Gaara was silent, stroking his lower abdomen: "Did Naruto have expected this a long time ago, so did he purposely split up half of the tail before this?"

Hearing this, Kankuro suddenly came to a sudden surprise: "I see, this is possible. His real goal is Temari, and he also regards us as friends. If he really knew in advance that such a thing would happen, he would definitely find a way to save you. .”

So far, the two looked at Temari who was sitting by the window sill, looking sideways at the night scene outside the window in a daze.

"Temari, what do you think?" Kankuro said.

"I don't know." Temari replied.

This is indeed her mood at the moment.

I don't know how to face Naruto.

Kankuro was not there at the time, Gaara died, and she was the only one who saw the complete picture.

Naruto and Sakura used time-space ninjutsu to break into a different space. Sakura punched the masked man flying away, and Naruto went to save Gaara at the first time, as if he came here for this.

The half and one tail that were separated before, at this time, became an important factor in saving Gaara.

As for whether it is possible, this is a play written, directed and acted by Naruto himself, and Temari thinks it is not.

Because that masked man possesses Sharingan, as well as the Eye of Reincarnation, and possesses the legendary power of Konoha, Mu Dun.

These three kinds of power, Naruto himself does not have, where did the director come from.

Putting aside these messy issues, it turned out that she, and her two younger brothers, survived thanks to Naruto.

If there is no Naruto, she will die, Gaara is already dead, and the only Kankuro who is outside, I believe that masked man will not let it go, he will chase after him and kill him.

Thinking of this, Shouju sighed secretly, covering his heart with his right hand and his forehead with his left hand.

Does this count as a hero saving the beauty?she can't say it, but

"What to do? Me"

Temari really likes Naruto, she really likes her, but she really can't accept Naruto's fascination, let alone accept Naruto's mentality of treating her as a lover.

After thinking about it, there was no answer, and his mind was very confused. Temari left the window sill, lay down on the bed, covered the quilt, and said in a muffled voice, "Good night."

This is a large manor, and considering that Obito would turn back, Naruto invited the three siblings to stay here for a few days.

Gaara, Kankuro, of course they don't have any objection, after Temari hesitated for a while, he didn't make a sound.

On the other side, Naruto explained his plans and ideas to Sakura, Hinata, and Ino.

Sakura also explained that Naruto is a person who has traveled through the future and was reborn, and knows some things that will happen in the future.

Hinata and Ino, who heard about these contents for the first time, were stunned.

"Then, that is to say, originally, I was the one who was with you and married?" Hinata said blankly.

"When I just carried out the task of escorting Daimyo Koyuki, when I came to Snow Country by boat, that handsome guy with pale skin that you showed me will be my husband in the future?" Ino also had a dull expression.

Naruto nodded in acknowledgment.

Then, the two girls turned their heads together and looked at Sakura.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Sakura's forehead, and she moved towards Naruto's side without any trace.

"Sakura! Thank you!" Ino said gratefully, rushing up to hug Sakura.

She doesn't know her future self and why she chose that person, but she likes her current life very much.

Not for anything else, just to get Naruto and Sakura at the same time, this is the best life.

Thanks to Sakura for interfering, otherwise, she would definitely not be able to do this.

Hinata didn't say anything, but there was some resentment on her expression.

The culprit of everything is Sakura. If there is no interference from Sakura, Naruto will be hers alone. I hate it.

"Aha, ahahahaha." Xiao Ying laughed dryly, not knowing what to say, so she simply kept silent.

"So, do you understand? In order to face those stronger enemies in the future, I must obtain the Six Paths Immortal Art." Naruto said: "And for this, I need to attract the Six Paths Immortals."

The three girls nodded one after another. Naruto had already said it so clearly, so there was still something he didn't understand.

seal space.

I also heard what Naruto said, except for Four Tails, Sun Wukong, Three Tails, Isofu, and other tailed beasts, they all spoke out, hoping that Naruto could save Jinchuriki's life like he did to Gaara.

You don't have to pay too much, just save Jinjuriki's life.

To this, Naruto agreed wholeheartedly, but he just told everyone not to tell his own Jinzhu Riki.

Assuming that Raikage knows that someone wants to capture the tailed beast, how can he let him succeed? Perhaps Obito will still succeed in the end, but isn't this cumbersome process just a waste of time?

Two tails, five tails, six tails, and seven tails readily agreed, while eight tails also hesitated, agreeing not to tell Kirabi.

Naruto has already explained that he has confessed to this point and made it clear that he wants to obtain the Six Paths of Immortal Art. How can he stop it and hold him back? Anyway, Kirabi's life can be saved, which is enough.

The next day, morning.

Naruto woke up early as usual, dressed neatly, wearing everything he needed to carry weights, walked out of the gate, and greeted Sakura and Hinata who were already waiting there.

The three of them started running around the manor.

Sakura has dual personalities, which can be replaced by each other, so she can stay awake [-] hours a day.

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