"Well, let's stay for another day or two, Sakura, and Hinata's family, who like Pinzhu very much, Boruto and the others, just leave like this, probably" Naruto thought for a while.

"That's three days. In the afternoon after three days, I will come to pick them up." Sasuke said, leaving Naruto with a faint smile, and then disappeared out of thin air.

I feel that after becoming an uncle, Sasuke has also become warmer, and he is no longer as cold as before.

Although Naruto, who has a good relationship with Sasuke, has always felt that Sasuke is very warm, but for other people, it is not the case.

"Sasuke has changed a lot. If it wasn't for his soul, I wouldn't dare to recognize him." Sakura, who was by her side the whole time, said.

At the beginning, in the ninja school, why did you shift your target and put your love and affection for Sasuke on Naruto?

The big reason is that Sasuke is very cold and shows a feeling of indifference to anyone and everything around him.

And it just so happened that the sunny, gentle and easy-going Naruto appeared in the field of vision.

As time went by, slowly, Sakura's heart moved away from Sasuke, and placed it with Naruto, and she loved it unswervingly.

If, in the ninja school, Sasuke can be as warm and reliable as when he was an uncle, Sakura will never change his mind.

"Oh, there is no what if." Sakura secretly smiled, a miss is a miss, and

Now that she likes Naruto, followed Naruto, and gave herself completely to Naruto, she doesn't regret it at all.

Hinata, who was on the other side of Naruto, didn't say anything.

She was unfamiliar with Sasuke from the beginning to the end, and couldn't tell the difference.

"Did you hear that? The last three days, I want to see you later, you have to wait until you are all grown up, when you give birth to them, cherish it now." Naruto said.

He took Sakura and Hinata's hands from left to right, and took them home.

"I always think that when and what to do, too early or too late, it's not appropriate." Sakura held Naruto's hand instead, clasping her fingers tightly.

"Right now, I don't have children in my heart, only you. When I grow up, maybe I will devote a little more attention to the children. At this moment, no, let Pinzhu go to accompany my parents, and I will accompany you."

"En." Hinata nodded yes.

Everything is about a process, a transition.

They are still in the stage of dating, they have not yet married, and suddenly a son pops up, at least judging from the current thinking of the two girls, they are not mentally prepared to be mothers.

That being said, since the son is here, can he just leave it alone?

Naruto went back to Haruno's house, Hyuga's house one after another, picked up Pinzhu, Boren, and took them out to play.

The city of ice and snow in the country of snow, the wind and sand in the country of wind, and the archipelago in the south, the most prestigious resort.

The ninja world is the world of ninjas, and this world is not only occupied by ninjas, the number of ordinary people is even greater.

With this crowd as the market, there are many types of entertainment projects built.

Circus, zoo, if you are lucky, you can also encounter activities, celebrations and festivals held in some places.

With Sakura around, he can go anywhere he wants with the Spiritualization Technique combined with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

It doesn't feel like a long time to play, and the agreed three days passed quickly.

Watching Sasuke take Boruto, Pinzhu, and disappeared in a strange space-time fluctuation, Naruto put down the hand waving to say goodbye.

Beside, not far away, are Hizuru, grandfather, and Sakura's parents.

Among those who came, there was Tsunade and Jiraiya.

The confidentiality work is done well, knowing that Sasuke, Boruto, and Pinzhu are people from the future, there are very few people.

"What a good boy, sensible and polite, huh?" Tsunade smiled.

She secretly asked the two children, and learned that Konoha was still fine, and that it was Kakashi who was serving as the Sixth Hokage.

For many days, the stone in her heart can be put down. Her hard work and painstaking efforts were not in vain. Naruto's opinions and grievances towards Konoha were calmed down, and she can sleep peacefully tonight.

"Well, they are all geniuses." Ji Lai also answered with a smile.

He really didn't expect to see Naruto's son so early.

It's a pity that if Minato and Kushina were still there, they would be able to see these two outstanding grandsons.

Sending off the two children, Naruto was in Konoha, had nothing to do, greeted Hizuru, grandfather, and Sakura's parents, and was about to leave.

"Wait, this is for you." Tsunade said, taking out a sealed scroll from his sleeve.

Catching the scroll thrown by Tsunade, Naruto looked at her suspiciously: "This is, Chakra Armor?"

Tsunade didn't have a special gift for himself. Thinking about it carefully, this is the only one he has recently.

"Fifty-two crystals are enough to share your terrifying chakra, probably... Compared with the previous set of five-core armor, this time, it is undoubtedly stronger." Tsunade said: "Be careful, Sakura, Hinata, keep an eye on it too, don't be careless, you know?"

Naruto looked at the small scroll in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said to Tsunade: "Thank you."

Sakura clasped her hands together, took Naruto and Hinata with her, disappeared in an instant, and returned to her home in the Snow Country.

The first time I came back was to test the Chakra armor.

Open the scroll and take out the armor sealed in the scroll. It is still a suitcase-style structure. Dozens of crystals are distributed on the surface of the suitcase.

Naruto picked one at random and injected chakra into it.

The crystal activated by Chakra burst into brilliance, and accompanied by a clicking sound, the shape of the suitcase changed.

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