Starting with Naruto's hand, he climbed onto his body.

In the end, a set of steel battle suits fit perfectly on Naruto.

After the chakra is filtered by the crystal, it is amplified, and a chakra barrier is formed outside the body.

All-round defense is just one of the advantages of Chakra Armor. Another advantage is that it can enhance various ninjutsu and illusion.

Naruto does not know genjutsu, and there are a lot of ninjutsu based on spiral pills.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


A large jade spiral pill appeared on Naruto's right hand, and he was just using an ordinary spiral pill.

After the increase of the chakra armor, the ordinary spiral pill directly evolved into a big jade spiral pill.

Naruto increased the chakra output and used the Daiyu Spiral Pill.

The spiral pill on the right hand has been doubled in size and scale, and it is a super large jade spiral pill.

The same chakra consumption, the effect and power of using it are completely different.

"Good stuff." Naruto said: "Unfortunately, it has a service life."

Immortal Chakra, can bear it.

Nine-tailed chakra, the chakra of other tailed beasts, and this new set of chakra armor can all withstand it.

This also means that the strength of Naruto wearing this set of armor has been greatly improved.

The only regret is that the service life, after using to a certain limit, the crystal will be scrapped, without the crystal, the chakra armor will break by itself.

"It's good to have an improvement. You can't expect that there are truly perfect things in this world." Sakura said.

He reached out and took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag, and threw it out using strange force techniques.

In the sound of breaking through the air, Kunai hit the chakra barrier outside Naruto's body, and the reaction force caused Kunai to collapse into one piece after another, tiny fragments.

Sakura made a seal again, and a glove made of water appeared on her right hand, which is the water escape ninja technique, the powerful water wrist.

With a soft shout, Sakura rushed to Naruto, punched out, and hit the chakra barrier.

Haoshui's wrist was quickly peeled off, and Sakura's fist hit it, unable to break through this defense.

Withdraw halfway, and change to a light touch, and this time, Sakura's hand pressed on Naruto's shoulder.

From here, it was useless to exert force suddenly, the chakra barrier appeared again, pushing her hand away.

"The defense judgment of this armor is a bit confusing." Sakura said, and gently let go of Naruto's shoulder again.

This time without using Chakra, I simply used my body and the strength of my fingers to pinch five finger prints directly on the surface of the armor, without triggering the Chakra barrier.

Hinata leaned over curiously and poked lightly with her finger.

"It's not a very reliable feeling, you can't rely on it." Sakura said.

Naruto nodded, disconnected the Chakra connection, the Chakra armor was automatically released, and turned back into the original suitcase.

"I'm going to get some more ninja tools. Hinata doesn't need them. Naruto, what ninja tools do you want? Tell me and get them together," Sakura said.

Ninja?Naruto thought for a while, then shook his head and refused.

His body is the best armor, the best ninja tool, there is no need for that thing.

"You don't want anything." Sakura was speechless.

She asked Ino, and Ino also said no need, Sasuke and Kaoru both asked, and everyone said no.

"You can do whatever you want. Whether you make ninja tools for use by yourself or sell them to the village, it's up to you." Naruto said: "Anyway, for the time being, the family is not short of money, so do as you like."

Sakura stroked her chin, and began to think about what to do, a ninja tool suitable for her own use.

Knife, Sword, Hammer, Axe, Whip, Bolas, Mace.

Suddenly, the shoulder was poked, Sakura came back to her senses, Naruto was gone, only Hinata was left beside her.

"What's the matter?" Sakura wondered.

"Well, I asked Boruto." Hinata said coyly, "He said that Naruto actually married the four of us, but it seems that there are other women, but they haven't made it public, so we don't know who it is."

In an instant, everything about weapons and ninja tools was forgotten, and Sakura's eyes became serious.

He grabbed Hinata's hand and took her to the kitchen, where he personally made a large fruit salad and a few large rice balls.

"Tell me in detail."

Hinata took the spoon from Sakura, scooped up the fruit salad and ate it, while talking in a low voice.

"It shouldn't be, there are no other girls around Naruto, look, Naruto is a girl, a sister who contacts Tiantian, it's impossible to create a spark of love." Sakura said.

"Temari is Shikamaru's girlfriend. The two of them have a confirmed relationship. The only Koyuki daimyo who confesses his heart is also very close to me. There is no possibility or hope. Who do you think it will be?"

Hinata thought seriously, shaking her head not sure.

Sakura lay powerlessly on the bar counter, she didn't expect to watch so closely, Naruto himself was very self-conscious and didn't take the initiative to have contact with other girls, unexpectedly, there would be someone else.

However, she still doesn't know who that person is.

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