Hinata couldn't do that, she divided it into two parts.

Sleep for three hours in the middle of the night, and another three hours at noon. In this way, you can get enough basic sleep for six hours a day, and at other times, you will be exercising and practicing.

There is also a shadow clone to do some chores.

Running, leapfrog, walking upside down, how to exercise, how to come.

"It's such a good relationship." Temari, who was peeking behind the curtain, thought to himself.

She stayed up all night, thinking about what to do in the future.

I can't pretend to be something in my heart, and whenever something happens, I will suffer from insomnia and cranky thoughts.

After these hours of thinking, thinking, and Temari she had an idea.

Thinking about it carefully, she actually doesn't know Naruto well, but she has had many confrontations with Naruto in terms of IQ.

Really talk face to face, understand each other's experiences, never had.

What kind of person is Naruto? The surface is glamorous, but what about the inside?

Naruto's day, how is it spent?

Temari wants to understand Naruto, and then make judgments based on what she has learned, and finally determine her choice.

Now she can't give an answer.

Both like Naruto, but also hate Naruto's flirtatiousness, and even more hate Naruto's attitude.

Therefore, she wants to get closer and closer to Naruto's life, so as to observe Naruto.

Eight in the morning, breakfast time.

Temari ate a quarter, and Naruto, who was almost finished eating, had to go ahead.

She put down the knife and fork, pinched her throat, and coughed dryly, pretending her throat was uncomfortable.

"Last night, I am very grateful. The lives of our three brothers and sisters were saved because of you. For this reason, I thought about it carefully. Considering that you are not short of money, it is meaningless to give money directly. I, Willing to stay and work in this manor as a maid."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Maid?" Naruto swallowed the food in his mouth and said in a daze.

Glancing at Kankuro, Gaara, the two of them were stunned, apparently unaware.

Is this Temari's temporary idea?

"Well, maid, because I really can't think of any other way to repay this life-saving kindness." Temari said: "Please don't refuse, refuse."

"It doesn't matter to me. We are friends, and we should help each other. There is no need to care about favors and repayments." Naruto said: "Isn't that very alien?"

"Because we are friends, we need to distinguish clearly. Otherwise, if we take unilateral benefits as a matter of course," Temari said, "the relationship between friends will change in quality."

Naruto had nothing to say.

"Well, do you just hand-jump yourself, or do you count your two younger brothers?" Ino said.

"Of course it counts." Temari said.

"..." Kankuro.

Gaara is speechless.

"You make up your mind." Seeing Naruto looking at him, Sakura's shadow clone said.

In the presence of outsiders, Naruto is the absolute head of the family, this principle, Sakura firmly in mind.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the three Teju siblings stayed behind, and there was no harm to her or the family.

Temari and Shikamaru are couples who have established a relationship.

Kankuro, Gaara is Naruto's good friend again.

It is beneficial and harmless to have these three more people in the family.

If this is not the case, Sakura has plenty of ways to stop all of this without damaging Naruto's face. Since it is harmless, then do whatever you want.

As for Hinata, she knew what kind of person Sakura was, and even Sakura agreed and didn't object, which meant there was no problem, and she nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Sakura, Hinata, and Ino had no objections, Naruto put down the empty plate and said, "Well, there is no definite time limit, you can end and leave whenever you want, and there is no mandatory requirement. For details, you can ask Sasuke, Kaorin."

Sasuke, who was standing not far behind Naruto, nodded coldly.

Xianglin smiled and said: "If you don't understand, you can come to me at any time, and I will teach you. Of course, if you break anything, you will have to pay for it."

Sasuke glanced at the three siblings slightly, predicting the approximate height, body shape, right hand behind his back, one-handed seal, disappeared in an instant, and went to buy new deacon uniforms and maid outfits.

The speed was very fast, after Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara had breakfast, Sasuke brought back clothes suitable for the three of them.

"There are three sets in total. Change and wash frequently. Be sure to keep your appearance clean, including ties, necklines, cuffs, trouser legs, and shoes."

Listening to Sasuke, who was walking in front, talking about the many rules in a flat tone, Kankuro had a big headache.

On the other end, Kaorin kindly introduced the family to Temari, what to do, where to go, and where not to go.

"Three meals in the morning, lunch and evening, including supper, don't worry about these, Sakura and Hinata, the two of them don't allow others to intervene, it seems that they are afraid that someone will put medicine in the food?" Xianglin said.

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