into it, and clicked the switch.

After the water temperature gradually rises, Naruto sits in without saying anything every day, leaving only his head outside.

"Sister, why not use the Nine-Tails Chakra transmission? With that, at least the clothes won't get wet." Tian Tian said.

"I didn't do it." Naruto said.

"Huh? Why? It's so easy to use, powerful Chakra, don't tell me, sister, you have no money?" Tiantian was puzzled.

"I have the money, and I don't lack it." Naruto said, "I just don't want to use it, even if it's very good and powerful."

Now Tiantian is even more confused, what kind of mentality is it to leave good things unused?

"Do you know? The reason why I am an orphan is because Kyuubi, father, and mother all died under Kyuubi's hands." Naruto said: "How can you let me use Kyuubi's power?"

This is true, Minato and Kushina were indeed strung on a nail by Kyuubi.

Silence every day.

She has inquired about Naruto, and it has been rumored that he is a demon fox, a monster. It sounds scary, but if you actually get in touch with him, you will find that he is not bad, a guy who is easy to get along with.

Except for being fickle and a bit of a scumbag, everything else is fine.

"From now on, try to use less in front of my sister, mentioning Naruto, Nine-Tails, and Nine-Tails Chakra as well." Tian Tian secretly thought.

"Heh, I've shown this irresolvable contradiction now, and the stronger the sisterhood will be in the future, it will be even more impossible for me to get close to me every day because of my sister, perfect." Naruto thought to himself.

What happened to Xiaoxue was a wake-up call, reminding him to be careful when approaching and interacting with other girls.

To prevent Tiantian from liking him if he might have brain twitches, it is absolutely right to keep discrediting himself.

Tidy up the clothes and pants that my sister shed every day.


Something falls from the pocket.

Tian Tian subconsciously looked at it and was stunned.

Crystal, not just one crystal, but one, two, three, four, a total of five.

"Sister, sister, what is this?" Tian Tian's voice was trembling.

"Well, good luck, I met a sea turtle and found it from its back." Naruto said.

"..."day by day.

"Turtle? Found on the back?"

"Well, it's very simple, just go down and look around and you'll find out."

I was speechless every day, but I didn't ask any more.

My sister made it clear that she didn't intend to tell her the dangers and difficulties involved, so what if I asked?

In such cold sea water, without any protection, I dived for more than half an hour.

Thinking of my sister's shivering appearance when she just came out of the water, I can't say it every day, but I am still very moved.

Is this my sister?

There are hardships to eat by oneself, blessings and benefits, and always thinking about my sister.

"No, I'm just a stand-in, not my real sister." Tiantian suddenly recalled, and her mind calmed down somewhat.

The elder sister treated her so well because of the younger sister who had died a long time ago. What the elder sister looked at and thought about was actually that younger sister.

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